Archive for May 4, 2024

NO LIMITS – Bk 2 – Chapt 15. Beyond the Vale



Chris Ritchey Source










Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Chapter Twelve:

Chapter  Thirteen:

Chapter  Fourteen:

The Mind is a Dangerous Place!

I know those of you  reading  that have felt  the agonizing torment of your being when those that held the greatest love   were  taken . The questioning WHY?  especially  when at the beginnings of their own lives.  Your brain  tries to  make sense of something totally  new to it – a profound grieving, an emptiness of soul and body. You  are alone , no matter the others of your heart that grieve with you, they  too, are facing an ordeal ultimately  “alone” in a strange foreign place.

You fight within yourself trying to get back to  familiar territory, to  experience the life you  had before , the person you  were before – to  be normal in your day.

That won’t happen although  your  conscious brain tries bravely  to  deal with day  to  day  happenings. You  don’t deal – you  go  on a sort of muscle memory  of the mind. It is Tuesday  and I have to  go  here. Wednesday  another commitment and so  on.

Walking through  the days , willing yourself to  get through   the next minute the next hour.  Waiting  for the hour you can give in  and let the mind deal with  the pent up emotions, to  protect the heart and lungs and well being of the body  , the brain pulls the plug and you  give in  and release the pent up  emotions. You  collapse in upon yourself

Despair Artwork by Christopher Ritchey

I desperately  wanted to  believe there was more after life on this planet/dimension, somehow if I looked, concentrated hard enough  a door would magically open and my  desperate wish to be with my son again would be realized .

My  logical side said  No!  you  are searching in vain, the stories , magical happenings of people reaching through to  their loved one  was just an overwrought brain trying to  heal the  shattering heart in order that it kept beating.

The next day  after my lone adventure of  feeling that hand in mine.. no  coldness or warmth  but a pressure  that wrapped about my  fingers .

NO LIMITS- Bk 2- Chapt. 14 Beyond the Vale

I stayed once more in my  pajamas, curled up on the couch and tried to  relieve the  ” release of those moments”. Should I  say  something ? I would wait until my  husband came back from the 4 wheeling trip”. He had had his own gulping  grief, trying to  be one of the guys at the same time , not breaking down , not to  remind them the reason he was there  and not Chris. He came home  exhausted from the effort  of maintaining normalcy. I decided to  wait.

I still looked for signs daring to  believe, what harm would it do  to  believe? I needed to  believe. After all I  wasn’t combing the wanted columns for Mystic Megs, or Mediums. It was just us and we weren’t harming or taking advantage  of anyone/


Jean Schaeffer ( and me as the ghost) as Madame Arcarti

I didn’t have long to  wait  a few evenings later I  got  an excited call from my  daughter. Mum get over here I have something to  show you…….hurry!!!!

I arrived into  the “great room” and Nikki  was  sitting on the floor in front of the big screen TV… Watch she said. At first I  wasn’t sure  what I  was supposed to  see .. there was the baby in his big crib in his own room.

Nikki, had been nervous about him leaving the master bedroom  and his small crib. He was moved to  a nursery  but Jim had mounted a baby  cam high  up in the wall that overlooked the crib and most of the room.

As we watched , I can only  call it an orb because that is what it looked like floated above the crib  moved across the screen. The baby  was smiling  and once again reaching with his little arms to  be picked up.

I  suppose thinking back on it  I don’t know why  as we watched what was happening we didn’t rush  up  the stairs and grab him out of his crib. But there was something playful and loving in the mood on the screen  like a child wanting to  catch  a ball.  This went for a good ten minutes, then just like that the baby  settled down and was fast asleep.

Apparently  this had been happening for a couple of nights.  At first Nikki  wasn’t sure it was an issue with the camera , dust , some sort of technical issue. She had wiped the camera lens, done what she good to  remove anything that might have picked up a glare , or a reflection. Although  the “orb moved”

We sat , eyes glued to  the screen watching the sleeping baby not saying a word. After an hour and nothing happening I left. Once again with more questions than answers and no-one to  explain what was happening  Once again alone in thought  and wanting so much  more …..

To be continued …..

May 4, 2024 at 2:47 am Leave a comment

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