Lorain Dude – Election Lorain 2010

October 24, 2010 at 4:35 pm 3 comments

Word had it that Nag Nog was not going to vote! Now there is one thing that I have learned on my short time on this planet (all of my 18 months) is that the right to vote has been fought for for a long long time. I was not going to let Nag Nog let the side down!

Mummy and I got into the car- I, of course in my special seat and insisted Nag Nog come with us to this special place where you can vote before voting day and you can vote early

Although Nag Nog pleaded that she hadn’t studied all the issues and didn’t want to “vote for the lesser of two evils” – Mummy and I struck whilst the iron was hot and Nag Nog wasn’t in her pajamas for once!

I have to say I was a little disappointed that I was 16 /12 years TOO EARLY and had to stay in the car with Nana whilst Mummy and Nag Nog voted hmmmmmmmm

wonder what the lesser of two evils means anyway?

So , yes, in order to set a good example , I went and voted. Since I haven’t been too involved with the information pouring through my mail box (not that I pay too much attention to those anway- “the only thing you can’t spin is a suppository”),
For the first time I had NO clear idea of how I was going to vote.

I hadn’t done my homework. There were one or two races for which I had a preference and one or two issues but the rest- apart from not voting for anyone who was unopposed ( Stewart and Betleski etc) for example.

And if I really wasn’t sure which way to go – I didn’t – then it was a case of eenie/ meenie…. not a format I would endorse but best I could do ……..

So there you have it an uneducated voter voted”!

AND if my one vote is the tipping point either way don’t blame me – it was all the Lorain Dude’s fault 🙂

The Longfellow News Crew wrote a Bing grant for at least $50,000 or more to try for a new production studio and it has been accepted at the first level. Now we have moved to the second level to get ratings.

We need your help, please, to rate our need at our school. We have until Oct. 26th to improve our rating and the school with the highest ratings win. The students worked very hard to put together this grant and we really need the studio moved into the digital age of technology.
Please click on the link below to our grant or if you have problems click the link at the bottom on 7-9 grade level on page 3 project number 1883 Title of the grant Longfellow Needs a New Production Studio

In order to rate our school you will have to log in first.



Entry filed under: Lorain Dude, personal opinion, tongue in cheek. Tags: .

Blue Heron Rookery – safe! To sleep- perchance to – PTSD

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Mark  |  October 25, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    Whoa! Hold the horses! Nag Nog was NOT in her jammies? STOP the presses!!

    Just kidding. Glad to see you voted. And tell Gavin he’s written another fine piece.

  • 2. Loraine Ritchey  |  October 25, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    The last time I talked to Gavin- on the phone- telling him to be a good boy he hung up on me! Just as I have been hanging up on those people that call and call and call……. I told one you are lucky I am so sick of getting the calls for your candidate that if I hadn’t already voted anyway I would vote for their opposition!

  • 3. Grammy  |  October 25, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    Way to go, very glad you participated. It was the right example to set.

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