Posts filed under ‘personal opinion’

NO LIMITS- bk 2- Chapter 5- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:



When I  first started writing about my  son and No Limits  in Book One of NO LIMITS I wrote in the forward ,

As I ponder the wisdom of writing the events of life as we know it and death as we believe it to be, I know there will be questions I cannot answer, events I cannot prove.

I am opening myself, my family and my son to a world of naysayers, negativity and ridicule. I will reach the walls with this book. I will push aside and through the walls my peers in this “community”  and others have erected for themselves and for me.

Ironically although  I have always written the truth whenever I have sat at this keyboard and its predecessors I probably   won’t be believed , explanations will abound, logic ( as we perceive things to happen)will come into play .

I have hesitated for months, even years, to tell the story from my self-imposed box. I have written millions of words on my personal blog in the 10 years since my son died. . I have written his story, I have opened myself and my innermost thoughts and feelings. I have told the tale of cruelty, searing pain and thoughts of suicide. I have exposed myself in ways not many would without fear. So then, why is it I hesitate to share all of our story, a story of continuing love, strength and astonishment?”

I know and knew writing  our experiences some would think  , she has lost it, going off the deep end… and maybe I  have in some respects  as “long term ” grief  and losing a son does change you . I  have said before in this journey that is seemingly  without end , I am no  longer the woman or person I  was. In fact none of the family  that truly  loved my  son is the same, you  just “aren’t” any  more.

GHOSTS… this week  I  have been reminded of the word “Ghosts and what we as a society  might believe ..or not… according to  Mirium Webster:

1: the seat of life or intelligence : SOUL

give up the ghost

2: a disembodied soul, especially: the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness
4: a faint shadowy trace
ghost of a smile5a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused especially by reflection
6: one who ghostwrites
7: a red blood cell that has lost its hemoglobin
I have tried, as have my  immediate family,  and on occasion friends  to  disprove or prove  the , for want of a better word, the communications received, looking always for the logical, scientific  , natural explanation as to  what  was and has and is happening to  those who  loved Chris . All the time not really  wanting to  find that logic or reason as the communications brought   bring so  much  comfort.
Even the mere fact of documenting them is and was scary  because  you  don’t want them to  stop  for some line you  may  have crossed in this world of the unknown.  I can’t disprove everything , it is my  journey  , I  am telling it with  all the truth  that I  have and what has been experienced and I  can only  state  great efforts have always been made in the ensuing years to  find that hope that love doesn’t  leave,   we are more than a mere  shell of blood cells and bone, matter , the energy  ( spirit, soul) or ghost of us is part of life.
This week I was brought back to  my  profound and intense  grief by the death  of a “Ghost”!  For 15 years I  had babied , nurtured and tried to  protect his last Mothers Day  present to  me from the dreaded “Angel of Death”  in the shape of a giant Blue Heron – the Ghost Koi Chris had put in the garden pond that Mother’s Day  15 years ago.
Oh! Chris ! why would you buy another Koi? you know they never survive the winter”
“I needed to get this one and it’s Mother’s Day so you have to accept it “
Last Sunday,  I  went as usual to  check on him  as I did two  or three times a day  only  to  find the moment I  dreaded, floating belly  up  before me . Everything came flooding back….I  was no  longer in 2023 , I was back in the days of death  and dying and I was floating belly  up…..  I  went into  another realm and darkness of of depths for  a few days and it takes  every  part of my  will power to  stop sliding back. The triggers that come suddenly  and with  force do  not respond the  “bandaids” of dealing  or the ways the mind and body  have of protecting oneself learned  through  the years. No!  this is a sucker punch  moment and the resulting pain emotional and physical overwhelms.
Whilst in this mind frame I read and article in the Daily  Mail , since “ghosts were on my  mind
DO  GHOSTS REALLY EXIST? 5 possible scientific explanations for paranormal activity REVEALED- from sleep paralysis to  exploding head syndrome Let us explore the explanations : 
Sleep Paralysis: According to  the article :

“While doctors are unsure how exactly this takes place, it is generally believed to occur when a person hits a stage of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) – during which you’re most likely to have vivid dreams.

Those who suffer from sleep paralysis will often feel awake but may experience sensations of being pushed down or may see hallucinations in their room.

I know that experience  all too well. Over the years I have found that my  brain has tried to  make sense of my  life , and not doing the best job of it.  I can attest when you  “wake” or at least part of you  wakes  your body  doesn’t move , I  likened it to be  as if I  was a beached whale  I couldn’t turn over move to  see what had brought me from the “REM” . It takes willpower to  really  wake…. and more of my  experience  further along in the story. But , yes there is such  a phenomenon  and I am fully  aware of how it works.

Exploding Head Syndrome . Yes that too. and No  it isn’t the idiots that are setting off  flash  grenades and M 100’s leading up to  the 4th  of July . But it is scary  and  there is a similar loud crack or bang coming from the inside of my  head. Deosnt’ happen often but I  have had it  and it too is scary:

Exploding head syndrome may sound like a made-up condition but it’s actually a very real and frightening sensory disorder.

According to Goldsmiths University, it is characterised by ‘the perception of a loud noise or sense of explosion in the head, usually when transitioning into or out of deep sleep’.

This could be anything from a literal explosion to a gunshot or even a scream.

Two years ago, a study found that 44.4 per cent of sufferers experienced significant fear during these episodes, with a small proportion believing it was caused by something supernatural. 

I have discounted Mould and Carbon Monoxide   as they  really  don’t pertain to  what I believe to  be happening. ( see article) . 
And then there is of course PAREIDOLIA..
“the perception of apparently significant patterns or recognizable images, especially faces, in random or accidental arrangements of shapes and lines:
“there could be a mysterious stone coffin on Mars, or, more likely, it’s just the latest example of pareidolia”
now I  can see that as a logical/ scientific theory.
So  I  have always since  my  journey  started given the benefit of the doubt to  science on this one  and explored  this further.  ( result  6 of one 1/2 a dozen of ” the other” 😉 

Dr Louise Goddard-Crawley also believes that ‘illusory correlation’ can contribute to this, being the tendency to perceive a relationship between two unrelated events or experiences.

She told MailOnline: ‘In the context of ghost sightings, someone may associate a particular event or occurrence (such as a strange sound or coincidence) with the presence of a ghost. This perceived correlation can reinforce the belief in seeing a ghost, even though the connection is not based on objective evidence.

‘It’s very common when individuals are grieving or have experienced significant loss, that they may be more susceptible to experiences that they interpret as communication or visitations from deceased loved ones.

July 3, 2023 at 2:27 pm 1 comment

Morning Journal – The Punishing Press- Pt.3 cont.

Part One :

Part Two :

Part Three:


Regugitating( in more ways than one) this week has woken up  this poor old brain.  I started out wanting to  show that this particular  local paper the Morning Journal had indeed used tactics in the past in order to retaliate and by  all accounts a journalist working for them today ( Kevin Martin)  had  seemingly no  compunction about going to  the “over the top” reaction when    reporting   one of Lorain’s “popular with the people”  councilwoman. Mary  Springowski.  You  see, my  belief, knowing  Mary –  had  Martin or his boss Tucker  contacted Mary  personally and requested  she take down their article from facebook  and refrain from sharing in depth  again – Mrs. Springowki  would have acquiesced.

That “would have been the smart move” in my  opinion but that is not what happened . Instead a ” I was reminded of the quote in Maxwell Anderson’s play  ” Mary  of Scotland”



“We must look to  it….. has a woman’s  face( and principles 😉 stirred such  a confluence of air and waters to  beat against the bastions….”


Other thoughts have also  been running amok as I go cross- eyed reading the files, news article and editorials and I am thinking my  hindsight is telling me  there was more going on in that period from 2004- 2007.

Whilst I and others,  were in middle of the waters swirling around us  and we were fighting for our very  homes , way  of life and yes opinions  we were  fighting on more than one front. I can’t believe all these “plans were not part of a bigger picture” but I  suppose now I  will never know for sure

Shawnee( John Cole, Foltin and secrecy- selling off of lakefront land to   the tribe.. being lambasted…. as greedy  gobblers saw visions of casino  chips dancing in their eyes. Why  did it take  a small group to  point out the folly  of  having a reservation on the lakefront and the problems that would occur. Did Foltin , Cole Prudoff etc really  believe that was going to  happen as they  spent our money? Thousands upon thousands for what ????? ( as seat at the table with  the big boys?? . We , and me mainly , certainly  incurred the wrath when speaking out, but you  see this was going to be “here” in our neighborhood, all the plans swirling around and the bandwagons rolling … COLE and Foltin were NOT happy  with  me !!!!

Blight –  Before we in this Lorain’s oldest  neighborhood  could even get a handle on the Shawnee  during those same weeks and months another plan quietly  slipped into  place .

The Administration paying yet MORE thousands upon thousands  to  go  through  the process of blighting the whole neighborhood on the lakefront  where a casino entranceway, bus parking you  name it would go  .( for private development) .. can you  say  land banking??? And once again we were thrust into  those swirling waters and coming up against  media, politics. We were being stretched very  thin. Land banking  was what it looked like to  me BUT FOR WHAT PURPOSE

From my  testimony  re Blight  maybe ( in hindsight) I  wasn’t too far from the mark.…”Eminent Lorain V

“Interestingly enough the land banking- that I believe is going on – happens to correspond to the entranceways to that same lake front property. Our City officials in planning, administration and that same newspaper editor making the decision the sell the 200 year old green space that was the birthplace of this community without informing the public or even our representatives on City Council. City council and myself were politely told to keep our place until the decision and plans were made for that park

Veterans Park ..AND THEN  at the other end of the neighborhood  “planned  Blight of a historic little park .. Oh the wheeling and dealing pitting “history  boneheads ” ( Coles words not mine ) against  developers, and the administration – Foltin , Cole and Prudoff .. The proposed senior citizens condos in the Park.. we had to  take on the Veterans who  at one point had received hundreds of thousands for improvement for that park..”WHO TURNED NEARLY $500,000 DOLLARS INTO A BOONDOGGLE, BAD NEWS AND DEAD PARK?

Oh! we were taking a beating by  Cole and Co. Letters sent to  Veterans groups and meeting berating the history  boneheads, ridicule and downright untruths and nastiness followed us who  tried to  save  a tangible and imho  important part of Lorain’s history  from the earliest times..
Lorain’s City Council shouldn’t be so quick to reject downtown condos (John Cole)

Published: Wednesday, February 22, 2006
But how can city leaders trumpet the need to save the park, when they have stood by and let it become such a vandalized dump? Lorain’s veterans barely use it anymore because it’s so seedy and because all the ceremonial action in Lorain these days is at Black River Landing.

You  see  the plans ( although NOT shared with  anyone in City  Council or even employees of Community  Development   came to  light  over a lunch… and I made some phone calls

You  can read the entire situation here  

Veterans MEMORIAL Park- Fini?

and  an except of a letter sent to  the city administration and in particular  Prudoff….  and there they  are  again




( if I  was a betting person I  would say  there was  some sort of collusion)  BUT that would only  be my  cynical  “OPINION” ( lawyers take NOTE!!!) 


….[Veard}  mention to two representatives of Charleston Village Executive Board on Jan 6th his “plan” as we were eating lunch in a very public place. There was no mention of the need for discretion, if anything the impression given was one of the plans for the park being a “done deal” and that all obstacles such as the Gilmore family restriction was and I quote “not a problem, I have been assured that isn’t an issue any more”.
I believe he was truly shocked when his plan did not meet with favor in our eyes. According to Mr. Veard, “you are the first ones that don’t like it” we were then informed, during that conversation, that other public officials, and non profits had been made aware of the plan to put condos in the “Veterans Park”, such as some members of the Lorain Port Authority, “ the veterans are on board”, the city, including Mayor Foltin and yourself (Sandy Prudoff), as well as the editor of the Morning Journal, John Cole.

At the same time Compass House was setting up  as an independent housing and bringing in 10 Registered Sex Offenders a night  .. and kicking them out into  the neighborhoods a so  many  days  –  worrying since the city  no  longer had a jail and the funding for the Shawnee bond was apparently  rolled over into  that bond which  went on ”

Jail–  Lorain City  Councilwoman Anne Molnar ( deceased) started to  look into the funding and where the money  had gone earmarked for a new Jail . Anne wrote to  Wom and we put up  the minutes of the meeting for her . Anne bless her “fighting for Lorain” heart  wrote to  WoM  at the time

Dear Loraine,
Thank you for posting the minutes of the police and fire committee meeting on WOM. You can sure work miracles on the computer, did a great job posting it on WOM. I believe when most people read them, they can easily see how the Mayor has twisted his words and lied .
There is a lot more to be told, that I found out later regarding the jail, and it is all to late now. Money wasted and spend, many lies told, and not all from the Mayor.[Foltin}  Anne

NOTE:  The minutes of that meeting and the unbelievable amount of money and spin here   Minutes of Feb 2003 No Jail

It seems you  couldn’t pick up  a paper without my  name being “used” . I  did seem to  be on some vicious treadmill… against the media and city  government.

Why? Yes I  was involved but a free press believes in free speech , at least I  always  thought so . Initially  I  was confused by  Coles’ comment in his editorials (problem is I  can no  longer link  to  them)  and then I  got angry.  I  started answering back.


The Shawnee  excitement came down to  earth  with  a bang when finally  City  Council  etc after receiving much  detailed information decided not to  renew the option for the land at Black  River .  I testified at length before members of city  council  and with  a plethora of documentation for the record. ( Was not well received by  the Foltin Administration)

Phot by Dan Brady

It was the selling of the little park that really  upset Cole and the Morning Journal – you  see  we along with  our sister organization of (Charleston Village Society) Black  River Historical Society  and Anne Molnar  and various residents  fought for that park to  remain a park.  We were gathering our arguments together when Frank  Sipkovsky, President of the then Black  River Historical Society  walked over to  City  Hall and put in each  councilpersons mail box a letter  detailing their concerns as to  what was going on with the park.   Councilman Dan Given  called for a vote  then and there  that evening to  settle this situation : and King Cole really  went off on them….

March 3rd, 2006:  Editorial by  John Cole in response to  Lorain City Council’s unanimous vote NOT to  sell the historic little Park…..

“You can’t make us believe that some council members didn’t cook up Monday’s vote in an illegal backroom meeting. That kind of government stinks as bad as those flooded basements. The state attorney general’s office should give these guys a wake-up call. Their vote could be invalid.

Every one of these zeros is up for re-election next year. Remember how they embarrassed you and your city with their rude and juvenile no-show act………

Lorain has too many short-sighted, long-winded politicians, cranks and blowhards and not enough people who can look past all that and push forward with positive accomplishments that can make Lorain strong and attractive again.”


To be continued …

April 16, 2020 at 12:56 pm 1 comment

Dec 3rd – TIME of our Life- Chris Ritchey

Artwork Chris Ritchey

Every  3rd of the month I write a tribute to you   my  son , I  have  written , apart from the other memories of your passing  over 120 posts. I write to  release the pain that builds, to  take the thoughts out of my  mind and put them on paper, or in this case on this blog. If I didn’t they  would consume me more than they  do  and I  would not get any  relief. The tears I  shed as I  write drop  onto the desk  and over these many  months the varnish  has all but gone  – a surface worn away  by  my  tears.

Other self by Chris Ritchey

How can that be possible? How have 10  years passed? How can that be?  You  see for most of my  nights and days I am back in time , to  a time where life and death  and selfishness have trapped me, and not only  me  your father is on this same journey. I dream of you  but you  always have cancer and I  am always searching for a cure or help, then I  wake  there is a moment of relief that it was just a dream and then I  realize  I  have woken to  my  nightmare, there was no  cure no  help… I  am in reality……………..

The diagnostic box- self- portrait Chris Ritchey

I am reminded of H.G. Wells and The Time Machine , I feel like the lead character sitting in that machine , only the lever is not controlled by  me but by  a profound grief, that is stronger than any  will of mine.   I  sit in place in my  own device  as I  watch the world around me go from the future to  the present.

photo -self -Chris Ritchey

Every now and then I leave the machine of grief and experience the world of the present, happiness comes , anger comes, passion – very  rarely, duty to  others is limited and they  are the ones I  hold most dear. That is why  although  it is now 10 years this December 3rd. since I last saw  your face, kissed your cheek,  held your hand and lost ME. No  longer Loraine, but a facsimile   who left this place when you  did . The unbearable is borne  tempered by  love of your family , sisters, nephews  brother in law and father. Deep breaths  and the conscious and sub-conscience  effort by  the brain to  hold back the excruciating  emotions that wrack the physical body.

Anger at those that through  hypocrisy  and selfishness ( Tim Sue Lombardi, Angela (Lombardi – Ritchey) and now Murphy – and their family  and church ( Father Daniel  Divas  whose wickedness ( in my  opinion)  perpetuated  and took whatever compassion with  them in their  act of callousness. not to  be forgiven- then or now  

Something wicked our way came

December 11th- The beginning of the beginning



but that same anger also  has kept me upright.


The 10th  anniversary marked by   the yearly  posts of December 3rd  and as the new year dawns once again to  finally  finish  the book- NO LIMITS.

Starting a new chapter both  literally  and figuratively  -not the regurgitating of posts- but of your life and presence in the present………..

The Touch- Chris Ritchey

Your words ring through  my  mind  and indeed is part of the forward in the book

“Nothing should be hidden or untouchable, if it is your truth and you stand behind it – no one should be able to silence you “

freedom of speech by Chris Ritchey

DEC. 4th- How Cold is Cold -Lombardi?

December 3rd- Chris Ritchey- “yesterday”

December 3rd- The Trilogy of Tears- Christopher Ritchey

December 3rd- Memorial- Chris Ritchey


December 3rd- There Is No Peace- Chris Ritchey

December 3rd- End of Days- Chris Ritchey

Dec 3rd- The Loop- Chris Ritchey

Dec 3rd- The waiting – Chris Ritchey

Dec 3rd- crumbling walls- Chris Ritchey

My  time here in this world  grows shorter as the days continue – I have to  finish this book and publish – as “truth  is definitely  the daughter of time” and time is running out…… I  love you  and miss you  every  moment of these days  and oh so long nights  no matter the  year I find myself existing……


December 2, 2019 at 11:01 pm Leave a comment

April 3rd- FORGOTTEN- Chris Ritchey

In the days and weeks I  have been in this latest medical situation I  managed to  watch a movie – Hunters Lodge– not a wonderful movie but entertaining enough  to  take my  mind off of things. However, the opening lines  resonated with me:

“They  say  you  die three times – once when your body  fails you – again when you  are buried ( funeral) and again when you  are forgotten”

Those were the lines that  set me watching the rest of the movie… I agree with them.   I believe   you  have died twice and in some cases  three times. There are those that  forgot and dismissed you  from memory  in the very beginning of our loss but there are those who  truly  love you  from whose memory  and life you  will not be forgotten.



Gavin, just a few months old when you  passed  and Braedyn  born 3 years later KNOW you,  talk of you  and “remember” not in the usual way of remembering a life  but who  you  are now! You  are still very  much  a part of their lives.

Very  few of my  family  left remember my  Grandmother  “Nanny  Bunyan” and her sons, my  mum’s mother , Nanny  Hines – such  a different person from my  Dad’s mother  not the exotic sophisticated wealthy  red- haired fashion conscious , jewel wearing and Channel  No  5   for her. Nanny  Hines  a nurse/ midwife  mother to  6 – 3 boys and 3 girls and all that entailed, no,  she was warm and loving and gentle .


Soon, those of us that still remember each  of them as they  were when they  were alive and part of our living memory  will also  have passed  and apart from the little bits of information  left in  my  mothers” ” MY BOOK” ( hopefully  passed down to  the younger family  members) we too will die our third death.

Cover Design Chris Ritchey

I  have tried to  hold (in the present )  the “man that time forgets” – you- by  keeping your life, your art, your thoughts and our love for you  alive on this blog- archived (hopefully  for  all time)   – and  with  my  own book, when it is completed

and our own  contributions to  the great – what happens after you  die  theories ……


Love doesn’t forget……. and neither do  we

April 3, 2019 at 10:31 am 4 comments

The Gatekeepers- Keeping us out!!!! Part One

They  come in all shapes sizes – they  populate the corners of the earth- the nameless , cubicle dwelling ,tickers of boxes. They  are supposed to  make life easier . They control our life and happiness, quietly  making decisions  as to  our finances, healthcare, bill paying,  pensions , entertainment , water,  fuel , travel ( airlines , ships, ferries  and trains) . Try to name one thing in our lives today that doesn’t go  through the faceless gatekeepers.

We trust them to  be there for us, especially  when the gatekeepers work for government agencies, federal, state, local or for the crown, or republics. You  see we  the people  are the employers of the gatekeepers. This is something  many  of them seems to  forget .

Due to   an  upsurge of people getting annoyed with  said gatekeepers – probably  because by  the time  we the consumer/ client  have already  had a stressful day with others of their kind- we are warned with  signs etc our annoyance won’t be tolerated  and we can be thrown off planes,

and in the case of  Condor– a ferry  service  in the UK

” The ferry company – beset by problems since it launched its new £50 million Condor Liberation vessel on the Jersey-UK route last May – is putting up posters to remind passengers that abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

And they say that some passengers have threatened to go to the media with their complaints if unreasonable demands aren’t met. Condor say that means they are now questioning whether much of the criticism they have faced is legitimate or not.

However it seems Condor is less than perfect in and of itself, which  may  explain customer’s irritation and irritable behavior-

Related News

High winds cause travel disruption

It wouldn’t be fair for me to  pick on poor old Condor they  are just the tip  of the iceberg  when it now comes to  “be nice!! no matter the provocation  OR ELSE! customer service


Trains and Boats and Planes


Where do I begin and how to restart?

But above all “don’t complain, don’t moan and don’t get angry” I have learned that the “muppets” have power the power to decide whether you fly or not….

If you’ve ever wanted to end a complaint letter — or phone call, for that matter — with the words “I’LL NEVER FLY YOUR AIRLINE AGAIN!” or “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT!” then let me offer a little advice. Don’t. Threats won’t just guarantee your failure. You could also end up on a company’s blacklist (oh yes, they have them)

French  side of the Euro StarWas it my  fault there was a fire in the tunnel  days previously- was it my  fault they  messed around with  our tickets, tried to  separate a pregnant daughter  , mother and father, and then put them on a train with  the incorrect destination for two  of them. When we tried to  explain in “English” we were met with   the “language stall” and finally  when I had worked out what the  “employee was saying” ( high school French) we were then being denied from boarding any  train PROBABLY  BECAUSE THEY  THOUGHT I  WAS A PUSHY  AMERICAN .  All trains were suddenly  full!!! WE WERE TOLD TO  LEAVE THE STATION!!!

However , my  beautiful daughter then had to turn on the charm ,  do  the sympathy  and blue eyes ploy  give the “gatekeeper his due reverence”  and got us on the train , which  was going to  our proper destination  and was 3/4 EMPTY!!!

You  learn to  shut up because  we have learned not to  put our hands in the fire or  upset the gatekeepers because the new power of claiming  they  feel threatened or loosely  interpret the term verbal abuse- without benefit of any  advocate for you  the client/customer/ citizen  , or the I am not paid to  deal with  irate people’s attitude- errrrr yes you  are!!!!!if you  are in the gatekeeper customer service industry.

You  are  held in the gatekeepers  grip- locally  I have been through the hell of the gatekeepers of government – I  am sure I  am on their black list

as one  Ms. Rosario of a local federal office stated to  me – she wasn’t prepared to  listen  to  my  situation- probably  because they  were

“short-staffed and she knew better than I the protocol  

I  say  that because that is how the conversation started – “we are very  short-staffed today  so  I  want to  get this done.….and her closing statement to  me that day Dec 18th 2017 AFTER I  had to  wait 5 weeks for the phone call….

” I will not deal with  you “

HMMMMMMMM   well SHE WAS RIGHT!!! she wasn’t dealing with  ME- NO! she was responding to the person who  was scared to  make waves incase the punishment for my  actions would be taken out on a 99-year-old lady

However , I  decided at three o’clock in the morning to  Hell with  it  they  would now deal with  ME!!

The ME that writes,  the me that gets on a soap box, the me that is nearing her sell by  date and has hit bottom emotionally, the me of the big mouth……… the ME that by  her attitude of “I will not deal with  you” – denied  ME and the 99-year-old  “due process and the right to  appeal”…. That is the ME to  be dealt with…

One of the main problems – whether it is paying your water bill ( locally) this has become a trip up  the River of Irate , getting cable TV or getting answers  from any  of the gatekeepers is – they  are presumably  DEAF!

They  are the “pseudo listeners” – they  have their “protocol of which  boxes need to  be ticked ” and that is it end of story- the computer says…….. and nothing you  can do  will make them stray  from that course and think out of the “computer box”.

And there is more to  come …………………

Free Speech by Chris Ritchey

February 21, 2018 at 4:36 pm 1 comment

The Scold – Lorain- the ducking/cucking stool

Time, people and trials in this town have left me in a sort of out here alone on a limb mode of thinking – the last of the “scolds”

Oh! I know there are others that share my thinking but could it be they are afraid of the “ducking/cucking stool ” which censors our opening of our mouths ( locally and nationally)? As if the bad mouthing, concrete crashing Neanderthals weren’t enough of a deterrent.

Windows on Lorain- The Neanderthals- a “tornado” history

I have seen it too many times over the years of advocacy and I seem to have come away from those years half drowned ,soaking wet and getting more and more weary of trying – life here can do that to you. So I now find myself walking away, not raising the volunteering hand – and have left most of the “community” – I just don’t fit in .

As I “escape” from Lorain and the world into the realm Roku watching murder, mayhem and mystery I supplement with programs such as “Escape to the County” and the land of my birth where there are still pockets of the idyll and people looking to find their dream in the country.

It was during one such viewing this morning and the town of Leominister and the story of Jenny Pipes (1809) the last woman to be legally ducked. She pronounced a “scold” by her community and the magistrate passed sentence

“In the common law of crime in England and Wales, a common scold was a type of public nuisance—a troublesome and angry woman who broke the public peace by habitually arguing and quarrelling with her neighbours. The Latin name for the offender, communis rixatrix, appears in the feminine gender and makes it clear that only women could commit this crime.
….. being placed in a chair and submerged in a river or pond. Although rarely prosecuted it remained on the statute books in England and Wales until 1967.
Francois Maximilian Misson, a French traveller and writer, recorded the method used in England in the early 18th century:The way of punishing scolding women is pleasant enough.(ED NOTE spoken like a true man )

They fasten an armchair to the end of two beams twelve or fifteen feet long, and parallel to each other, so that these two pieces of wood with their two ends embrace the chair, which hangs between them by a sort of axle, by which means it plays freely, and always remains in the natural horizontal position in which a chair should be, that a person may sit conveniently in it, whether you raise it or let it down. They set up a post on the bank of a pond or river, and over this post they lay, almost in equilibrio, the two pieces of wood, at one end of which the chair hangs just over the water. They place the woman in this chair and so plunge her into the water as often as the sentence directs, in order to cool her immoderate heat.

Jenny Pipes came back from her ducking still “scolding” and her claim to fame of telling it like it was has outlasted the magistrate.

“the idea of ducking was to curb the tongue of the offender; the ducking to continue until the culprit either gives up or was exhausted”

Of course where there is a pond there is also pond scum and “ducking the scold” does disrupt that “gathering and rising to the top” if only for a little while. I have noticed the pond scum usually multiplies!

I have seen the “cucking stool” happening (metaphorically speaking) locally so many times and THAT Lorain is one of the problems and the why the view we have is of this (rehabbed????) “cottage
March 2017

and the duckers can’t say they weren’t scolded for 4 years from that first demolition appeals board.
June 2013

Dye- abolical – goose /gander Inspection Process Pt 2 – Lorain

To those who have been ducked, and lived to walk away and tell the tale _ you will be missed by those that got wet with you

-to those that have returned to the bank of the pond to join the crowd – it is understandable-

-to those that keep trying -may it only be your feet getting wet…..

for those of you still “piping up’ like Jenny Piper and facing the wrath of the duckers and the chair I will have a towel waiting for you and a different sort of chair in front of the TV!

March 14, 2017 at 6:49 pm Leave a comment

Outdoor Showrooms- Lorain- by Don the Downspout


There I was dangling free and discharging onto the ground ( well not exactly since it was January and I was frozen) when I was discovered in my illegality by Mrs. Dye of Dye’s Appliances and of the Design Review Board and her offspring-

Ode to a Downspout named Don- Lorain

Not only me, I am ashamed to say , but ( Gary) the garage was sore in need of some paint on three of his sides – His one side compromised by the “growth” unchecked by the property next door – which happens to be owned by the City of Lorain. 😉

So Mrs. Dye , in her capacity of a sitting Board Member of what is called The Design Review Board- in the subject of the email, sent the Chief Building Inspector Klinar on a journey to 4th street that late January day to confirm I was illegal and Gary the Garage was becoming an eyesore.

City Officials -Caught Between a Ritchey and a Dye Place

In fact, Mrs. Dye did so more than once .
Kathy  Dye emailresi
You see, Mrs. Dye was really “ticked off” with one of my owners , so she discharged her venom , in this downspout’s opinion, by using her position as a member of a city board to get the complaints seen to at once- well with in 4 business days. Something about that rankles, as this was a private citizen being targeted by a member of a City Design Review Board ( not in their jurisdiction) by using another city office but of course she also, in our opinion, tried to intimidate and coerce the Lorain Administration in the same e-mail . I think there maybe an issue here but I digress:

I had to be connected within 6 days don-spout
Poor old Gary the Garage, he had to be scraped and painted and fixed by April 30th- which my owner said, was in legal terms was “arbitrary and capricious ” in that time line so she ( the one who writes) sent a letter which you can read here:
Garage Compliance
I am pleased to say I, Don the downspout, was duly connected in those cold , cold February days and yes! by August 1st Gary the Garage, has been duly , scraped , mended and painted- and his design colours( hope that meets with those of the Design Review Board – neighboring properties taken into account) are thanks to the fact that whilst the garage was being “fixed” his doors of red are to match the red dump truck that has been parked on that city lot for a month if not more!
truck A letter to the city followed stating we are now in compliance with Gary’s portraits – found here Garage citation inspection 1127

NOTE: UPDATE you will see by the following J- Pg. our violations ( such as they were) have now been officially abated !
violations abated
My owner did get some benefit out of all this brouhaha- she (who really could be the cat’s mother) was able to fill pages and pages on this subject of “Building Codes and their enforcement” ( or not) . I was fixed and the garage painted because it was so WE WERE NOT in compliance !!!

I wonder what dreaded fate would have befallen my owners if we had ignored the ORC ? Judge for yourself!!

Let’s visit those situations, where seemingly, there is such a lot non- compliance – especially with Lorain’s outdoor showrooms – Readers can you honestly say that I a mere downspout should be compared to say – this :

3200 Jaeger Road – (photo- August 4th-2015 5:00 pm.) click on the photo it is really much worse up close!
3200 Jaeger Road 01
3200 Jaeger Road 02

3200 Jaeger Road- is owned by ( according to the Lorain County Auditor )
and it looks like since the Auditor last took the photo the “lawn ornaments” have flourished in these ripe conditions of non- accountability
auditors pictureres

Now how can I say that – non accountability? A quick check with the city – This property has been cited time and time again starting in September 9th 2011 you can access that complaint here
3200 timeline

Finally an appearance before the Judge-JUDGE COOK- of the Housing Court JUNE 26TH 2015 4 years later

Now we are getting somewhere, especially since in the file the report of Mr. Daniel Esterle flagged down the Inspector swearing at him and ready to sue the city , according to the report filed, which can be seen here

3200 legal decision

Judge Cook, found the defendant -GUILTY- and slapped a sentence on him of – wait for it $150.00″ that is One Hundred and Fifty dollars plus court costs….. Oh well just about the cost of another lawn mower then? Not bad 4 years of citations, 4 years of a lovely outdoor showroom and the cost of doing business for these property owners a mere $150.00 – sounds like a deal!

Of course Mrs. Dye also has an outdoor showroom – a lovely site as you are welcomed to Lorain – Part of her DESIGN Plan for Lorain – one presumes-.

If these objects were declared “junk” she would have at least have to fence it in- but then she wouldn’t be allowed a junk yard in downtown Lorain so we have her “outdoor showroom” welcoming our visitors!

Although, those doors on refrigerators etc. are quite worrying . I thought there was a Federal Law about that – hazard to little ones climbing in – wasn’t that the Consumer Protection Act- can’t be can it? The city wouldn’t allow hazards to small children ? Oh well! probably just another fine anyway and small cost of doing business.

August 2015
dye outdoor showroom 080115-001
dye outdoor showroom 080115
A little earlier on in the year May 2015 taken from Broadway – looks like business is good more drop offs-
As you drive into downtown along Broadway-what an interesting conversation piece as we drive along looking at the lovely Port Authority complex on one side- the welcome sign what attraction can that be on the left?

-” is it – junk- garden art- the outdoor showroom of opinion-” I wonder what the artist had in mind???Has to be there by DESIGN

Due to the fact vehicles (Dye’s) had blocked the street, a turn around had to be found that August day and what to wondering eyes did appear – well more than a dangling downspout at 214- W. 10th, a neighbor of Dye’s Appliances – now this property did not get this way in a year or so – I wonder why neighbor Dye of the Design Review Board would put up with it. 214 collage
But a new use for BLUE TARPS has been found- this lovely piece of Lorain real estate is owned ( according to the auditor) Parcel Number: 02-01-003-120-012
Owner Name
214 10TH ST W LORAIN, OH 44052
1138 LEXINGTON AV LORAIN, OH 44052 and Esser Management tracks back to ( according to the Secretary of State)
Esser Managementres

Another quick check with Lorain Building Dept

“This building was cited on 4/20/2015.
Code violations: 304.2 / 304.7 / 304.10 / 308.1.
The owner called and said he is planning to demolish the building. I gave him some time.
No changes and no response.
Sent to court.

OH! OH! I wonder what the “accountability” for this will be??? Enquiring Donspouts want to know-

Seriously, this crime and punishment is downright laughable and very, very annoying to those that do follow the law. Do they write the punishment into the cost of doing business – because each of the aforementioned are in BUSINESS!!

Lorain – Common Core? values and POS? PT 5.

…… more to come – unfortunately

August 5, 2015 at 2:31 pm 10 comments

This dust (ing) of community- Apathy – Hope?????


Anti  Political Correctness Ad by  Chris Ritchey

Anti Political Correctness Ad by Chris Ritchey

We are the common man– we are the ones who pay our taxes, raise our children , try to do the right thing -if at all possible. We are, for the most part, ignored – except when it comes ( in a democracy) wanting our vote. We are not really important, unless they need our children, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives to fight a war, give money or put them in office.

We are well and truly “played ” for the most part in all walks of life and yet we are also blamed for our apathy when we don’t turn out in numbers to jump on the political bandwagon of the day!

Every single day, this blog receives requests for some sort of help, why ? Maybe because yours truly has never been one to back down from a truth or because they hope by getting out the word through this blog ( which doesn’t have the restrictions of “other” media) , attention will be drawn to a situation and event.
I, for the most part, can no longer hold out any hope to those that write or call, I have discovered unless it falls in line with the “powers that be” in any situation you are ” spitting in the wind” – the “slobber” will only end back at you!

There are people in this town of Lorain– that decent folk ( and they are in the minority – socially and verbally speaking) would, in another day and age, would be ostracized -certainly not embraced and rewarded.

No longer the case , we, as a community- ( the vocal majority) embrace, classless

What is now Classy- the Class definition –

Freedom of Speech – USA- Really??? Pt 3

( Note two of the videos in this post were taken down by You tube – the failed stripper because it did not meet even YOU Tube’s community standards 😉

and criminal behavior.
rug beating
The agendas and behaviors are swept under the political and media rug. It is not only tolerated but excused with ” Oh 2nd chances” etc. And so it evolves until the dirt under the rug finally destroys the fabric of civilized society.

There are those that have tried and found to their chagrin , the reality- no one wants to lift the rug- the dirt might start rubbing off on them.

This blog published one local instance – threats and coercion of elected officials ( in my opinion) in order to get their way.

……I know of several things if I spill the beans will cause a huge uproar in this city as well as a large number of law suits. I was previously asked to keep my mouth shut about all of it but my patience is running thin……..

I understand the mayor is planning to run again. Well after I start sending out my series of letters to all the tv stations, radio stations and newspapers I don’t think it will help his campaign. The ball is now in your hands. If things don’t straighten up immediately with my son and his building the letters will begin next week.

City Officials -Caught Between a Ritchey and a Dye Place

This individual, felt safe enough to put in writing her desires and “nothing- nada naught” ever came out of that little episode except the retaliation against me, the messenger! – What sort of a “community”-” system” countenances and rewards – let alone tolerates such blatant threatening behavior toward city officials???? ( see the whole email in the above link)

Apparently -Lorain does!!!! inclusive of politicians, businesses, media ( who were sent copies of the email – NOT BY ME I hasten to add- but a “credible source 😉 and legal eagles hmmm Is there something under that particular rug after all??? .

So, the people watch , listen and learn the sorry fact – to make waves ultimately means death by drowning. They start walking away from difficult situations, turning a blind eye , stop getting involved, realizing that to point out the situations only gets you grief. They leave if they can, only to find it is the same no matter where you go.

World Cup Logo Chris Ritchey

World Cup Logo Chris Ritchey

The latest big scandal, FIFA-
everyone has known for decades, football associations, countries, clubs, knew of the corruption. No one did anything. The most powerful nations on the planet turned a blind eye to the ongoing corruption but one man tried and tried – Andrew Jennings– but even with his track record it has taken decades ! Why?

“I’m a document hound. If I’ve got your documents, I know all about you,” he said. “This journalism business is easy, you know. You just find some disgraceful, disgustingly corrupt people and you work on it! You have to. That’s what we do. The rest of the media gets far too cozy with them. It’s wrong. Your mother told you what was wrong. You know what’s wrong. Our job is to investigate, acquire evidence.”

I get the mike and I said, ‘Herr Blatter, have you ever taken a bribe?’”
Talk about crashing the party,” Jennings recalled Tuesday. “Reporters are moving away from me as if I’ve just let out the biggest smell since bad food. Well, that’s what I wanted. Thank you, idiot reporters. The radar dish on top of my head is spinning around to all these blazers against the wall, saying, ‘Here I am. I’m your boy. I’m not impressed by these tossers. I know what they are. I’ve done it to the IOC, and I’ll do it to them.’”

You would think the first whiff of corruption would have sent the “red flags flying. No ! but finally it was another “power that be” -the United States got involved, and you have to question WHY and why now– well it suited them , let’s face it- it came down to money essentially, agendas , money , power and politics. Doesn’t it always ?

And so , I will receive more requests for help, that I can do nothing about because – scum rises to the top of the pond and they are enabled by media , politics, and a like-minded group supporting their rise …. and apathy is the least of Lorain’s worries……………as is the nations … and more and more decent thinking individuals find out hope of “the right thing” is just that a forlorn hope. “hope the other four letter word

June 7, 2015 at 1:59 pm 4 comments

No Exit -“A touch of class” Lorain


On the mirrors ( at least the last time I looked) in the outer lobby of the Palace Theatre Lorain is a list of donors. Among those that donated significantly is the mention of Palace Players

The Palace Players, an intrepid band of actors and actresses from the local community. At the core were Jean Schaeffer, Dave Cotton, Casey Wolnowski, Karen Kelley and yours truly. The “company” got together to specifically raise funds for the Palace.

The kick off , as described in the history of the Palace on their website mentions what happened, in 1974 and my introduction to Lorain and a great bunch of people. Yes! I served the lunches along with Barb MacGregor, Ruth Calta, Mary Lou Connone

Ladies of Lorain

This immigrant to Lorain- made the soups and generally helped those great bunch of people – thanks to my introduction to Lorain via Jean Schaeffer and was involved in the “speakeasy” segment of the gala night.

The Palace was and is still a major “player” in determining Lorain’s downtown -

In 1974, “Civic Center Madness”, a major fund raising project, took place in the urban renewal area of north Broadway. Forty civic groups participated in this week long street fair, Stores soon to be torn down were converted as if by magic into an old fashioned ice cream parlor, a “Second-Hand Rose” shop, a casino, a book and plant store, an open air barbecue, international shops, etc. The Saturday night “Great Gatsby Party” at the Palace climaxed the week’s activities.

Theatre was all important to the culture of the area. Most of us didn’t have a lot of money , those band of thespians, but what they did have was a love of theatre and the Palace – so the Palace Players formed.

One production – loosely based on a Dinner with Henry the VIII– took place on the Palace stage

Cover Arcade  MJ

Cover Arcade MJ

We had to be creative , in order to raise money for the building, we couldn’t interfere with the daily running of the Palace. Creative , especially as to performance space we were given. One criteria was that no “set” set – everything had to be put up an hour before the show ( each performance night) and the set had to be struck each night.
ipalace seats

Educating Rita– we did that in a mini proscenium set up in the area behind the seats, using one of the archways with the drinking fountain as the dressing rooms and off stage. I was Rita and it was an education !

palce bar

Two shows were performed in the inner lobby in front of the bar – The Fantasticks - A young Mike Skimmin, Melissa Driscoll and Billy the Clown were part of that “company”. Imagine a musical in the lobby- however did we manage the music????- but we did.

The other show No Exit– a depiction of the afterlife in which three deceased characters are punished by being locked into a room together for eternity ( done as theatre in the round). Memorable to me about those performances was we had to share the theatre for a few performances with an action movie playing on the” big screen” – the louder sounds such as crashes, screams and gunfire bled through into our performance area . Our audience was told to ignore as that was just another room in hell.

Hell is other people”,a reference to Sartre’s ideas about the look and the perpetual ontological struggle of being caused to see oneself as an object in the world of another consciousness.”

We were involved , that group participated and performed with such productions as the Follies and – Lorain Community Music Theatre
when it was “truly Lorain” and performed their musicals every year on the Palace stage. Organizations benefitted greatly from the talent. Just a few come to mind-

Oliver 1978,
Mame -1979 ( Jean playing the lead), and in Camelot 1986 where Jean was MERLIN

South Pacific 1985 ( Dave directing)

Casey and I directing and producing King and I -1991 and Brigadoon 1990 – we sold out the Palace with those performances.


Yes! and the same people gave of their time and talent freely to put together an extravaganza to promote the newly formed Lorain Arts Council under the auspices of MainstreetLorain throughout the whole Palace venue even utilizing the “boxes”. The audience was lined up to come and view the talent who call Lorain County home.

We would call on our fellow thespians for help and they always showed up and came through, whether to stage manage, produce , perform, organize, publicize , play an instrument – whatever was needed if they were available they were there. Those were good days.

No Exit – and the statement “hell is other people” – well I have had my share of living that particular line in the “play that is Lorain”.

I am saddened by what has transpired in recent years the demise of Broadway to the extent it has . We need more of those ladies who lunched- they brought a “touch of class” – in my opinion decidedly lacking of late- but that era has too passed us by –

The OLD Lady and the not so Rockin'( chair) Rover -Lorain (e)

City Officials -Caught Between a Ritchey and a Dye Place

– I have become old , jaded and cynical- Lorain and life has done that and I know I am not alone in wondering what was the point in all those efforts and hard work but then there is the Palace

and am thankful to say still is the house of “light on Broadway” .

Please visit the Palace website for all the latest information

January 15, 2015 at 2:09 pm 7 comments

City Officials -Caught Between a Ritchey and a Dye Place

freedom of speech by  Chris Ritchey

freedom of speech by Chris Ritchey

“Is this a bad area mum?” the 44052

On Broadway-Downtown- the 44052

Chairman of the Design Review Board Responds

The Design Review Board- The Process-AND

Fabricating Broadway- The Dye is set- 418

On Broadway- “DYE” Downtown- the 44052

Last Thursday I wrote a post on the continuing saga of 418 Broadway, Lorain Ohio as the Morning Journal had run an article as to the building conditions and the “behavior” of the owner
In 2013 this blog brought to the attention of the readers issues happening in our deteriorating “downtown”. Although many people have been trying for years to change the blighted direction of what is known as the Broadway Corridor and more recently “the Waterfront District” the rot, literally, of the buildings has continued. My question in my last post as to the further deterioration of 418 was to the “powers that be”

WHY, if complaints had been made over the many months and years as to the issues with this poster child of a building, did it take so long for the process to start?

It is no secret there were issues with that building and they could be “seen ” from even a cursory sidewalk inspection.


On Broadway-Downtown- the 44052

Why didn’t our inspectors, Building Dept. act? Why didn’t the acting head of Community Development ( Rey Carrion – no longer with the city) at the time follow through as to the “signage” situation of that building?

Yesterday, I received a copy of an email sent to “Leon Mason, Director
Department of Building, Housing and Planning- City Of Lorain”.
I was sent a copy of the email because, as you will read, I am pretty much the focus of the ire.

The email in question was sent by Kathy Dye, mother of the owner of the 418 Broadway. Ms. Dye is a long-time member of the Design Review Board in Lorain
and herself a business owner on Broadway- Dyes Appliances- 960 Broadway
960 Broadway Schnitzler Block Dyes Appliance

Kathy Dye is no stranger to this blog and in 2013 had her say as to my thoughts etc. which I duly posted and answered to her “all caps rant” and innuendo , name calling and her promise “WHILE YOU TAKE THIS RUN DOWN BROADWAY I’M GOING TO ALL OF YOUR HOMES.

On Broadway- “DYE” Downtown- the 44052

The situation with 418 Broadway and the owners ‘trouble” has once again surfaced this week
and I duly wrote about it. The effect of the recent news had another email from Kathy Dye- I have highlighted the words I find troubling from Ms Dye


From: Java******** [mailto:Javalady*******]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 11:56 AM
To: Mason, Leon
Subject: Design review board
Getting pretty sick and tired of Loraine Ritchie running this city with her complaints.

#1 if you and the mayor are going to harrass people you should look at everybody, not just a few chosen people. I can be a bigger bitch than Loraine Ritchie. I know of several things if I spill the beans will cause a huge uproar in this city as well as a large number of law suits. I was previously asked to keep my mouth shut about all of it but my patience is running thin. Just to also let you know the information I know has nothing to do with any previous city employees.

#2, Loraine Ritchie has a lot of “ordinance issues” on the outside of her property, what about the inside?

#3 Loraine Ritchie keeps saying that my son did not get approval for his Kharisma sign. Well when he came before the board, before you came aboard, We gave him a conditional approval if the sign fit the sign board. Well it fit and we sent pictures to Dave Gulden as we were told. Then the uproar came and community development was dissolved and Dave damaged his files, not our fault. So I sent pictures again to Rey Carrion. Whatever happened to them I do not know. So here we still are seeing Loraine running her flapping mouth that the sign was hung illegally and that he was told to remove it. Well that is not the case and I want a letter sent for the approval now. The Building Department was notified months ago that we were still waiting for it.

#4 I understand the mayor is planning to run again. Well after I start sending out my series of letters to all the tv stations, radio stations and newspapers I don’t think it will help his campaign. The ball is now in your hands. If things don’t straighten up immediately with my son and his building the letters will begin next week.

#5 Also I have a question, why did the ex-mayor and your father back in their day refuse to take the mast from Admiral King’s boat that sank and make a memorial here in Lorain?

Remember this is a sitting member of Lorain’s Design Review Board- one has to ask WHY? is she- who wishes to hold hostage a process for which she supposedly “sits” for deny due diligence of that process a member of such a board? There is something wrong with that scenario

I want to address Kathy Dyes comments :
I will skip for the moment to No. 2.

“Loraine Ritchie has a lot of “ordinance issues” on the outside of her property, what about the inside?”

I am unaware of any ordinance issues on the outside of my property and when the homes etc. on 4th street were inspected last year we were not cited for any issues. As for the inside of my home – well I can guarantee not one alligator or unusual pets just Shadow
Kathy is more than welcome along with any one else to come on in- just call first so I am not in my pajamas. In fact, they have done so twice when this house was on tour for two different homes tours for fundraising.
A childish “tit for tat” methinks!

Style Center Kharisma

Let us address No 3 the dreaded signage . Kathy needs to read the post from the PRESIDENT of the Design Review Board and the explanation – it has been stated clearly enough on this blog – twice-

Chairman of the Design Review Board Responds


The board has NOT approved the signage for 418 Broadway as we were not presented with the required submission documentation.

The signage was reviewed and there were conditions that had to be met by Mr. Dye to receive approval. The board has not received the information required for conditional approval. The signage was installed illegally

Now down to the rather strange question to Leon Mason with regard to his father , who at one time was Community Development Director for a few months. No 5
” #5 Also I have a question, why did the ex-mayor and your father back in their day refuse to take the mast from Admiral King’s boat that sank and make a memorial here in Lorain?”

I am not sure what this has to do with anything except her possible use of an innuendo – the lack of thinking and knowledge” leads me to wonder as to “lack of reason”. But that being said let me “educate Ms. Dye on the “history” –

refuse to take the mast from Admiral Kings boat that sunk…

Sorry Ms Dye, you have the wrong end of the mast….. Admiral King’s boat didn’t sink, it was the bombing by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor which caused the sinking of the USS Arizona.

” The battleship USS Arizona (BB 39) was sunk at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The superstructure above the waterline was removed soon after the attack. Admiral Earnest H. King, Chief of Naval operations, sent the signal mast to his hometown of Lorain, Ohio. Commander Edwin C. Keyes, a close friend of Adm. King commanded that naval armory in Lorain.

AND Ms Dye there were three mayors involved over a decade when the signal mast was an issue. If you are going to cast veiled aspersions I would suggest you get your facts straight first.!!!!

As petty , erroneous and spiteful the above are, it is in my opinion nothing to what Ms. Dye threatens ( and to me there is no other word for it for me) and tries intimidation of one government official and also the duly elected Mayor of the City of Lorain –

IF the Director of Department of Building, Housing and Planning for the City of Lorain does NOT “straighten up” immediately with my son and his building” letters will be sent to the media which will apparently according to her that will cause adverse publicity to the Mayor’s campaign ( Mr. Mason’s boss”)

What those letters contain can only be guessed at with her initial statement “I can be a bigger bitch than Loraine Ritchie. I know of several things if I spill the beans will cause a huge uproar in this city as well as a large number of law suits. I was previously asked to keep my mouth shut about all of it but my patience is running thin.

I understand the mayor is planning to run again. Well after I start sending out my series of letters to all the tv stations, radio stations and newspapers I don’t think it will help his campaign. The ball is now in your hands. If things don’t straighten up immediately with my son and his building the letters will begin next week.

I find Ms. Dye’s behavior insulting , provocative in the extreme and from board member of the “supposed” unbiased Design Review Board most worrying.

HER son is charged with according to the Morning Journal reporting

“unsafe connections to gas supply lines and rubber hoses being used for natural gas” in the building, according to the police report.
The building’s last natural gas connection ended July 7, 2008, according to the Columbia Gas report. One gas meter in the building showed the building had gas usage totaling $14,469 from August 2010, when Dye took possession of the building, to November last year, according to the report.

It is my interpretation – MS DYE, is stating unless the City of Lorain Director of Building and Planning doesn’t intercede and give “sonny” the all clear then she will send out letters containing “what” ??????knowledge of wrongful doings with the City of Lorain enough to cause lawsuits??? -( What a responsible citizen ( that is sarcasm for those in doubt) ! Hopefully, who ever receives these Diatribes of Dye will fact check because her “record” of getting the facts straight even in this last email is nought for 5!
However, I think I have the answer to my question as to why it takes so long for things to happen in this city, with people like Ms Dye “on board” the City of Lorain had better cross all its T’s and dot its i’s otherwise who knows what vicious, vindictive behaviors will come about.

And to those who wonder why I have retired from “downtown” see above….. However, I have not retired from the truth …… Shhhh listen carefully is that sound you hear the falling of another building on Broadway, the “termagant” of Broadway( aka Ms Dye) or perhaps the power of politics in its death throes ????????

January 10, 2015 at 5:57 pm 22 comments

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