Archive for September, 2023

NO LIMITS -Bk. 2- Chapt -7 Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :


I don’t have answers, I don’t want to  argue beliefs, I am as ignorant and naive as anyone when it comes to  death  and the after life. 

Before my  son died , when I was very  young I had some experiences , which  I  am sure  could logically  be disproved  by  those that  counter the  belief in the after life. BUT then again isn’t that what all religions are based upon… even “reincarnation”

Reincarnation, also called transmigration or metempsychosis, in religion and philosophy, rebirth of the aspect of an individual that persists after bodily death—whether it be consciousnessmind, the soul, or some other entity—in one or more successive existences. Depending upon the tradition, these existences may be human, animal, spiritual, or, in some instances, vegetable. While belief in reincarnation is most characteristic of South Asian and East Asian traditions, it also appears in the religious and philosophical thought of local religions, in some ancient Middle Eastern religions (e.g., the Greek Orphic mystery, or salvation, religion), Manichaeism, and gnosticism, as well as in such modern religious movements as theosophy.

And should you  wish to  explore further

And about the only  people I  found on the planet of  the 8 billion of people  that believe when you  die you  die  and rot and  help  the earth into  which  you  are interred to  get some much  needed  composting material  is Atheism

What Happens When We Die? What All The World Religions Say

According to Atheists, nothing happens when we die. Nothing at all. You simply cease to exist. And that’s it. Yes, I know it may seem hard, but it’s that plain and simple. It’s like going to sleep. Without dreaming. While your body slowly starts to rot. Eaten by worms. And you will be nothing left but bones, that one day will also disappear. You will be forgotten forever, like the nothing you were.


Billions of people all believe  we have a soul or an essence or an energy  that makes me , me and you, you   well except for  this group of Atheist and Agnostics

  1. China – 103,907,840 — 181,838,720
  2. India – 102,870,000
  3. Japan – 81,493,120 — 82,766,450
  4. Vietnam – 66,978,900
  5. Russia – 34,507,680 — 69,015,360
  6. Germany – 33,794,250 — 40,388,250
  7. France – 25,982,320 — 32,628,960
  8. United Kingdom – 18,684,010 — 26,519,240
  9. South Korea – 14,579,400 — 25,270,960
  10. Ukraine – 9,546,400

Alright then !  IF all the major religions  have some  form of after life, why  do  they and their followers,   POO-HOO- for the most part – the belief in spirits, ghosts,  visitations from  wherever they  believe, the soul, essence, energy  goes after the body  ( gives up  the ghost)?

How many  times  have people seen  Hawks, eagles birds of all sorts that they  believe are bringing messages of support to  the loved ones left behind are looked at with  the knowing nod and “oh dear  grief has got them”?

However, if you are one of those religious sects that believe in reincarnation it would be perfectly  natural.

As I  have chronicled  previously , I  have no  organized religious  beliefs. I am learning and unfortunately  I  will have to  give up  the ghost myself  to  find the answers  and believe it or not those that haven’t yet given up  the ghost , no  matter their hierarchy  in an established church, temple, mosque- until they  too have  given up  the ghost … news flash  they  don’t have any more of a clue than I  do!

I remember my  mum telling me her Dad, my  grandad  promised her that he would come back and let her know, (my  mum also  questioned.)

Well to my  knowledge he didn’t visit my  mum or his favorite grandchild. I was with  him the morning he died. I  went to  see him in hospital he held onto  my  hand so  tightly  I couldn’t release it. My  newly married husband  had to  get back to  base  and I  said

Grandad, I  have to  go  but I  will  give you  a ring ( call) when we get back to  London

His reply as I  left the room-

It’s alright “maggot” (my  nickname  he called me) I have seen you   and I can go  now.  

As my  husband drove me back to  my  aunts house  I could still feel the pressure of his hand on mine and then it went away   suddenly. I knew before we were even greeted at the door by  my  Aunt:

” Your Grandad died  a few minutes ago  they  just rang,  a few minutes after you  left. 

I knew he had , somehow , and then the guilt of my 19  inexperienced years set in ..I said to  my  husband

” I shouldn’t have gone , should I?   He might not have died so  quickly  and mum  and dad could have travelled  to  see him”

The first experience I recall  of having  “feelings- premonitions” was when I  was about 9. We were living in Canada in a rented house in Martinon , New Brunswick. It was  a beautiful winters day  . I was playing  outside, bundled in a  puffy, could hardly  move  snow suit”  I  think  I  looked like  a green  Michelin Man !

There I  was happily  playing with  an old pair of  wooden skis found in the basement  and trying my  hardest to  walk back up  the hill  in all my  clobber when I  looked up  at the kitchen window  and there she was my  much  loved Nanny  Hines, my  mum’s mother. I  so  loved her. Being 9 I didn’t think  logically

“How did Nanny  Hines get to  Canada ? Why  didn’t someone tell me  she was coming” When did she arrive? 


I just knew  that my  favourite person  in the whole wide world was  sitting at the kitchen table  smiling at me. I ran as fast as the  snow suit and rubber boots  allowed up  the hill. I  burst into  the kitchen door- covered in snow. My  mum was at the stove  cooking supper.  No-one was at the table

I ran into  the living room, she wasn’t there ,  I  went back to  my  mum….

 Where is Nanny , where did she go?

What are you  talking about Nanny  isn’t here , she is in England.

NO!  she was there, I  saw her at the table looking out the window at me playing , she was smiling!

My  mum just smiled at me  and said  take off those boots and snow suit and hang it up in the mud room ( fancy  name for a kind of added on shed) . I insisted I  saw my  lovely  nanny.

My  mum gently  said :

Loraine, I  have been cooking all afternoon  the windows were probably  steamed up  and you  thought they  made a picture of Nanny  Hines, were you  thinking of her?”

I remember looking at the kitchen windows , I didn’t see any  pattens, in fact they  were really  pretty  clear and I  hadn’t been thinking of Nanny  Hines at all I  was trying to  ski- , but I did as I was told and went into  the living room and turned on the TV and started watching the Lone Ranger.

It was   halfway  through the Lone Ranger episode the phone rang. It was my Uncle Mark( my  mum’s brother) from England  wanting to  speak to  my  Dad. I told him he hadn’t come home from work yet  and he said what time was he due and  I told him He said I  will call back.

NOTE in those days transatlantic phone calls were very,  very  expensive)

Mum said

Who  was on the phone ” I told her and he was wanting to  talk to  Daddy   and she said  Oh Uncle Mark .. Oh  he is probably  calling because it is Daddy’s birthday  and I  have been making him his favourites, what a nice surprise for Daddy.

My  father finally  came home and the  before we could sit down to  eat his birthday  dinner December 28th  my Uncle Mark called back  to tell Dad….. that  mum’s mother  Nanny  Hines had died   earlier that evening ( London Time)  and ironically  just about the time I saw my  Nanny  at the window three thousand miles away……


to  be continued……..

September 3, 2023 at 10:27 pm 2 comments

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