Archive for June, 2023

No Limits-Bk 2-Chapter 4- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source



Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Triggers and Premonition

I am finding it  extremely  difficult to  write today , although  writing about my  son and his journey  through  his life before he passed and now  after, the first week of June is crippling.

I  hate the first week  of June it is a trigger, the wedding that I  dreaded and the lead up to  how the Lombardi  family  crucified all kindness and played a game of utter selfishness as my  son lay  dying and died. IF THAT WEDDING HADN’T TAKEN PLACE OUR GOODBYES WOULD HAVE BEEN SO  DIFFERENT. 

Do  you believe in premonition? What is it anyway  :

Is premonition that little voice in your head, the half remembered dreams, pieces parts of which seemingly come to fruition years down the road? Or how about that gut feeling you have an instant dislike to someone you meet for the first time- a complete stranger no baggage that comes with them except maybe in the future.

I have had these things happening to me all my life – but they never come when I “need them to come”. It doesn’t happen to everyone of my kith or kin –

Why did I look in the eyes of my newly born son all those years ago and turn to my mother and say without thinking

“he has sad eyes- he will have a sad life”

and then dismiss it with

“why ever did I say that”

as post baby hormonal flare ups?

Is that why I spoiled him rotten- gave him everything he wanted – forgave him everything?

And since he was the only other one kith or kin that had “dreams” ( even as a toddler

“mummy that happened before – I dreamt it

– did he know that his life would be cut short somehow? All I know is that damned wedding to  Angela Lombardi  filled me with  dread from the very  first moment he sat on the steps  with  his sister facing his dad and I  .


“you  had better tell them Chris” 

Oh  no  I  thought Angela must be pregnant! No  he kept his head down talking to  the floor….

” Angela wants to  get married” 

Chris did not look the happiest I  had ever seen him….. something is wrong I  thought…

“What about YOU, do  you  want to  get married”

I guess so 

said the far from joyful groom to  be.

I looked at my  son  and thought to  myself well I  can’t see Sue Lombardi wanting this marriage it will be months. Angela had other ideas, she had the date set and the next week we were “bridal dress shopping.

The whole time leading up  to  this wedding my  heart was not in it. I had bad feelings, warnings from my  brain and emotional being.

This is not boding well, something is so  wrong, this wedding shouldn’t happen.

It would be akin to  arriving at an airport and knowing you  shouldn’t get on that plane, run every  fiber in my  body  was screaming, don’t let this wedding happen .

But that was nonsense wasn’t it , a young couple , a son I  loved with  all my  heart , I  wanted him to  be happy ..what was wrong with  me? Yes he had had the cancer diagnosis a few weeks before, but that was not it, somehow I  knew that wasn’t the reason for the dread.

Chris Ritchey- CIA

I knew when he was first diagnosed with  Hodgkins Lymphoma ( the curable cancer , the one you  want it you  have to  have cancer….what Doctor even says that?

Was it my dread of “Cancer” that didn’t want the diagnosis of the “curable cancer”….. that made me look away from the symptoms – not wanting to take that first step on a journey whose ending would cause such unbearable pain. Like the ostrich and the sand did I not want to face what I knew was coming at us sending us into a bottomless well of emotional agony .

Was it already knowing the script when the Doctors kept saying

” test show you are cancer free “

that I wanted to scream at them and his wife :

No!!!!! he isn’t there is something wrong

( three times that happened) and each time the diagnosis eventually came back NOT cancer free at all.

And why do we have these premonitions if we can’t change the outcome? Are they just another instinct we can’t fully utilize –

The White Coat of Dr. Death- by Chris Ritchey

I knew, as I  have written before from the dreams and flashes of de ja vu, something wicked was coming for my  son and this curable cancer was not going to  go  away.

I  saw him in death  surrounded by  the Lombardis, a picture in my  mind  I  tried to  shake  off time and time again  on that first day  that started the screaming

All it takes is a phone call to start you screaming

and yet as I  have also  written my  fears came to  pass

E. Munch- 1895

The Lombardis and their kin   were poison to  be dealt with,  their toxicity  at the worst time in Chris’ family’s lives and I  knew why  the premonition of fear  of that wedding had been so  strong.

December 11th- The beginning of the beginning

How do  you  know  what is real, did we just have a desperate need to  know Chris was ( or his energy) still there , somewhere?  In  those first  weeks of the new year, were we collectively  hallucinating, going mad in our grief , the three women in Chris Life, his sister, mother and grandmother desperately  looking for signs and yet not wanting to  appear ludicrous  to  each  other or to  others.  We kept quiet , except to talk a little to each  other, testing the waters so  to  speak to  see how what was happening  was really  happening to  all of us.  A ball suddenly  rolling across the room, a fragrance of aftershave.

I mentioned what I  thought might be happening to  a dear friend whose relative “could see” would it be alright to  have her come to  Nikkis . We just sat  talking about every  day  things, the relative  seemed perfectly  normal , I  didn’t get any  weird vibes, what were we supposed to  be doing, holding hands around a table , meditating ,no  we were just drinking tea and  eating cake. around the fire.

All of a sudden the fire flared and the log fell out, which was a little worrying considering  there was only  one log still  burning , but those things happen I  didn’t see any collation between  that and was we were waiting for.

It was then the “relative” said

“Loraine , Chris is standing behind you

artwork Chris Ritchey

I immediately  turned around, I  didn’t see or feel anything, but if he was there well I  was going to  talk to  him. You  would think  I  would have asked  ,

are you  alright, can you  give us a sign?please talk to us…….

No!  this mother with all the pent up  hurt and anger  rather angrily   stated:

Chris, how could you  have married that bitch, do  you  know what has happened , what are we supposed to  do? we are broken we can hardly  move with  the pain of losing you

You can imagine my  reaction was not what the  relative who  “could see”  and my  friend  were expecting . In fact the relative was more than a little annoyed,

you  can’t speak to  the spirits that way

Yes I  can , if Chris is truly  in this room he would expect no less from his mother ! and it is all true , we are going through  hell due to  his choice of a bride.

Everything was very  quiet and the party  broke up, my  mum laughed and said

well guess that wasn’t in the cards…couldn’t see that I guess

I felt very  guilty  and we decided no  more “could see” adventures. The just as we were getting ready  to  go  home from the  talking truck in the kitchen chimed in  ” C is for ….”

to  be continued

June 3, 2023 at 10:13 pm Leave a comment

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June 2023