Posts filed under ‘commentary’

August 3rd- continuation- Chris Ritchey

You  would think after all this time I would run out of things to  share about you  and the fact you  lived but as life “continues” I find, far from being at a loss to find subject matter  , everyday  continues with  you .

Recently,  another mother wondered about whether people  felt she should be “over her grief by  now”  another  if there is a time limit to  being broken?

Because we are broken, and the pieces of us are held together with  a very tenuous glue.  The slightest “wobble of a memory “ entering into  one’s day  can see us picking up  the pieces and trying to  put ourselves back  together in order to  be on “life’s display”, hoping those we meet , work and socialize with  will not notice the cracks. Broken can make people uncomfortable, because  they too are not immune from losing a son or a daughter and we  are constant reminders that can happen.

As your  Nana is “transitioning” and I  am once again “caring” with cooking special foods, diets, changing sheets every  couple of days and giving medications ( you  too were prescribed) the glue is hardly  doing its job most days. It is probably  a good thing I  am not interacting with  people at the moment because  I am not handling  being  broken in “two” .

What little patience and tolerance I  had before this latest life event has disappeared. I have become selfish  with  my  time and energy. Telemarketers have found that to  call me subjects them to a tirade of “language” not generally  associated with  one of my  age and upbringing. They  have become my  relief valve, something I  need,  so  I  don’t shatter   altogether.

As I  looked on your Nana’s face this morning I was reminded of the charcoal drawing you  made of her when she was 85 looking out of a window. She was quite annoyed. “Chris you  made me look 95 not 85” but your artwork prophesied the future as today the portrait is a true likeness as she continues and slowly disappears from this world.

Loving you  continues- being broken continues ….

photo -self -Chris Ritchey

August 2, 2018 at 10:58 pm 2 comments

March 3rd -It’s OK- Chris Ritchey

Reaching out- art work- Christopher Ritchey

It’s OK – (okay)  the origin of OK  has many  theories

but basically   translated – Ok (okay) means it is alright, it is fine  or will be OK – will be alright – will be fine.

When something traumatic happens  either in real life or in tv / movie land – invariably , along with  the hug and the patting on the back comes the  words – “it’s OK”

No  it isn’t OK  really …. but like shaking hands when you  meet someone it is something  those  who  try  to comfort  do.

I found myself yelling at the television as yet another traumatized mother – having disaster over take her family  – and the well-meaning friend , the “it’s Ok” tripping from their mouth for want of something to  say – throw away  words ….

NO it isn’t OK, it will never be OK – her  “ok world” is no  more – stop telling them it is OK- alright – you  will be fine – just stop! hold them tell them they  are loved

but I  am here to  tell you   when you  lose  a son or daughter   nothing is ever alright, fine or okay in your world   ever again.

OK! well I  maybe be making a mountain out of a molehill…  and bitching about the human condition when we are at a loss for words and trying to  be kind and give comfort  but it cuts me to  the quick when I  see and hear those words spoken

The flawed Hand of the Healer by Chris Ritchey

AND  it is not okay  that my  wonderful, talented, loving  son with  his whole life ahead of him- is nothing more than a memory- and in some cases not even that – whilst the dregs of mankind and other sons cause terror and destruction to the world’s children.


AND it is not OK that once again I am losing from my  life  a sweet, caring , selfless , sparkling wine of a woman to  the obscenity  of cancer- another family  waiting and watching as she leaves us slowly. It is not OK that she is leaving whilst   the cruel bitches of this world thrive………

It is NOT OK Chris that I  am here and you  are not…….. I love you

March 3, 2018 at 12:20 pm 1 comment

Lorain’s Housing -owners of the dirty diapers- Pt 2

DEJA VU  the dirty  diaper is reeking 3620 Clifton November 3rd  2017




Lorain’s housing- the owners of the dirty diaper- PT1


October 19th- 2017 another year another Demolition Board of Appeals . (9:00 am) Hours of sitting scribbling notes and feeling filthy – hundreds of photos – disgusting photos of human and animal waste, homes that had been built with  families in mind left   rotting and decaying  , carpets heaving with  mold and fleas

and heaven knows what else that  was breeding in those structures.  The mold  in this home had attached itself  not only  to  the surface areas but has literally  compromised the wood and structure of the home. Well what do  you  expect when it had been open to  the elements for years.


In other properties , stairs to  the 2nd floor  so  dangerous that even the squatters had brought in a step-ladder to  gain access,  whole floors missing as they  had been torn up to burn in a partially  working fireplace. Even more disgusting –for me at least – is that human beings  were actually  living, partying and doing drugs in amongst the  human waste, mummified cats and some more recently dead animals , rat feces everywhere, a drive up  window where apparently  the dealer of drugs sat as his/her customers made their purchases. Hypodermic needles , remnants of alcohol containers, food  littered every  horizontal surface.   One home, although a small tree had grown through a window awning,  was not in the same terrible  state  therefore the Demo  Board took the home off the list voluntarily.

There is a  sub culture in this town using these nauseating dwellings   as evidenced by the insides of these structures. These structures  are obviously  deemed safe from prying eyes   by those who  frequent the vomitus homes for their illegal and dangerous dealings   because no  one in their right mind or any  sort of consideration of their own worth  would enter these places let alone  sleep on  an excruciatingly   filthy  couch surrounded by human feces and animal waste, rats and fleas – It just doesn’t bear thinking about .

It is no  wonder those that had to  inspect had to  wear masks and environmental protection gear. The Lorain Police Dept. having to  check to  make sure the properties were at least free of the dangerous human elements. Hundreds of photos later  I  was thankful the smells of those places  were missing from the presentation.

Everyone was sworn in who  intended to  speak . I didn’t take the oath  for once I wanted to  observe and keep my  mouth  shut……. and then Deja Vu. One of the homes 4310 Meister Road – empty  and decaying for 5-7 years

Since this was an appeals board, people could appeal the property  being put on the demo  list. A property  LLC representative came before the board  offering $70,000 to  save this house. There was much  discussion and to  the needs of the house, all which  apparently  could be rectified. Oh that is a positive one would think : So  why  was I  sending out panicked mind messages to  the Board members  ( not having been sworn in) NO! NO!  please NO!!

Back I was transported to  another demo  board of appeals  3620 Clifton on January 2013.

January 2013 Photo Lorain 365

1. We now know that a property 3620 Clifton purchased in 2011 after five years of being open to the elements was deemed bad enough to be issued a search warrant in Sept 2012-

2. Declared a public nuisance and uninhabitable – the property listed for demolition ( along with two neighboring properties ) Jan 4th 2013

3.Given a reprieve because the “Duo of Will Do” ( Barbee and Johnson) owners pleaded before the Demolitions appeals Board for more time a week later Jan 11th 2013 by that same board . A board that had doubts caved to the “give em a break mentality”

You  can find the series and reports ( all documented )

The fact the gentleman at the mic was well meaning didn’t change my  mind. You  see he had not purchased or even had letter  of intent to  purchase from the supposed owner of the property ( another of those wonderful banks) – 


he did not have a business plan or list of contracted subcontractors showing the intent to  do  the work  or even a  check as a gesture of intent.

 As the representative of the legal dept. spoke those  words (paraphrasing because I  was instantly sent back to  another  time -2013) “we can always  re-inspect……. aaaaaahhhhhhhhh”and FAMOUS last words from  3620 Clifton

Mr. Cantu 2013 :  Yes! because we could cite him on property maintenance if he doesn’t continue to go on.    NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO please no!

Because those same words uttered led to  3620 sitting for another 4 years and having to  start the process all over again…….. see the photo  at the top  of this post. The Statute of Limitations ran out.

When we (Lorain 365 Blog)  researched the process of 3620 Clifton , we found that inspections are not all what they  are cracked up  to  be . For instance for the inspectors etc to  go  through the inside of these properties there is a lot of legal  procedures. The city  has to  get a search  warrant. ( these are for these abandoned homes).

We found the properties could only  be inspected from the street or neighboring property ( with  permission) in the case rehabbing a property ( residential)  unless the inspectors were “invited in by  the owners”.

Should electrical or plumbing permits are pulled  they  can fall under inspection process.

BUT what if people don’t ask them in or  pull those permits – and that does happen a lot believe me – happened to  the house  next door to  me on both  sides – one is now  demoed). You  see not everyone follows the rules ( if they  did we wouldn’t have these structures in the first place!!!!


I was very  interested in the mold abatement – and it seems   an unscrupulous builder, contractor  could very  well come in spray  the bleach  , chemicals  put up new drywall  change out the carpets and Voila…  are non the wiser…… unless the Building Dept are asked in………. Yes I  can see that happening with  especially  the out of town LLC’s – I  don’t think so!!!!! From the City  of Lorain BHP dept.

As to going in and inspecting the removal of mold etc. the Building Department has to be scheduled for an inspection. If the owner would like us to be out there for that inspection – we would go. In other words – we just can’t show up and expect to be invited in.

As far as the electrical, plumbing, heating etc. All of that work (the rough in inspections, undergrounds) will probably require permits (any new wiring, furnace/ac, water lines etc. require permits). Those inspections are encompassed within the Building Permit (and required Building Code regulations).


We, the law abiding citizens and property  owners ,  are not protected by  a system that has no  accountability – and so  it continues  – back to 1348 West Erie  next time …….. Welcome to  my  parlor  (Lorain) said the fly  to  the spider – slice us and dice up

To Be Continued


November 6, 2017 at 5:02 pm 7 comments

Oct. 3rd – the NON Viking funeral – Chris Ritchey

My mood has not changed, nothing seems to rouse me from my lethargic state of mind , not the ongoing hurricanes, the issues with Lorain, happiness when having one of my favourite people in the world visit- at least there was at last some laughter.

I have been Roku jumping from one channel to another from histories to murders and the ongoing documentaries of “end of life rituals” from around the world.

End of Life rituals- those rituals to give the dead their honor and due and supposedly give those that mourn some comfort and an outlet for their grief. Those were denied to your family by Tim and Sue Lombardi and their collective family , their daughter Angela of the do over Chris and wedding ritual, the Vyka, Gott, Zaworski, and Gonzales and even the “man of God- Father Daniel Divas . They took any honoring of your name Ritchey and any of our end of life ritual away from your family.

They could not take everything though from your aged grandmother , your father , sister, nephew and brother in law. As I was told of Angela’s ( a complete misnomer in that name in my opinion ) decision to withhold you from us and to take you that burying place- not of your faith and a place so intensely disliked by you (after experiencing their ritual of one of their own at that cemetery) and denying the time and place or knowledge of their rites to us . I knew that at least we had to try and I had to try to give to you what I could – to send your body from this dimension with love. Did those cretins of the cremains honestly believe I would let you go without honoring you and being involved in your goodbye? You were and are MY son I gave you life , I loved you in life , in death and now.

As I read the words of denial penned by your “bride” – I remembered the Viking ship. The ship you had to make for a class at LCCC- the brief- a piece of work made with all natural materials sourced from your home – you sat and carved and cut from a log from the wood pile, tree branches from your tree planted as a child, a piece of deer skin found in the garage and scraped down for the sail and finally burning not painting the decoration to add to the dimension.

I knew that Viking Ship which I carried around to college visits when you were transferring from LCCC was the closest thing I could do to give to you to honor the bravery of your fight against that disgusting disease. Your Nana called you her Viking and you were a warrior, so brave, hiding from us your pain. Something to show our love as well- the little England bear purchased from Harrods by you for me when you were returning from soccer in Manchester. I carried that little bear with me in those first dreadful days after you died whilst meanness , selfishness and grief fragmented us beyond all being . It was still damp from my tears.

So as your last journey took you into the flames we did our best to honor you , love you and negate the poison and irreverence shown by others, the items of love from us all- those denied – were with you ……. we still miss you every day and love you more than ever…….

October 2, 2017 at 9:58 pm 2 comments

Am I bovvered ? Lorain- fire in the belly?

The Catherine Tate Show

Those that follow this blog will have realized I haven’t written anything for a few weeks. I write for me for the most part to get what is inside me out so I can breathe and to share my son. Other than that I write about the happenings or non happenings in my life, city and history.

August is a bad time for me – I can’t celebrate with fond memories the day of the birth of my son because it is also the anniversary of his being told he was dying and all the fuss and drama of that “damned in- law family” on that day as we waited in the hospital. Happy memories are tainted, my birthday ,wedding anniversary all contribute to the angst that is August for me.
However, I can usually be raised from these depths by some of the “happenings or non happenings of government , building inspections , neighbors from hell, windmills to be tilted to start pounding at the keyboard. But so far even the absolute disgust felt at the total devastation of an historic building, possible loss of lives just blocks away didn’t move me except for a little bump of conscience. .

That situation should have stirred me to be a bothered.(bovvered)

VIDEO: good Samaritans take action to help residents trapped in burning building

The mere fact reports stated from the Chronicle Telegram Newspaper that earlier in another administration ( Foltin) “inspections were “case closed” by an administration that was “landlord friendly” on this building.

photo source Morning Journal

A Building Inspector Desvari ( now deceased) known for fraudulent activities
decided according to the current Chief Building Inspector Dick Klinar ( call me Richard) two days after the fire on August 9th 2017.

“There are many variables that determine if a sprinkler system is required, size of building, number of exits, distance to property lines, distance to exits, Type of construction, etc. Mr. Disvari { sp Desvari}approved it for this use in 2007 so he must have determined it was not necessary.

4. There was no exterior fire escape there, that would have been determined at the time of construction of the building if necessary.

5. The old violations on file were either dismissed or abated. The most current were forwarded to the prosecuter {prosecutor}

I should have been all over this situation where people’s lives were put in jeopardy due to a sober living facility on the ground floor that doesn’t seem to have “from the research of others” quite the legitimacy of authorized care programs. Hard Questions should and could be asked so why am I not asking them?

More like a bed and shared 1/2 bath with this disgrace on the floors above -NOTE( video choppy and hard to see but worth the patience to those that might be bothered.)


hmm looking at the video gives new meaning to “abated”

I waited for the outrage from the community-

1. an Historic Building gone- due to ??? ( still waiting for that determination)

2. Inspection process that was and is as rotting as the roof that was sheltering those of the need of help and care.

3. People living in the middle of an entertainment district whose very lives were in danger( in my opinion- obviously not shared by others) every night they bedded down.

4. The risk to other occupied businesses and “residents” on Broadway let alone to the responding Fire and Police services.

5. The financial and physical cost to the City of Lorain

6. And where is our “legal dept., housing court, the checks and balances where is the follow through?

No! there was no outrage not even a little flutter except on one of the facebook pages but that soon died down. Lorain was not bovvered so why should this Loraine?

Am I bovvered???? well I took the time out from being underwater to surface for a short while this morning so I must be a little bovvered

August 25, 2017 at 4:39 pm 3 comments

Money Where Your Mouth Is- Part Six

Part One-

June 3rd- Your Truth- Chris Ritchey

Part Two-
Part Three-
Part Four-
Part Five –

In Defence of the Fence
Clean up along the front half of the new lot (1125)aka “Lower Deeping Gate” was done and we began to see a problem. We always knew our house at 1127 sat higher than the lot next door, it being on the edge of the old ravine, but once the brush and trees were removed we found the drop off to be not a couple of feet but at one point -6 feet.

Instead of coming all the way to the front of our house with the fence and across we decided to fence and meet the original fence( ( as we already had a gate to access the property at 1125) about 80 feet. And there the trials began. First – a decision on the type of fence, then the problem of getting the fence delivery truck down the 16 foot alley was no easy feat.

Then it was just a matter of putting the fence up up BUT this was not going to be as easy as we thought. Starting at the back of the lot ( after getting the required city permit) all was well. Although the neighbors ( gun on his hip and “f” king of construction) were daily measuring and having conversations as to the size of the lot etc. ( more on that later)

The back of the lot was pretty flat and even so 32 feet of fence being flush to the ground was not an issue, apart from digging the post holes and hitting rocks galore. The long section of fencing running down the lot we soon found out, when trying to stay even at the top, was dropping at an alarming rate.

The men from Tactical Home Services Unit” knocked on the door to tell me there would be a “gap” as we came across the front of the lot as the land was dropping.
Thinking to myself ”

Oh well we will just fill in with some dirt or a couple of little boards”

I told them to go ahead. I wondered why he looked a little perplexed and with a

“well- OK! if you are sure?

My answer as to their skepticism came as the front of the fence went up , what I thought would be a few inches became 4 feet. Our lovely fence looked like the great wall or a billboard, the 6 ft fence became 10 and up in the air. In fact, the land rapidly dropped 4 foot in the last 40 foot of fence and closer to six foot as it met our old fence at the corner of the house and continued to drop the further down the lot you went.

Obviously we couldn’t leave a fence up in the air 4 feet or more but what to do? We had to get three dump truck loads of “in fill” dirt for the property behind the “great wall” ( more expense)so that the 6 ft fence sat evenly on the ground ( Upper Deeping Gate). Since the in -fill dirt was dumped in piles we had to get help, other than Gavin and Braedyn, to move it.
moving-dirtres It was during this day when, as I was watching the two earth-movers, the “little guy with the gun on his hip” started cutting down the tree on the edge of our property and the hurling of insults and rhetoric began screaming at me the Building Dept had given him permission.


( Photo Source : )

It was then I knew there was going to be an issue with the neighbors and where one’s property ended. I knew the fence was thirty two feet and since it came off of our garage, which obviously was on our original lot, we were well within the lot line ( the newly purchased lot was 34.5 ft. by 157 ft. ) The trouble is (and was) the two neighbors had decided where their lots began and ended and were feeding each other erroneous information.

I stopped the neighbor from cutting down the tree just in time. It isn’t a great tree but in summer blocks the view of another less than desirable property from our balcony. The tree is probably irrevocably damaged and if it falls it will be down to the “little guy with the gun on his hip”

Another expense, because we then had our original lot and the lot next door surveyed and yes! the tree is on our property.

Back to the fence, as the contractors kept digging they met all sorts of rubble and huge tree roots, not entirely unexpected . I had always known there was a water source ( stream) running under the lot so hitting water was also not unexpected. What we hadn’t banked on was the ravine ( seen on the map below) had been filled with the debris of the 1924 tornado , the people back then must have just bulldozed everything into that ravine and covered it with dirt.

the neighborhood  after tornado

the neighborhood after tornado

The drop off must have been a small waterfall at one time. Even though this summer was days and days of 90 degree heat as we dug holes we would strike water.
map (2)

The decision to build a retaining wall/planter box across the front of the fence to hold back the newly filled dirt and to stop further erosion even added more angst and expense. This lot was becoming a money pit but we couldn’t have a fence in the air!dsc02714res
A change of design a change of plan . engineering , more building , more top soil to fill and planting


but finally the fence in the air was no more but now a feature that had to be softened and landscaped. (aka more money where the mouth is)

Definition of Deeping -Extending far downward below a surface- underground water source.
To be continued………..

November 27, 2016 at 2:16 pm 8 comments

Study + Plan = money = blah blah = Lorain= ?


I will admit to being pretty naïve as to how government worked and the tools( aka “study/s”) needed by the City of Lorain. In the early 90’s. Charleston Village Society was pretty new as a 501C3 back then. You see CVSI did it backwards we became a neighborhood organization without anyone’s help or dollars. We did the ground work ourselves , tried to make a difference.

We were ridiculed (as the village idiots) and yes even Community Development for the City of Lorain tried thwarting us at every turn – “the middle class clique “ their term -Chuck Urindrisky and Sandy Prudoff possibly concerned about their ” HUD cash cow” . We became an organization over which Community Development had no control – we were the loose cannon.

artwork Chris Ritchey

artwork Chris Ritchey

Finally, we were recognized and our input was required. We were asked to attend a series of meeting with the “movers and shakers” ( I kid you not that was the term used) at the then Lorain High School on 6th.

We were , Rich Robbin and I, excited- maybe something would finally get going in this old neighborhood and Lorain.

We printed out our newsletter, at the time, with the facts and figures from government sources and handed out the newsletter to the movers and shakers – with the headline of 20 odd years ago FOR RENT ONE CITY – LORAIN. Our figures showed Lorain heading from an owner occupied city to 60 percent rental. Not much has changed over the ensuing decades except the “quality” of the rental market took a downward dive in the older neighborhoods(in my opinion) .

Back to our naivety . We duly attended the meetings , the flip charts , touting Lorain’s assets – the Palace , the Lake, the people , the parks , organizations, business opportunities, history etc. After the third such meeting back in the early 90’s I dared ask –

So what happens to this Plan and when do we start implementation?

Oh well we have the facilitator gather all our recommendations, ideas and issues they will make a report and take it to the Mayor’s Office and Community Development for them to find a way forward.

Oh so we won’t be actually “doing anything ” just telling he powers that be what we think- we won’t be implementing anything?????

No! this will just help determine the city’s way forward……….

The reprise of “gobble de gook” – claptrap- wishy- washy -ask me no questions I will tell you no lies

Source Dave Brown
of the Independent

A way forward???? that very term has haunted me and made me nauseous ever since. I don’t know what happened to the “PLAN” from the 90’s and then again the “Visioning Plans of the rest of the decades that we still kept attending. I have the county plan from 1991 ) Vision 20/20 ( total misnomer in my opinion)

We did attend the “plan for the port” and yes! in fact that was one of the very few “plans that have seen implementation in the past 15 years- but one has to wonder if that would’ve succeeded if the Lorain Port Authority had not been accountable directly to the Lorain taxpayer for operating revenue through levies etc.

idearesSo after so many plans, way forward , comprehensive studies used for tools in the box and many, many thousands of dollars later

I attended, on behalf of Charleston Village Society the “Big Idea ” session held at the Lorain Port Authority conference room. This latest study and its outcome apparently will focus on the “zoning ” requirements for this city and determine future zoning/planning based upon the study results . You can find the project schedule the time line – meetings etc. here

Click to access lorain_project-schedule.pdf

There were representatives from a few organizations at the table for this session with Senior Planner Justin Robbins AICP
there were the obligatory flip charts , not much has changed there and it was the “Opportunities ” Page that took me from

Oh well we were asked I will go and listen once more as we go through the motions to help with tools in the box

to the old curmudgeon !

As the people around the table, only one of whom I have ever seen attend any of these previous decades of “plans”, told of the strengths and the opportunities……. I was transported BACKKKKKKKKKKKK to a time of long ago and a plan far away…

OK! I admit all my good intentions of say nothing went west as I looked at the same “opportunities” being written down on yet another flip chart. The same damned things that were written down in the first planning / study strategy I attended those many years ago.
So I forgot my good intentions and said my say ( on the negative side ). Apparently after 20 odd years of Visions and Plans the positives remained the same so not much to ADD there .
I had my say about Lorain’s largest business – the Rental Business

( As a real estate agent and landlord painted a more than rosy scenario” and Yes there is a lucrative business in Lorain!
10 MILLION 800 THOUSAND A YEAR or 900,000 A MONTH coming from the voucher program alone into the coffers of the landlords , a majority of whom live outside Lorain.
I am sure those stats haven’t decreased probably increased since the post

The time has come , the walrus said – Lorain

FROM 1991…..
federal bucks

“Right now ( 1991) you’re giving Lorain away a house at a time , a piece at a time and no one seems to care”

Ward Two the ward that has the Lake, the opportunities for development, itself glutted, decaying and home to even in worst shape now than when the “movers and shakers” held that round table at the Lorain High School cafeteria.( also gone and re planned)

One thing did change the plus side held Lorain City Schools but although the buildings are newer they now find they are in the negative. Back in the time that Lorain forgot ( along with her tangible history) Lorain Schools held many studies and discussions on their way forward – attended more than one – Ironically the last one I wrote about
5 Years ago the Goals for Lorain City Schools coming from plan

1) Goal 1: By the end of the 2011-12 school year, 78% of all students will meet or exceed proficient level on the OAT and 90% on the OGT in the area of reading.
2) Goal 2: By the end of the 2011-12 school year, 78% of all students will meet or exceed proficient level on the OAT and 90% on the OGT in the area of mathematics.
3) Goal 3: By the end of the 2011-12 school year, the Lorain City School district will meet or exceed state minimum attendance standard of 93%.
4) Close the socioeconomic, ethnic and gender gaps in student achievement
5) Adult Basic and Literacy Education and EL/Civics
6) Expand college preparation course offering at the high school level
7) Career-Technical Education
8. FY 2010 Increase student achievement (Reading/Language Arts, mathematics, and science)
– Improving Teacher Quality, Title II-A

THE OUTCOME 2016 Sept.


We could say no more studies , no more plans but these are part of the government hoops and showing the money boys of government – a way forward and community buy in. I suppose it would be cheating to just update the old studies and plans???

Oh and that Lake it also has to go on the negative and plus ( which cancels it out somewhat) because 1/3 of the area that would normally draw in business is water and that water is usually frozen for 5-6 months of the year and rough for a least a couple of months as well – there goes your “boat” people .
Entertainment District/ Downtown and maybe see the area jumping on weekends for 3 months or so BUT will not support a thriving downtown area or gentrify the neighborhood in order to have foot traffic. It has to be part of a much “bigger idea” and I am not sure I have seen that yet….

So this latest “input from the public” is How do we want our community Zoned ?
Updating Lorain’s Zoning/Planning:
An Entertainment zone?( year round???)
Zoned Historical ( better get on that fast we have very little historical bricks and mortar left)-
Residential ( up market zone)( down market)
Recreational Zone – lawn parking of Rv’s
Light Industrial – street parking of construction vehicles ( note these can be grandfathered in as it happens every day)
Heavy Industrial – and so on and so forth……..

Yes that is what I would like an equality/ accountability and no rolled roof Zone – where everyone has to follow the ordinances we already have! With “Zone inspections rather than complaint driven ”

But for right now……. I am completely ZONED OUT

September 20, 2016 at 12:01 pm 4 comments

Abate the wait- Lorain’s Housing Court- OBJECTION

Update Editorial re the Morning Journal on Lorain’s Housing situation

Basically the City of Lorain and her housing court is not there to punish but to abate the issues that come before the court.

Last evening a two-hour discussion on the situation of poor housing and buildings took place before Lorain City Council Building and Lands Committee meeting.

Law Director Pat Riley spent a sizeable period time explaining “rights” and informing Magistrate Cook what he could and couldn’t talk about. I found that a little condescending actually, I am sure Magistrate Cook was aware of those limitations.

Mary Springowski Lorain Council At Large

Mary Springowski Lorain Council At Large

A heated exchange took place shortly after the Law Director’s explanation with Councilwoman at Large- Mary Springowski and Law Director Riley.

Mrs. Springowski vented the frustration of those who are affected by the seemingly lack of accountability and the “wait time” , the frustrations of city council members as they field the calls from constituents , dealing with the conditions of homes and businesses in their wards, pointing out the tax payers also have rights .

Law Director Riley then “lectured” on the law and accused Councilwoman Springowski of “grandstanding and being grandiose”. I am not sure if that was the place of a Law Director who is there to represent council. The “debate” on his part became personal. Mr. Riley would do well to remember ( in this frustrated for 40 years opinion) the “law department is part of the “frustrating situation”.

dennis Flores
Dennis Flores , Councilman for the 2nd Ward has been a companion of mine as I have attended Housing Court recently, he too has seen the process.He too is frustrated with the system, from the “lack of service” ( getting the people into court in the first place). The system weighty and unwieldy.

Magistrate Cook was at the microphone on point so to speak but I was disappointed the prosecutor’s office ” was not at the mic.

You see every decision made in Housing Court, Magistrate Cook always asks ” is the prosecutor in agreement” and the prosecutor of the day signs off , whether it is dismissal, abatement, sending to bench trial etc. Not once did the prosecutor object at any time I attended court. Lorain’s legal department, in this lay person opinion, needs to remember “they are representing the tax payers of Lorain and the City of Lorain.” They too, bear responsibility to represent us and City Council’s endeavors to correct a situation of Lorain’s building and housing that has been years and years in the making .

The system certainly needs speeding up, the Prosecutors Office needs to play a part in the process. The frustration felt by city officials must be pale in comparison to the Building Planning and Housing Dept. whose inspectors are having to deal with situations day and day out.

I have stated in previous posts on Housing Court the “owner occupied ” issues coming before the court , the average Joe seemed to have a high rate of abating their issues, at least when I attended. I understand that when one of these mega property owners come before the court they cannot have their other disgraceful properties taken into consideration, the magistrate has to go by the “case” in front of him however, the fines are such they can build it into the cost of doing business. Business, yes! because that is what it is one of the largest business in Lorain.

We pay the salaries of “professionals” in our law department to represent the rights of Lorain….

Duties of the Law Director

The City Law Director is elected for a term of four years. The responsibilities of the office include:
•Serves as legal counsel for all elected officials, directors and councilpersons of the City of Lorain
•Preparing all contracts, bonds, ordinances and written instruments in which the City of Lorain is concerned.
•Responsible for prosecuting and defending all complaints, suits and controversies in which the City of Lorain is a party.
•Responsible for reviewing ordinances to be considered by Lorain City Council.
•Serves as prosecuting attorney for the Lorain Municipal Court; prosecuting cases for the City of Lorain and Sheffield Township.

Time to step up and Object to the wait for abate…… some of us are in the firing line for speaking out…..


Housing and the Judge Part 4

Lorain’s Lost Housing and Political Machinations

The Wayback machine- is a lesson not learned

The Housing Tale- a history- not a mystery- just bank business


The Housing Court Judge- Part Two

Plump Lady Plummets – and the housing trip continues

to be continued

May 10, 2016 at 10:46 am 2 comments

Nov. 11th- Youth Lost- Medals worn- Remember

Design ( artwork Chris Ritchey  2009)

Design ( artwork Chris Ritchey 2009)

I have always tried to Remember those who fought on November the 11th – from granddads, uncles and my father- to my generation, my husband USAF, my cousins and to those friends who have lost their sons to war.

I was pleased and touched the last piece of art work produced by my son was in honor for another young man who gave his life for his country ( in remembrance)- Eric Barnes .

I was reminded on Remembrance Sunday, as I walked through the dining room, of my father . I hadn’t looked at his medals in a very long time as they hung over the sword he bought me ( The Sword of Charlemagne ) incase I ever did Camelot again. He was coerced into polishing up a sword for the theatrical production in which I was involved -a lousy job and one he decided he wouldn’t do again – hence the purchase of the sword !

There was a lot of dust, the ribbons had lost their sharp colours over the decades and they decidedly needed a clean . I knew some of his medals were gone – RN Long Service and Good conduct Medal, The Arctic Star and the Oak cluster – I had used them to pin my dolly’s clothes when I was just a little one.
Although I had written about his Royal Navy Career in the series along with my mother’s remembrances of those days of world war two –

Long time passing- gone to fighting everyone

Long time passing- gone to fighting everyone-Part Two

Long time passing- gone to fighting everyone- Part Three

Long Time Passing- Gone To Fighting Part 4

Long Time Passing- Gone to Fighting- Part 5

Long time passing- Gone to fighting – Part 6

I can’t really remember having ever “looked ” closely at the medals.
I was surprised at the number of theatres of war in which he had been involved. And then, I remembered this man , my father who had been in the Royal Navy before war broke out and had seen so much in those terrible years was only 28 years old when Victory was declared – my mother 26-. War is for the young they say ……

1939-45 Star

1939-45 Star

The 1939 to 1945 Star was awarded for any period of operational service overseas between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945 (2 September 1945 in the Far East).Naval personnel qualify after 180 days afloat in areas of operations as laid out in the regulations between certain specified dates.


Naval personnel anywhere at sea in the Mediterranean or in harbour in North Africa, Malta or Egypt between the above dates will qualify. Those serving in direct support of the Eritrean and Abyssinian campaigns between certain other specified dates will also qualify.

THE ARCTIC STAR**** The Arctic Star is granted for operational service of any length north of the Arctic Circle (66 degrees, 32’N) from the 3rd September, 1939, to the 8th May, 1945, inclusive. The Arctic Star is intended to commemorate the Arctic Convoys and is designed primarily for the ships of the convoys to North Russia and their Escorts. •Royal Navy and Merchant Navy: naval and Merchant Navy service anywhere at sea north of the Arctic Circle to include, but not limited exclusively to, those ships participating in, and in support of, Convoys to North Russia

Atlantic-L THE ATLANTIC STAR******
The Battle of the Atlantic took place between 3 September 1939 and 8 May 1945 as German U boats, aircraft and surface vessels attacked the convoys transporting valuable supplies from America and the colonies to Britain.
Warships of the RN and aircraft of the RAF escorted the convoys, hunted the U boats, fought German ships and, despite some notable German successes, the allies won a comprehensive victory in the Atlantic

Italy_Star THE ITALY STAR Naval personnel must qualify first for the 1939 to 1945 Star before the Italy Star can be awarded. It is then awarded for service at sea in the Mediterranean between the above dates provided that it was directly connected with active operations in the Mediterranean theatre.
George 5th medal
George VI Medal *****The duration of the Second World War in Europe was from 3 September 1939 to 8 May 1945, while in the Pacific Theatre it continued until 2 September 1945. The War Medal 1939–1945 was instituted by the United Kingdom on 16 August 1945 and was awarded to all full-time personnel of the armed forces and merchant marines

My dad also earned the Royal Navy – Long Service and Good Conduct Medal

ww2-oak-leaf-midand the Oak Leaf –

Oak Leaf awarded to personnel who have been mentioned in despatches in action with the enemy (all environments) in war.

HMS Speedwell
I believe ,in researching my dad’s history, a mention of the incident for which he was mentioned in despatches

Long Time Passing- Gone To Fighting Part 4

Cyril Green:

1400 – Explosion in our ship don’t know whether we hit or what it is yet someone gave a scream.

1445 – Explosion was heater drain observation tank in boiler room exploding. 2 stokers seriously scalded and 1 fractured elbow.

We left Harmatris to two Russian tugs and proceeded to Polyarnoe (Russia) at all speed.

I should like Commanding Officers of all Minesweepers to know that I fully appreciate the good work in the difficult conditions in the past few days searching, escorting, and hunting under the nose of the enemy sea and air forces. It does everyone, but especially the Engine room department, great credit that all ships have been ready for service whenever called upon and I am sure that valuable lives and ships have been saved by the good work performed.

CommanderSenior Officer, Sixth Minesweeping Flotilla “

The HMS Speedwell was a minesweeper and now a segue back to Lorain
and another naval man Admiral Ernest J King

Admiral King

Admiral King

His tribute space has the flags flying – not on a flag pole but a ship’s mast and a “minesweeper mast” at that rescued from the from the old American Ship yard.
Old Mast at American Shipyard
AK flag old

Photo Lisa Miller

Photo Lisa Miller

( Now in place at the Admiral King Tribute Site 1st and Hamilton)

Photo - Lisa Miller

Photo – Lisa Miller



November 10, 2015 at 12:15 pm 2 comments

Lorain’s Lost Housing and Political Machinations

machinationsThe last days of Lorain’s election are bringing out the sound bites of political machinations .

I don’t get involved in the who is who – vote for- aspect BUT I have heard over and over again both in the real media and social media the surface knowledge of Lorain’s Housing being used as fodder for the “vote for me” campaigns .

Unfortunately, I am of the opinion neither Mr. Tim Carrion (IND) or Ms. Jesse Tower (REP) have looked at the housing issues in-depth. These issues have become mythered with politics and this will sound good to the voting public campaign rhetoric !-Lorain deserves educated observations and decisions not sound bites for print.

Ms. Tower stated in the Chronicle Telegram article yesterday

Tower said the $100 inspections are unfair to property owners and reduce housing sales, increasing blight.

“The government should be there to help the residents, not to hinder the residents,” Tower said. “If you want to buy a falling-apart house, then why is the government telling you not to buy it?”

I am afraid I emphatically disagree- I have fought blight and have gone before government committees and courts in Ohio and Washington DC with regard to blight and blighting neighborhoods. – $100 housing inspection costs DO NOT Increase Blight – far from it !

Oh! Ms. Tower , you are much mistaken in the fact the majority of Lorain substandard homes were being purchased by people wanting a home – for the most part these “old houses” were being traded back and forth by LLC’s and “property managers”. They are listed in this link

The Nuisance and Point of Sale Ordinance- Lorain

and some more out of town-ers are still causing issues to families – read it and weep.

The Follow-up – A tale of Two houses City Council Lorain(e)


Every single person who wishes to purchase a home in Lorain should be assured their property meets “minimum standards of safety”. $100 for an inspection is cheap to make sure a child goes to bed without the threat of a faulty furnace, a mother and father know the plumbing will not haunt them and lead paint is not an issue.

Mr. Carrion also had his say

Of the vacant homes, 171 were graded D and 95 graded F. The study recommended demolishing all the D and F buildings. However, Carrion said there should be greater focus on rehabilitating homes.

Mr. Carrion for your edification

Click to access LorainVacantPropertyInventory.pdf

“If some things need to be torn down, let’s do it,” Carrion told Young Tuesday. “But you can’t just take a wrecking ball to everything. Some things need to be salvaged.”

Unfortunately Mr. Carrion – easier said than done. Using Federal/ State funds has some serious rules and repercussions ( as mentioned when Lorain broke the rules and bent them in “previous years under the old Community Development Dept) and they frown upon rehabbing a house for 30 , 40, 75 or $100 thousand when Lorain’s market value for homes, in these older neighborhoods, are selling for 10-22 thousand – thanks to a lot of bank dumping and LLC’s.

BANKS- Banking on Lorain???? – Business of Blight??? Devaluing Lorain


Lets take a wander through some business practices here in Lorain. One property management company JB Patriot Properties ( Jerrod Biebrick- who appeared before Magistrate Cook last week-

Housing Court and You – Lorain- Continued

I did a quick check of only 40 properties of the 80 Mr. Biebrick stated he owns- of those 37 are delinquent in their taxes for over $150,000 dollars total.

I can’t see where any attempt was made to pay down the taxes in the years he has owned the properties. Also, look at the sale prices of just one page from the auditors site –
( sale prices listed far right)
sale prices biebricresk

These properties have taxes owing on them for years – The property he states on his articles of incorporation on the 11 LLC’s he holds is 1101 34th Street.

1011 34th Streetjb

1101 34th Street- purchased in 2009- for $10,900- from yes another familiar bank- US Bank NA- even has taxes owed on those prestigious corporate offices – the real estate tax for this “building” is $711.22 cents per year and owed is $3,791.24 – ( YOU DO THE MATH how many years of back taxes???)

Can you honestly believe if the county foreclosed on these properties the amount of money that would be needed to rehab them would be available ?

Oh Yes !I can just see it now – properties whose highest sales price- per my example Mr. Biebrick was a mere $17,500. Yes! I can certainly see the state and federal programs throwing money into any one of these properties – I THINK NOT!!!! nor would I want them too.

These examples do not take into account the George Schneider properties( 37 of them in the demo line)

George Schneider- A property Legacy- WHAT NOW?????

the Lew Strnad properties – the wheeling and dealing , trading and dumping going on before January 2014. Oh! there are more out there believe me – I look at them every day in this Lorain’s oldest neighborhood.

Let us look at the most recent demolitions and how they got to be razed- this was not the fault of this city it is the fault of business practices that I believe are at the very least unethical.

1223 W 6th Street. Lorain made the front page of the local media
PicMonkey Collage1123

This home was demolished at a cost estimated for each demolition of $25,000 – the neighbors cheered – but HOW did we end up demolishing this property?

The county acquired it through non-payment of taxes in the amount of $12,883.05- the yearly taxes were $692.16 –
tax history 1223res

This is not a case of some poor out of work family unable to keep up with their taxes.

This property was purchased by yet another LLC EAI Investments
EAI investments
EAI LLC info

THEY didn’t pay the taxes.

Perhaps Mr. Ernest and Alice Iseminger couldn’t afford to pay their taxes- One would have to wonder if that were indeed the case since Mr. Ernest Iseminger was in fact (according to LinkedIn) during his time here in Lorain County Vice President, Development and Alumni Affairs Oberlin College and is NOW –
Vice President, Advancement and External Relations at Claremont McKenna College.
His wife, Alice- the Owner, Seniors Helping Seniors Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Area Individual and Family Services

Now I think they could have managed to pay the less than $700 a year in taxes on this property. According to the neighbors, the day I watched the home being demolished, it was rented out and left to its own decay.
history 1223photo

So EIA Investments -it seems – rented it out- and the non payment of property taxes continued to climb – and now WE the taxpayers ( because this is where the money ultimately comes from – ) pay to have the property taken down. I certainly hope the Lorain County contacts EAI Investments and the Isemingers to recoup some of these costs. ?

UPDATE: I heard back from the county re the actual cost of demo on this property
This particular unit was demolished at a cost of ~$11,000.00. the rear unit on the site cost ~$8000.00.
1223 and a halfres

so the total of all structures is $19000.00.Cost includes, legal, title exams, asbestos survey, abatement, demo and site restoration

This is just an example of the nine properties mentioned in the article 3 were bank foreclosures ( Citi Bank and Fannie Mae) two possible deaths – and 907 W 9th under the name of Jeremy Brogan – Mr. Brogan is still listed as owning property according to the Lorain County Auditors site
Brogan listingsres

My concern is the lack of knowledge both by politicians running for office and the citizens of this community as to the real business of “affordable housing” in Lorain. I don’t think we can afford the business practices of – buy it cheap- rent it out- forget the taxes- and walk away . Because according to Prosecutor Will and County Treasurer Mr. Talarek from the Chronicle

The county has stated via Mr. Wills the prosecutor in the article fro
Will said when he first took office in 2005, the county took a much harder line on trying to collect back property taxes than it does now.

He said that once the property market headed south, many of the properties lost value and it became harder to foreclose and subsequently sell the properties for enough money to justify the expense.

Property that is foreclosed on must be assessed, and the county must try multiple times to sell it at sheriff’s sale.

“It costs a lot of money to foreclose on a house,” Talarek said.

If the land doesn’t sell, Will said, it could become state property and it could be sold at an auditor’s sale, but it would be unlikely to go for enough to cover expenses, let alone the back taxes.

“Sometimes it becomes counterproductive to be aggressive,” he said.

And those in the businesses of “walk away ” rentals KNOW THIS! And now Ms. Tower and Mr. Carrion hopefully you know it too. Lorain’s housing is more than a sound bite !

October 27, 2015 at 12:20 pm 8 comments

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