Archive for May, 2012

Lorain’s History Mystery- The Wurmser House- a tale of two houses

ED NOTE: Two more of the tornado photos of the Wurmser House have been added-Thank you Dennis Lamont

Earlier this month I went on a rant – a rant about historical significance and the throw away homes of this oldest neighborhood of Lorain

I recounted the pattern of neglect and cover-up ( literally) of Lorain’s pioneer history.

The Wurmser House on West Erie – you remember this house don’t you ?

The house , according to the Ohio Historical Inventory , could be one of Charleston Village’s oldest buildings circa 1840-
Click on to enlarge

They make mention of the fact in their report:

“surrounding residences date much later from the early 20th century”

Infact, in 1924 a tornado came through Lorain and destroyed many homes and the Wurmser house at the address 1348 was apparently one of them. Dan Brady of Brady’s Bunch of Lorain County Nostalgia and Renee Dore(CVSI) and I have puzzled over the tornado photos shown here:

and yet another view of the wrecked Wurmser House here :

amother view

An aerial view showing all that remains is the basement

Something doesn’t add up-

The street today- photo Daniel Brady

This home according to the Ohio Historic Inventory ( the professionals and those who studied the architecture) is much older than its neighborbors – but the pictures don’t lie – this is not the house that was originally on that lot.

So how did this home , according to the Ohio Historic Inventory , which was probably 80 years old by the time of the tornado end up sitting on a lot that had had a much younger home situated there.

If indeed the Ohio Historic Inventory is to be believed and the house is around circa 1840- the only possible explanation is – it was moved there from elsewhere in the neighborhood.
Lorain actually has a “history of moving ” structures, so it isn’t that far-fetched – for instance this house

pictured in the Wickens drawing by 11-year-old George Wickens in 1891

and pictured here in 1872

“History of the First Methodist Church -1856-1956” page 21

Our first parsonage is pictured for you right along side of the little brick church. It was built when the church was built and cost $1,000. It stood on the northwest corner of Washington and W. Main St ( W. Erie) on lot no 110 of the original town plat ……..

The parsonage was a good house for those days but when Rev. J.P. Mills came in 1883 we find in records “The Parsonage underwent repairs, an addition was built, the grounds graded ….. The manse[cleric’s house] was sold when the old church was torn down. A Mr. Robinson , a young real estate dealer of the day, bought the property for $1,650.00 ……….

For many years a Miss Kate Baumgart owned the corner property but quite a few feet of land were taken off when W. Erie was widened. One of the oil companies bought the corner when it became eligible for business and the house was moved north on Washington and west on Fox St. ( 2nd St). If you go down that way you will see it about half way down the block on the north side. ………

For a house that is getting on for 80 years old( 1956) it looks pretty good. The trimming under the eves, fancy wooden braces, still help hold up the style and incidentally the roof….

The house is still there – and now approximately 136 years old- and for sale – faded and forlorn

The trimming under the eaves is still there but half the chimney is missing

(ED NOTE: are you listening Lorain- city of-any grants available, surely if we can get grants to tear them down we can also find ones to save them???

THE FIRST PURPOSE BUILT PARSONAGE FOR THE METHODIST CHURCH 1872 (possibly the first Lorain parsonage – research needed )


I will explore in part two some other “movers and shakers” . It seems Lorain’s forefathers recycled – they valued their buildings and I believe this is a possible explanation with regard to the Wurmser House. It is another of Lorain’s History Mysteries and there is more to be explored with “this old house”.

ED NOTE if anyone has information re the moving of Lorain’s homes through the years please contact me .
to be continued……………………..

May 30, 2012 at 12:24 pm 15 comments

Vidi- Vici – Weeded – Lorain Pride- Settlers’ Watch 2012

They came with their rakes, their shovels, their brooms , their wheelbarrows , brushes , gloves, ladders and laughter .
These members of Century-Link- Lorain Rotary- Lorain Lion’s Club,Kiwanis, Charleston Village Society and Lorain.

It was thirsty work !

The plastic bags filled with weeds and sticks and stones, and some bones were definitely feeling the burn by the end of the morning

A father honors his son’s tribute – Eric Barnes’ Eagle

And Admiral King’s Tribute site gets its gold!

by noon the mulch had been ferried and placed

the plants had been watered and a job well done! Thank you so much to everyone!!

Some photos- Lisa Miller – Ernest Ritchey- Nikki Beres. ( click on photo to enlarge )

Note someone is missing a wheelbarrow- I have it – contact me

May 29, 2012 at 10:29 am 1 comment

Memorial Day USA- 2012

design- Christopher D. Ritchey

The origin of Memorial Day

Many cities in the North and the South claim to be the first to celebrate Memorial Day in 1866 but Congress and President Lyndon Johnson officially declared Waterloo in New York as the ‘birthplace’ of Memorial Day in 1966. It was said that on May 5, 1866, a ceremony was held here to honor local soldiers and sailors who fought in the Civil War, businesses were closed for the day and residents furled flags at half-mast. It was said to be the first formal, community-wide and regular event.

How do you memorialize the American dead in her 237 year old history?

Wikipediia does it by listing all the wars since 1775 to the present day

Grand Total 2,489,335 dead or wounded ……. so for every year of the United States existence approximately 10, 504 young people died or were wounded in her name .

The community of the United States of America honors and memorialized those who have died, lost limbs and continue to serve .

ARLINGTON, Va., May 25, 2012 – More than 1,200 soldiers with the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, The Old Guard, gathered at Arlington National Cemetery here yesterday to place miniature American flags on each of its gravesites and niches for the annual “Flags In” ritual that’s been performed just before each Memorial Day for 64 years.

Army Pvt. Aaron Johnson places a small American flag in front of a gravesite headstone during the annual “Flags In” event at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., May 24, 2012. Johnson, assigned to the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, the Army’s “Old Guard,” and his comrades placed flags in front of more than 260,000 gravesite headstones and about 7,300 niches at the cemetery’s columbarium.

The Old Guard, at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, is the Army’s ceremonial unit and has honored Americans buried at the cemetery with the Flags In commemoration every year since 1948.

The regiment’s troops placed the flags on nearly 260,000 gravesites and 22,000 niches, in addition to more than 14,000 graves at the U.S. Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., an Army cemetery for residents of the Armed Forces Retirement Home-Washington

Artwork Christopher D. Ritchey

Freedom Is Not Free– Kelly Strong

I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He’d stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers’ tears?
How many pilots’ planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers’ graves?
No, freedom isn’t free.

I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant “Amen,”
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn’t free.

So as we enjoy the day of freedom on this Memorial Day think of young smiling faces whose hearts were afire with patriotism as they gave all they could give!

May 27, 2012 at 10:49 am 1 comment

Lorain a history mystery- Deja Vu again?

I have decided to reprise at least “part four” of Do You Deja Vu written 6 years ago 2006 on the old WoM Blog ( now a history mystery of its own- gone and partially forgotten with records of those times on WoM deleted…. well it seems to be a Lorain thing. The reason I am reprising this piece we have Lorain History Mystery to try and solve next week. I thought this might help segue and get the little grey cells working!

Do You Deja Vu – Four

Was this old town “born under an unlucky star” as stated by Mr. Meyer or was she just unlucky with the motives of men?

Lorain over the years has tried to bury its past; they certainly haven’t celebrated their historical heritage. Infact they have always, it seems to me at least, looked for the next “grass is greener” project.

ED NOTE: Remember readers this was 6 years ago hmmmmmm around the block again 🙂

I have never been able to understand the fact , for the most part, the wonderful stories (and there are some believe me) were not celebrated.
Lorain’s citizens should pay homage to the small intrepid band “The Black River Historical Society“. The BRHS celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2006. The resources they offer to this city are invaluable and more importantly they have kept a part of her alive.
public square
We know that in what Mr. Meyer stated in his speech before the Lorain Real Estate Board in 1926 the
“plat of a village at the mouth of the Black River… containing 263 standard 1/4 acre lots, proportioned 66×165 wherever practicable. With it went The Public Square, (now known as Washington Park).
The one-acre cemetery plot between the present 6th and 7th streets west of Washinton-av, with the following restrictions: To remain forever a public burying ground and to be under the control of the Town Council of the Town of Charleston”

I found it incredulous in 2006 ,just a year ago ,the little park mentioned in his speech and on Lorain’s birth certificate was deemed by an editor{John Cole- Morning Journal }, developer(John Veard}, head of Community Development {Sandy Prudoff} and a Mayoral administration {Mayor Craig Foltin} as being worthless and only good for a condo complex. As I fought the fight to keep the 200-year-old green space from becoming just another housing site my little voice kept saying
“Why are you bothering this isn’t even YOUR history?
But the response kept coming back
No, but it is YOUR HOME !!!
This city started with a man (Nathan Perry) setting up a trading post and cabin. Why was the little cemetery on 6th and 7th allowed to deteriorate when it was deemed so important to the “birthing” of a village? Why were not the souls that were a part of that history, who gave to this settlement, who died -not given the respect due to them in death?

What happened to those that grieved the loss of their child, husband, wife or mother- why did they not rant and rail against the slow destruction of sacred ground? Did they move on to better climes? The population numbers certainly tell a woeful tale. 1840-668- four years later a mere 250 remained- 1850-659, 1870-858 but a year later 1871 -400 (stats History of Lorain, Ohio Chronology)

The answer may lay in man’s greed.

Part three of this series covered the Ohio Railroad Scheme which brought disaster to Charleston, Village/town – so much so those involved and effected by the scheme wished to wipe the place off the map and lose her name forever.

The cemetery deemed to
“remain forever a burying ground and under the control of town council”
seemingly suffered the neglect due to that ill-fated scheme of men.
“Inasmuch as Charleston “died aborning” and no such council ever existed, by whom were the affairs of the cemetery administered in the following 36 years, until the Village of Lorain was incorporated
. – J.J. Meyer

ED NOTE: The following is from Part three of the series and the failed railroad scheme

In 1815 you could buy an acre (including lake front) for $3.25 per acre but just 20 years later due to land speculation regarding the coming railroad, was going for $1,000.00 an acre.The Elyria Republican (N.B. Gates) states that in 1836 State Engineer Dodge came in from Coshocton “As the engineers came down real estate went up …. All the Black River clerical force was again employed writing land contracts…. We all dabbled in city lots more or less, and nearly everybody in Black River and a good many in Elyria got rich – on paper- in a very short time. H.C Stevens claimed to be worth half a million- in fact we were all rich”
and then the bottom fell out
The Ohio Railroad scheme resulted in total failure for this community. Such was the shame attached to such speculation that the people wished to revert back to the name of Black River and to thereby blot from record and memory the event.
Major Hammond wrote in the Black River Commercial “It (Charleston) died without a struggle. It’s hotels were practically closed, it’s merchants departed, it’s warehouse were almost given away to farmers for barns and fences, and even it’s corporate organization was abandoned; it’s name blotted out by common consent, and it’s memory placed in the category of western paper city failures”

END OF NOTE- back to the cemetery:

Apparently, the Village (what was left of it) entered into an agreement with North Amherst which permitted the joint use of their cemetery. That probably explains why Conrad Reid and his wife Elizabeth and Quartus and Abigail Gilmore of the recording fame of the village plat (1834-37), among other Village notables are interred in Amherst.

It didn’t take too long for folk to forget this little area of eternal rest.
In the Lorain Daily News of 1900 “Want Crossing Through Cemetery”

The acceptance of the new Krantz allotment was refused for the second time by the Board of Public Service…
the privilege to Krantz to cross the corner of the cemetery was denied because the property was given for a cemetery purpose only.

Once again “development” must have won out because a mere 10 years later ”Unearth Coffin while digging a water main -Strange find made by workmen excavating on 7th Street”
“the discovery of a coffin at this point is easily explained. Prior to the 60’s the city cemetery was located in what is now known as the Krantz addition to the city”…. The bones were placed in a box and will be transferred to Elmwood cemetery.

And so Lorain lost for many years the stories of those folk who were once loved and a part of the community. Were they buried deep so possibly they did not remind people of the shame that was the greed of the community and the Ohio Railroad Scheme?

Could the actions of those involved in the scheme of a century and a half before be revisited in the 21st century – the little park deemed worthless by the “power of four” and a little cemetery almost lost forever? Men, who once again determined that a ”short term profit” better served a community and was worth more than the 200-year-old green space that had been the birthplace, gathering place and served it’s citizens well.

Could it be they too had “no ownership” in history of this area and followed through with the thinking of ”gone AND forgotten”? After all precedent had been set by elders of a community just a few generations previously.

Thankfully, this time around The Black River Historical Society, Lorain City Council and citizens did not want history buried and found to be “not worth remembering”; they rallied around the little park and gave her her due.

Diane Wargo Medina has wrenched from oblivion a little cemetery on 6th and 7th and those, who hopefully lay at rest, have found a friend who recognized and fought for their worth.

You can find photos of the 2007 celebration here

Celebration of the ” green space” 2007

May 25, 2012 at 1:03 pm 8 comments

Lest We Forget- Christian Temple Disciples of Christ 5th Street Remembers

The congregation of Lorain Christian Temple Disciples of Christ, 940 West Fifth Street, Lorain, Ohio will be placing flags on its side lawn to honor and remember all who have lost their lives in the present conflicts.

The project began in 2002 with 500 flags. This year, over 6, 500 flags will be placed by church members and volunteers from community groups in honor of those who have been killed. The church will begin placing flags at 9:00 a.m. on Friday May 25, 2012. Anyone who would like to help place flags, please contact the church office at 244-5883.
According to Dr. Donahue, the senior pastor of the church:

“ This display is call to prayer and remembrance. Each flag represents a life given and future- potential lost. As we yearly gaze on this field of flags, we are reminded of the price that is paid for and the high cost of our freedoms. It is a humbling and sobering experience.

Christian Temple Disciples of Christ is a Veteran’s Friendly Church where veterans and their families can feel welcome as they worship with many other veterans including Dr. Donahue who is a retired Army Reserve Chaplain.
The community is invited to visit the display which will be up until Tuesday May 29, 2012.
ED NOTE: I spoke to Reverend Donahue this afternoon and help is still needed to help place and gather the flags. Donations are also welcome .

Contact: Rev. Dr. Brad Donahue, Ph: 440-244-5883

May 22, 2012 at 7:01 pm Leave a comment

Is “Futility” the real F word? or “too many times around the block”

Lately , I have been delving back in the past of my “life in Lorain” as a volunteer.

It all started with the bus breaking down. True, my husband, fresh out of the US Airforce was heading to Cleveland from Sandusky for an interview and the bus broke down. Not one to waste time , at least then, he pulled out the yellow pages found Lorain Products, Ben Norton and a job.

That is how we arrived here , it was quite a shock from London to Lorain- but I followed my father’s advice to get involved and meet people.

I did , I jumped in and I was involved- boy was I involved- not having a career, being young and no children at the time I was the “perfect volunteer”. I have at one time or another been involved in the beginnings of a great many things and organizations in this city and with that comes the “back story knowledge”.Some of the back stories are great and some ??? well a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

I know the players, the movers and shakers, the way things were supposed to work and if they did work. I know the good the bad and the ugly. I admit to getting territorial when I see how good things have gone bad and how some have been manipulated so they no longer reflect the original intent.

I think I have been around this particular block too many times, in most cases I am disheartened by what has happened and how with each administration or group of “idea ” people revisit as “new” a way forward – I can no longer get excited- I haven’t seen anything new that I haven’t seen before just reinventing the wheel. I watch the latest ‘dog and pony show” hype and wonder will it be any different this time. I am sort of still young enough that I shouldn’t be so jaded but……..

I have tried to bring the “information” to those that have jumped on the “latest” bandwagon the “history ” or “been there done that” scenario- to give them a bit of a “leg up” so they don’t regurgitate that which has been done before or make the same mistakes . I have realized it isn’t wanted. People/organizations want to make their own mark or mistakes, as it should be I suppose.

I believe, over the years, I have been involved too much in Lorain , experienced too much, know too much and have become too cynical in my views to do much anymore but wait and watch.

I think I have become even more annoying-( I can almost see the eyes roll and the oh! not her again as they read my latest emails 🙂 – turning into a ‘old curmudgeon “ myself. You know the one, the one that gets up at council meetings and spouts off, writes letters to the newspaper “back in my day”- expounding upon their frustrations – At least I know now how they got there.

I keep hearing

oh we must look to the future

all well and good but when the future is tomorrow and the yesterdays and waiting have become the “past”- there are those of us who would like the “here and NOW!!! You see of the 25,000 days allotted to most of us we are fast approaching our “sell by date”!

So forgive the impatience- of the old curmudgeon – the block is deteriorating fast……

Source BBC- Victor Meldrew – One Foot In The Grave

The old curmudgeon walks through town

Wearing a scowl or often a frown

Everyone stays away from him

The poor curmudgeon without a grin

They wonder what has made him mad

Why he’s so blue, why he’s so sad

But no one tries to find out why

They cross the street, won’t look him in the eye

If they’d only ask

Then they would know

Why his eyes are sad

Why his face hangs low

But no one will

And it’s so sad

For perhaps a simple kindness

Would make him glad

Day by day, the curmudgeon goes

And day by day, no one knows

And day by day, no one asks or tires

They just look away from the tears in his eyes.

May 21, 2012 at 12:51 pm 28 comments

Lorain Dude(s)- Lorain Pride- Settlers’ Watch 2012

The “two Lorain Dudes” request your presence at Settlers’ Watch 9:00 am 2nd and Oberlin Saturday May 19th -2012 – bring your gloves and tools and water bottles-

I have been very busy- I have learned how to take off storm windows

Preparing for the clean up and Pride Day in Lorain

I have done this clean- up on Pride Day all of my life!

May 21st 2011

Time to show your pride again 2012- May 19th

Of course the “other Lorain Dude” is just chillin’ this year!

Come on over to Settlers’ Watch – see the under construction Eric Barnes’-Heroes Walk and have a look at the Admiral King Tribute site- I hear the will be roses! Call 440-246-6046 for more information

May 18, 2012 at 2:03 pm 5 comments

Historic Home Tour – Lorain Style?- Wurmser -Ohio Historic Inventory

On my desk is a plethora of information on Henry Oswald Wurmser – the renowned architect mentioned in the previous post

Oh! he was appreciated when he came to Lorain with his partners the firm of Kramer and Wurmser in 1893:
The Lorain Evening Herald 1895

“Their buildings stand on all portions of the United States as monuments of genius and ability…..
The following are a few of the many buildings constructed from their plans:
Opera houses, at Grundy Center Ia, Cherokee, Ia Findlay Ohio, Bowling Green O, Delta O, Sabina , O City Hall Baltimore, O- Hotels Marvin and Gibson- Findlay, Harrison at N. Baltimore, O Minneapolis, At Ottawa, O. Public Schools: New Philadelphia,(2) Findlay O (6) Ashland Ky; Conneaut O, Mansfield O,Canal Dover, Cheeryville, Kans; Homer , Mich; Burlington Vt; Decatur Ill;

And then to Lorain in 1893 where in the History of Lorain County he continued to be identified with the best work of his profession

At Lorain he has erected all the public school buildings during the past 21 years – with the exception of three. …..

During his active career Mr. Wurmser has designed and built 1,224 buildings in Ohio, including among many others the Methodist Church at Elyria and the Reeves Hotel at New Philadelphia Ohio….

He has been especially favored by the School Board of Lorain

—– ahhhh! sorry Mr. Wurmser your monuments of genius and ability….. have gone for the most part ……..Poor old Wurmser – his buildings weren’t favored by other school boards in Lorain in the coming years…. guess they didn’t appreciate his genius and ability ….

Click on to enlarge
And now his home at 1348 West Erie Avenue that is is part of the Ohio Historic Inventory along with the little house in the back 1348 B is negated by those who “decide”
The Front
The Back

The little house 1348B where Cliff Wurmser (son), a teacher at Harrison School, had also resided .

and today inside that little house

And so much for that Ohio Historical Inventory and study so hyped and touted back in the early 90’s showing Lorain’s Historical Worth. Just another study collecting dust. Oh! it is used if the City Of Lorain has to use federal money to demo a house. Community Development has to go through the paperwork in Columbus if they are using federal funds, but really if there are no federal or tax payers monies involved, there is no teeth to this particular “historical dog”. So let us take a walk through the Wurmser House, the one where the Ohio Historic Inventory stated:

“This may be one of the oldest houses in the Charleston Village survey area It reflects the Federal style in its side gable roof , strict symmetry , and windows of 6/6 double hung sash . The 5 bay facade features an Italianate-era doorhood but the multi -paned sidelights are probably original as ar the fan lights in the gable ends. and may date as early as the 1840’s.
Obviously, the home may have been 50 years old already as the Wurmsers moved in in 1893- ( ah! a historic home even in Wurmser’s time )- You have to wonder what this renowned architect saw in this house to make it his home- what I wonder appealed to architect’s eye – its symmetry, simple lines, its Federal styling- who knows ? We never will – like his schools and other buildings his thoughts too, are gone………….

So let us take a video stroll through this home in Lorain’s Preservation District ( there is an oxymoron for you)

Come let me show you how Lorain treats America’s historic inventory………..

And another one bites the dust of decay even with its building permit!

Glad “the powers that be” didn’t treat my home town’s history ( London England) with the same lack of respect- we would be in deeper trouble without all those tourist dollars from America every year…………………….

Note: Thanks to Dennis Lamont, Renee Dore and my secret squirrel photographer for all their help and informaton.

May 16, 2012 at 10:25 am 16 comments

The Rant – Pride in Lorain- How about her Historical Worth?

I was deep in thought this morning, as I was literally climbing all over the “Ship’s Captain”- at Settlers” Watch, getting ready for Pride Day- Saturday May 19th – 9:00 am. . The Ship’s Captain really does have a lovely old face and I was reminded of his worth as people stopped on Saturday and Sunday to have their photo taken with him and asked about the project.

He signifies, to those of us who still take “pride” in this old neighborhood, Lorain’s Maritime history. For those of you born and bred here – this is your history- it is fading fast. I wrote a few weeks ago about Lorain’s forgotten maritime history
how Lorain is missing out on a whole segment of a “tourist destination”.

Oh! dear falling on deaf ears once again– the Captain Wilford House still is up for sale, yet another rental. Just look at the for sale sign information .
I frankly think Lorain and all previous administrations and councils should hang their heads in collective shame. You haven’t got much time to decide whether or not Lorain’s history can help her present – it is going- going going ………..with just a few souls clinging on for dear life to her heritage in this city. The Black River Historical Society who fights for every crumb.It might not be so urgent if these homes had been maintained – One thing feeds another-

The Captain Wilford House– the Captain Gilmore House are not alone there are still a number of homes that have “tales to tell” The Wurmser House for instance you probably pass this house everyday – those of you that drive along West Erie – the home of a renowned architect

Henry Oswald Wurmser

1348 West Erie Ave. ( and this picture is from a couple of years ago the deterioration has set in to an even greater extent)

was a respected architect in Lorain and renowned throughout the state. He was responsible for designing many churches, businesses and residences. This may be one of the oldest houses in the Charleston Village survey area ( source Ohio Historic Inventory)

There is a lot of “buzz” re reclaiming Broadway and that is wonderful
Reclaiming Downtown Lorain Event – June 16th

The target area is Broadway from West 21st Street to West Erie Avenue. Work includes cleaning, landscaping, and painting of buildings. We need your help! This is a great project which promotes goodwill and community pride. Several groups have agreed to adopt a building for a much needed facelift!

Let us look at Broadway and at just a couple of the buildings attributed to Architect Wurmser – recognize them?

600 Broadway- 1901 The Dollar Savings Company

710-714 Broadway The Verbeck Theatre then
and now

and lo and behold Findlay has one of his homes on the US National Historic Register the Charles Bigelow House, – apparently Findlay thinks his work should be preserved- not his home here is Lorain these many years- confess it you just thought it another eyesore .

The house is for sale and has been it is located 1348-1348B West Erie Avenue- The house is in a bad state – how does Lorain justify trashing her history?

We, in Lorain under the auspices of Community Development applauded the Ohio Historical Society the Ohio Historic Inventory for this area. 1993 !!!!! and not a blessed thing has been done to preserve these homes of historical significance. Torn a couple down though.

ED Note – I did call Community Development this afternoon and no they had no record of anyone looking at the Wilford House situation and possibility of purchase- why would they?

So as I climbed all over the Captain this morning to preserve him… hanging on with one hand ( just like the historical societies) – stabilizing him with wood filler and stain so he will last a few more years, almost breaking my neck to do so – I got angry ( the anger that keeps me upright) –

Lorain needs to be stabilized Lorain needs her heroes, Lorain needs to look at the Ohio Historic Inventory and Lorain needs to get their finger out- before you have nothing left! Lorain has a worthwhile story to tell – so damn well start telling it, appreciating it and preserving it. It isn’t my history it is YOURS-
those of you who run this city- WHO LEGISLATE- ADMINISTRATE AND ENFORCE THE CODES??? look for the appropriate grants -purchase these homes which have such significance and try to promote her history ……. Do YOU KNOW YOUR HISTORY – I know mine and I will tell you there is money and appreciation to made from Lorain’s past !

I will now get off my soap box because I got to vent- I got to put it down in cyberspace and will not hold my breath to see if anything ever comes of my latest vent – after all I have been venting about deteriorating Lorain for years and what has happened ? Nothing much…..just more of the same old same old
The Vorweck House

When Living Memory becomes History

May 14, 2012 at 7:33 pm 16 comments

Mother’s Day- 2012- Gifts and Ghosts = a fishy story

This little plaque hangs by the stove in the kitchen. It was Chris’s first artwork and Mother’s Day gift made for me by my son when he was in nursery school, he was but 4 years old and chubby little hands held on tight as he proudly presented it to me . I have seen it every day for 27 years and every day I am reminded of my son , a love and a Mother’s Day .

I am lucky in the respect I still have my mum, although the past months have been traumatic for her – losing her only grandson to the “obscenity of cancer” – her farewell to him taken from her due to the “obscenity of control” and her independence/ home of 27 years to the “obscenity of selfishness” -amazingly she is still here to comfort me to wipe my tears and make me a cup of tea when things are dark and dire. I am truly thankful for her – she is light in my darkness.

I remember one morning, when I was not more than Gavin’s age, having a terrible realization that one day “my mummy would die”. I ran sobbing into her bedroom and climbed under the eiderdown and snuggled- broken-hearted. She cuddled me and eased my fear with a promise she would live another 20 years.
Twenty years – it seemed a very long time to one who had no concept of time so I was placated and Daddy brought us both a cup of tea in bed.

These past Mother’s days since my son -Chris- died

have been bitter sweet- watching Nikki enjoy her little boy Gavin and being a mum and now with her new little boy Braedyn – Mother’s Day has come full circle .

The smile, yesterday, as little hands picked out goldfish and the look on his little face so reminiscent of that little boy clutching the little plaque. I should explain, we now have a fish tradition. I have to tell Gavin every time he comes over and feeds the fish the story of the Ghost Koi and why he different from the other fish.

I thought he had learned his lesson but last Mother’s day along with my tadpoles that have turned hopefully into frogs ( I know two did ) I watched as Chris slipped something else into the pond. A Ghost Koi!

“Oh Chris ! why would you buy another Koi? you know they never survive the winter”

“I needed to get this one and it’s Mother’s Day so you have to accept it “
as he mischievously grinned up at me from the water’s edge

So this Mother’s Day it was Gavin’s gift of fish for mummy, since my fish balloon of Christmas ,now but a sad relic of what it once was, Gavin is intrigued with fish . After feeding the Koi at Pandy’s on the flowers for Mother’s Day trip, we went to Pet Smart and Gavin picked out three goldfish for his mummy. Although, somehow between the store and home they became Gavin’s fish– all called Nemo. Now there is a little tank to house the 75 cents worth of Goldfish that were going in his little pond in the garden. I have a funny feeling I will be running back out to Pet Smart when his little pond is done to buy a couple more, somehow I don’t think the three Nemos will be allowed to go to the pond and have a life of eating mosquitoes until their winter trip to my pond.

I am pleased to say the Ghost Koi has survived another winter as a matter of fact he is far bigger and superior to any other fish in the pond. I did see a large frog eating ( hopefully) his weight in midges. I am not sure how many frogs have survived but there is at least one of my frog Mother’s Day gifts keeping the Ghost Koi company. We also have counted 14 fry this spring- I am anxious to see if any resemble the “Ghost”.

I will cry tears of happiness and sadness this Mother’s Day I will hold my daughter and my mother close and remember ………………

They may cut the umbilical chord but they can never sever the heart strings!

May 12, 2012 at 7:08 pm 5 comments

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