Posts filed under ‘Ghosts’

NO LIMITS – Bk 2 – Chapt 15. Beyond the Vale



Chris Ritchey Source










Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Chapter Twelve:

Chapter  Thirteen:

Chapter  Fourteen:

The Mind is a Dangerous Place!

I know those of you  reading  that have felt  the agonizing torment of your being when those that held the greatest love   were  taken . The questioning WHY?  especially  when at the beginnings of their own lives.  Your brain  tries to  make sense of something totally  new to it – a profound grieving, an emptiness of soul and body. You  are alone , no matter the others of your heart that grieve with you, they  too, are facing an ordeal ultimately  “alone” in a strange foreign place.

You fight within yourself trying to get back to  familiar territory, to  experience the life you  had before , the person you  were before – to  be normal in your day.

That won’t happen although  your  conscious brain tries bravely  to  deal with day  to  day  happenings. You  don’t deal – you  go  on a sort of muscle memory  of the mind. It is Tuesday  and I have to  go  here. Wednesday  another commitment and so  on.

Walking through  the days , willing yourself to  get through   the next minute the next hour.  Waiting  for the hour you can give in  and let the mind deal with  the pent up emotions, to  protect the heart and lungs and well being of the body  , the brain pulls the plug and you  give in  and release the pent up  emotions. You  collapse in upon yourself

Despair Artwork by Christopher Ritchey

I desperately  wanted to  believe there was more after life on this planet/dimension, somehow if I looked, concentrated hard enough  a door would magically open and my  desperate wish to be with my son again would be realized .

My  logical side said  No!  you  are searching in vain, the stories , magical happenings of people reaching through to  their loved one  was just an overwrought brain trying to  heal the  shattering heart in order that it kept beating.

The next day  after my lone adventure of  feeling that hand in mine.. no  coldness or warmth  but a pressure  that wrapped about my  fingers .

NO LIMITS- Bk 2- Chapt. 14 Beyond the Vale

I stayed once more in my  pajamas, curled up on the couch and tried to  relieve the  ” release of those moments”. Should I  say  something ? I would wait until my  husband came back from the 4 wheeling trip”. He had had his own gulping  grief, trying to  be one of the guys at the same time , not breaking down , not to  remind them the reason he was there  and not Chris. He came home  exhausted from the effort  of maintaining normalcy. I decided to  wait.

I still looked for signs daring to  believe, what harm would it do  to  believe? I needed to  believe. After all I  wasn’t combing the wanted columns for Mystic Megs, or Mediums. It was just us and we weren’t harming or taking advantage  of anyone/


Jean Schaeffer ( and me as the ghost) as Madame Arcarti

I didn’t have long to  wait  a few evenings later I  got  an excited call from my  daughter. Mum get over here I have something to  show you…….hurry!!!!

I arrived into  the “great room” and Nikki  was  sitting on the floor in front of the big screen TV… Watch she said. At first I  wasn’t sure  what I  was supposed to  see .. there was the baby in his big crib in his own room.

Nikki, had been nervous about him leaving the master bedroom  and his small crib. He was moved to  a nursery  but Jim had mounted a baby  cam high  up in the wall that overlooked the crib and most of the room.

As we watched , I can only  call it an orb because that is what it looked like floated above the crib  moved across the screen. The baby  was smiling  and once again reaching with his little arms to  be picked up.

I  suppose thinking back on it  I don’t know why  as we watched what was happening we didn’t rush  up  the stairs and grab him out of his crib. But there was something playful and loving in the mood on the screen  like a child wanting to  catch  a ball.  This went for a good ten minutes, then just like that the baby  settled down and was fast asleep.

Apparently  this had been happening for a couple of nights.  At first Nikki  wasn’t sure it was an issue with the camera , dust , some sort of technical issue. She had wiped the camera lens, done what she good to  remove anything that might have picked up a glare , or a reflection. Although  the “orb moved”

We sat , eyes glued to  the screen watching the sleeping baby not saying a word. After an hour and nothing happening I left. Once again with more questions than answers and no-one to  explain what was happening  Once again alone in thought  and wanting so much  more …..

To be continued …..

May 4, 2024 at 2:47 am Leave a comment

NO LIMITS- Bk 2- Chapt. 14 Beyond the Vale



Chris Ritchey Source










Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Chapter Twelve:

Chapter  Thirteen:


And so our little group of Nikki, her dad and I got caught up in exploring, confronting, documenting. My mum,  at first thought we  shouldn’t  and just let it go. Her father , my  grandfather, was very  into  the world of the unknown , read all sorts on the subject and had told my  mum  , ” when he died  he would make sure he would come to  her.

Since he never did apparently  she felt we were wasting our healing time……but within a few days she changed her mind .

Mum loved Chris with  all her heart, he was the boy  she had always longed for  and when he died she  was as broken as well.

The day  Chris’ ashes were taken without our knowledge to  his place of internment  , my  mum wrote the following

Goodbye my “luvleyful” grandson- Chris Ritchey

December 19, 2009 at 9:33 pm 21 commentsEdit

Someone said that you were interred today – I wasn’t told when – your family wasn’t told– I couldn’t say goodbye to what was left of you on this earth as you went back to the earth-surrounded by whom? Another culture – “apart” – from those that have loved you for so long and since the day were born. A goodbye denied to me ! I could not shed a tear at your side or throw you one last kiss – we have been denied but my thoughts of goodbye are for you my “luvleyful boy” are not to be denied

My grandson has died, he slipped out of his flesh and bones into a new frame.

His spirit has passed from here to where? Leaving us full of despair and loneliness.

I look up to the sky , he is there in the twinkling of the stars, he is in every floating cloud in every ray of sunlight.

He is there in the whispering stir of the leaves, the grass under our feet, in the birds dawn chorus and every flower that buds in the spring.

He is there in Misty’s joyful bark and in every breath of air we breathe.

We mourn and long for you Chris – you left us too soon but we thank you for every memory you gave us – locked safely in our shattered hearts – so that none can take them away 

I love you Chris and I am so glad and proud you were my grandson, if just for just awhile.

Love Nana

Since  we didn’t go anywhere but to  my daughters, we started delving into  the “spirit world” .  I suppose  it gave us some sort of comfort in our grief.

There are a lot of sites, what is an orb, what it isn’t ,

There a literally  hundreds of pages and sites and most  have opposing opinions  to  other sites. It seems to  be purely  a matter of interpretation and  how you  experience any  phenomena . So  not much  luck there, nothing definitive to  fully  explain what  we were experiencing .

So  we purchased the gear, the tape recorders,  the meters , the flashing lights , all electronics that tell you  if a presence is near or if you  are actually  standing in a draft. You  can buy  them on Amazon.

We armed ourselves with  the tools of the trade, so  to  speak. Tried to  take base readings oh we were very  professional , although  we didn’t really  have a clue as to  what we were supposed to  see or hear or photograph. My  husband used his camera which  had a some sort of infrared  thingy which  caught  anomalies in the photos. Whether they  were dust in the wind , moisture drops  we really  tried to  differentiate between them.   Chris dad took photos after photos….. but what were we really  looking at ..


Snow in this one of course but then the “orb” or light anomaly


and then the mist creeping into  the corner  , we could see the snow not the “orb’ or the mists.


The only  time I could see anything was on the photos. Nikki was still getting talking toys and moving objects. Everything was centered around her home., apart from my  husband’s camera catching. I was in and out of belief.

When Chris was ill but still with  hope he had planned with others to  go  on a four wheeler trip. When he died , the fellas decided to  go  on that trip  and Chris’s dad would ride Chris’s four wheeler , that he loved.

That meant of course me being left alone in the house but honestly  I  sort of welcomed the chance to  be alone with  my  thoughts and emotions and being able to  succumb to  the emotional incontinence I  was feeling.

I had moved into  the guest room after Chris passed,  so  I could wander  and not keep my  husband awake  with   torturous tears .  That first night I  went up with  a hot drink, and thought I  will try  and read a book. The lamp by the door was an old fashioned standard lamp  ( similar to  the one pictured  except it had a pink fringed shade) The lamp  was   bought at a flea market years before and had a on/ off switch  that you  physically  had to  turn for the light to come on.  .


I turned on the lamp  as I  entered, walked over to  the side of the bed , put my  drink and book on the bedside table  and went to  turn on the bedside lamp, nothing the bulb must have gone.

I was standing there debating as to  whether it was worth  going back down stairs  for a replacement. “Did I  really  want to  read??”  when in a split second the room went completely  dark. I actually  screamed  and thought oh don’t be daft, and the light  clicked on   making the sound that it did when the switch  was turned … then as I turned to  look it clicked again and went off  again and then back on.

By  this time I had decided  to get under the covers and put it down to  my  silliness. I  turned off the light  and went to  the bed. As I   fixed the pillows the light clicked on again…. I was beginning to  think maybe Chris WAS there . Once again the light clicked off and I snuggled with  my  thoughts under the comforter, my  eyes closed. It was then I felt a weight pull at the comforter, like someone was sitting on the bed , before I could open my  eyes I felt a hand in mine , the most amazing feeling of serenity  and peacefulness  enveloped me and I must have fallen asleep  because it was 7 hours later that I  awoke . I had never slept  the whole night through  no  matter how exhausted I  was  … from that experience I knew something was there and whomever it was – was trying to  bring me comfort …..

to  be continued

April 3, 2024 at 9:57 pm 1 comment

No Limits-BK 2-Chapter 13- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Chapter Twelve:


When Chris passed, after the initial days of “surreality” , it is true , at least for me , it truly  was a bizarre state of fact and dreams  that were unbelievable. My  poor brain tried in vain to  sort out what was happening in my  new reality. I was left with  a new me. I  was  disjointed,  at odds with  my  grief.  I had attended a speech given by  Susette Kelo  as she explained to  the audience about her loss of her home and  fracturing of her life , she stated that evening:

” I wake from sleep exhausted”

I know now exactly  what she meant . What dreams may  come…. days were filled with a zombie like existence , pushing or trying to  push the “reality” away as it was too  painful to  bear. Nights… oh!  the dreams  and fragments of reality  that invaded the exhaustion I felt. Waking to   pillows wet with  tears and  for just a moment  relieved that it was  but a nightmare   only  it wasn’t – this the new me. Surreal…

2 faces of life- by Chris Ritchey

I didn’t know who  I  was anymore , I had no  way  forward as they  say. I suppose  the only  thing that kept me from my  knees  was the fact I  had so  much  anger towards the “Lombardi  Clan” and their , to  this family,   despicable behaviour.

DEC. 4th- How Cold is Cold -Lombardi?

I suppose I  should be grateful for that anger, it somehow kept me “sane” gave me a focus other than my  terrible gut wrenching sorrow.

As , I hope, you  can imagine my  mind was  fragmented, bruised  and well I was no longer sure  of ME!

To  add to  my brain overload, I now had the added  circumstances  of  orbs,  aromas, talking toys  and mists!

I must admit I was torn between wanting to  know  the truth , was it just wishing for  a  communication from Chris  so  hard that I  was seeing and believing things that really  weren’t there ; finding the abnormal in situations that could be explained  logically.

Knowing  my  pain and the fact that being with  baby  Gavin , my  daughter, would give me time alone with  him. Those times she would run to  the store or do  errands.  It was one such  afternoon about 3 months after Chris passed. Gavin was in his highchair  playing with  his food., little bits of banana  and making a lovely  mess. He brought  a smile as the banana was everywhere but his mouth.

All of a sudden he stopped his play looked to  the  ceiling in the  family  room which  is attached to  the kitchen . He reached his little arms up to  be held , but he wasn’t looking at me.  I  followed his gaze  and there was an orb moving across the ceiling… I  deliberately  closed my  eyes and opened then again , maybe it was some sort of eye issue, the sun shining through  the great window , a reflection of light.  Gavin had gone back to  his banana and I  shrugged it off. My  son in law was due home so  when the door to  the kitchen area opened, which  separated the side door from the garage, I thought it must be him coming home through  the garage. I set about cleaning Gavin’s little face waiting for his father.

He seemed to  be in no  hurry  to  come in , I  was a bit concerned because of the draft on the baby. Then the aroma of his  aftershave wafted through. It gave me a turn because he and Chris used the same product ( probably  because my  daughter would purchase the fragrance as a gift)  and I had a “hold my  breath”  moment. The aroma brought back so  many  memories and I  truly  was anxious as to  hiding my  feelings  from Gavin and my  son in law.

No  more tears today  please, I  can’t deal with  this 

were the thoughts that came through . I  went to  the door to  see where Jim was  and to  tell him I  was shutting the door due to  the draft. He wasn’t there. No-one was, the aroma continued for a good minute , Gavin playing happily  oblivious to  the fact  his grandmother was wondering if she had lost it altogether.

My  daughter came home , I wasn’t going to  say  anything in case she worried I was going doolally  and shouldn’t be left alone with  her son.  However, as she came into  the room the talking  toy  started to  sing at us again .

I told her what had happened and she said.

I believe you  mum , so  many  things have been going on. I  think  we have to  acknowledge this maybe Chris trying to  get through  from wherever. Can you  imagine trying to  reach  through   and being ignored or not believed? How horrible would that be. Let us continue making the notes and pictures and discounting what  could be something else , a co-incidence  but if it is Chris we owe it to him to  believe. ……

To be continued


March 3, 2024 at 6:18 pm 1 comment

No Limits-BK 2-Chapter 12- Beyond the Vale








Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter  Nine

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Garden Nights????

Whilst all sorts of “happenings” were going on at my  daughter’s home, things were quite here in Chris’ home.  We weren’t getting sounds, or aromas. It just seemed to  be  things showing up  through the camera lens.  We progressed from the kitchen to  the back garden. When I  say  we, I  meant my  husband,  he would spend a lot of his time  just taking photo after photo  , click, click click every  second or so. What the neighbors must have thought I  dare not ask.

As soon as he started his nightly  vigils with  his camera,  things started appear. It was as though he was noticed. Since we couldn’t really  explain , not being photographers etc. it was decided to  see if we could find logical explanations, such  as  ” Lens Flare” . Following the photos taken in the back garden  ( previous Chapter 10)(light and dust)  which  of course was a possibility. We decided to  experiment!

To  that end we decided to  try  and get Lens flare . Another night in the garden  at the same time of day  as the previous photos  pointing the camera  at the willow tree no lights or orbs on that evening  No  light source we could see.

Pointing the camera at the neighbors house  did show a streak, but it was obviously  the flash bouncing back of the little  plum tree branch, if you  look closely  you  can see the buds. We discounted the tree branches .

Next we turned back from the back yard facing south   , to  north  and then  we got lens flare .

but not on the willow tree.

My  husband then ( not being computer savvy.. something that should be remembered  in later chapters) decided to  make a photograph  album of the photos  recording times and dates  etc.  He printed out the best ones  but he took thousands of photos . I have hundreds of a dark willow tree and the back yard all the same  with  nothing on them , night after night. But then … the mists , since we were in the cold months  we then decided to  make sure it wasn’t  our breaths.  I would stand night after night in cold , whilst my  husband took shots of my  breath. Then he decided it might be coming from him so  he brought one of those helmet cameras and walked around in various times an temperatures breathing in and out and letting his breath  out of his nose and mouth.

As I  have mentioned before I think we wanted to   convince ourselves of our own sanity.

As some of you  are aware we have a couple of decent sized garden ponds. We kept them open during the winter months due to  Chris’ mothers Day  present the Ghost in the Pond.

Maybe the mists were due to

“A thin layer of air above the pond is warmed by the pond water. Water evaporates from the pond’s surface into this thin layer. The thin, warm, moist layer of air over the pond then mixes with the cooler air from the land. As it cools, condensation occurs and a fog forms. 

Or even  the warmth of the ground  and ground moisture  causing condensation like  a wintery  dew ? Beautiful though  it is , it not  our “mists”

Could it be condensation from the furnace outlet , no   how about smoke from  some unknown source maybe next door drifting over, although there was never any  smell and you  couldn’t see our  with  your eyes , just through  the camera. But we lit a torch just to  see, no!  you  could see and smell that.The same with  the dryer vents…ours and the neighbors…


Ou  mists , only  visible through  the lens and on the downloaded jpgs  could NOT be seen by us, the same with  the plethora of orbs???


The closest we ever came to  reproducing  the “mists” was candle  smoke  from a lighted candle BUT again you  could see and smell it…

Since those shots of the mists started to  appear, and we have dozens of photos   I will give you  a hint as to  what is to  come… mists do  not hover  they  move and move quickly, very  very  quickly……


February 3, 2024 at 8:40 pm Leave a comment

No Limits-bk 2- Chapt 11 -Beyond the Vale


Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter  Nine

Chapter Ten :

Questions no  Answers……..

I wish I  could tell you  after all these months and years  the answers to the questions we all have after we lose the person most precious to us.  All I  can tell you  is what happened , what happens and that through  this whole “experience ” we have tried  with  all due diligence to  find other explanations…..

Apart from the kitchen orb and a few others, that we were informed are camera or reflection issues , lens flare nothing much  was happening in this house.

My  husband, after his orb experince  and Toby  Keith  happenings in the kitchen ( see previous chapter)  continued to  take dozens and dozens of photos.  He then decided as it got warmer to  take photos outside, hundreds and hundreds of them.

The three pictured  at night a couple of months   later on in that first year surprised us….

Maybe there is some sort of technical explanation as to  the light streaks  in the shots. but they  didn’t appear  in  the photos before or after taken from the same spot. He just would click away with  a little cannon camera, nothing fancy  night after night, nothing but then things were happening at night in that back garden , Of course we were puzzled  and  if my  son was an orb or even a streak of light  , he definitely  wasn’t alone!!!

The one night  he pointed his camera toward the Willow tree and took shot after shot  you  can see where the flash light up the hedge leaves  where he was standing  and yes if you  look carefully  there is an “orb” or dust??? top  left hand corner  click on to  enlarge … None of these photos have been enhanced or photoshopped in anyway 

The orbs would appear and then disappear , but I bow to the explanations given by many  such  as

Differences between dust and orbs

However, as you  will see when they  are combined with  other happenings, the dust particles pollution argument  in this house and Nikkis  falls short!

And the streaks of light ??? Well there are all sorts of explanations , lens flare   etc.  but our streaks of light didn’t – to  our desperately  wanting a sign from Chris minds and eyes – didn’t seem to  cover what we were experiencing.

Anyone, even the most  skeptical of souls , when you  lose someone you  love with  your whole being, as much  as you  deny  the existence  and poo- hoo; I know they  will still look for signs  their loved ones are still somewhere.   And you  can’t believe in Heaven and not  picture your loved one there , wherever that is.

All those that go  to  their various  churches and don’t believe in ghosts or spirits. Well I  guess I  would say  then

what is it that goes to  your Heaven???   And then there is “resurrection” what exactly is the part of your loved ones that are resurrected?

All I  know is that  we as a family  looked for explanations, and received none. Oh  in the very  beginning we tried  the

“give us a sign that it is you’?

Nothing in those early  weeks and months, just toys going off at Nikkis , and orbs and flashes of light  in the very  beginning at our house apart from the Christmas finding  and a gift from my  son!!! I still was scared to  believe .


She probably  thought I  had lost the plot .

Well you  wont’ find him cleaning  a junk  drawer

she said, more than a little annoyed I  think  and worried about her child me!

I finally  threw all that needed to  be  disposed of into  the fire, tidied the desk and watched as the flames died down. My  mum called again

“Are you feeling any better , should I  come over and make you  something, Loraine, Chris would not want you  making yourself ill” 

As she carried on speaking I noticed caught under the side of the couch and up turned envelope, one of the many  that had been relegated to  the fire, that I had missed. I picked up  the envelope to  throw it into  the dying flames when I realized there was something in it I  turned it over and on the front it had Chris CIA in his writing.  My  mum was still talking but I wasn’t really  listening. I didn’t recall seeing this before , but I gingerly  opened  the envelope, inside were slides  a just three. I told mum I  would call her back, ran to  the den and found the little portable slide holder.

And there they  were. I  HAD  seen the photos before BUT not as slides or in an envelope. As Chris walked across the stage at Clevland Institute of Art the day  of his graduation and when he was most happy, receiving his BFA.

The students had to  express themselves visually  that day   as to  who  they  were , what was important to  them and this was done on a huge screen behind them in sequence. These were the slides that had been used…I never knew they  existed before that day or after.

What was most important to  my  son :

Who I am- Freedom Speaks – art work Christopher Ritchey

by Chris Ritchey Freedom of Speech

“Speech Can Separate You From Everyone” poster- Chris Ritchey

I cried,  again, but this was a different sort of tears –  they  relieved. Whether by  accident or design I didn’t know but I  had received a gift from my  son once again on a Christmas Day .... “

and then more and more as we paid attention  things ” started “clicking” .

What I  will say  at this juncture , whatever happens doesn’t happen because we reach  out and ask it to  happen. Whatever the energy  is or comes  it is in its own time.

I truly  believe that because this little family  was in a self imposed  “lockdown” we paid attention to  things around us more than is perhaps usual for most.  and so  it began the journey  of sight, hearing and yes aromas….. all to  come…….

A night in the garden  just  three of 0ver 188 shots taken in succession 2010 

The first shot was an orb in the willow tree.  The 2nd a click later  and the third another click later


January 3, 2024 at 8:23 pm 1 comment

NO LIMITS- Book 2- Beyond the Vale – Chapt10.









Chris Ritchey Source











Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter  Nine

Coming to Grips With  Grief and not succeeding

I don’t remember too much after Chris died on December 3rd , the dreaded anniversary  of his death. the millions of words I have written in the ensuing years,  every  month in Book One of No Limits for three years and previously.

I  have cast my  mind back to  those raw days,  don’t know who  did the laundry, who  did the grocery  shopping the vacuuming  who  cooked? I  know it wasn’t me !!!!! I remember  writing  a great deal on this blog as to  what the Lombardi clan did   and what  death meant, cruelty   , looking for answers. But that is all I  can recollect. Thinking about it I  suppose it must have been my  mum  and someone must have driven her to  get groceries for us. I simply  have no  idea who  did what  at that dreadful time.

I know that I  was locked in some sort of paralysis of  thinking and movement. I did not comprehend what was going on around me. I do  recall clearing out all my  closets and getting things in order  as I was sure I was going to  die  and wanting to  make it easier on my  daughter etc.  I would curl up in a fetal position on  the day  bed  that was Chris’s room originally, surrounded by  his artworks and momentous of the past. The wooden “portfolio case, so  heavy  made in a project for CIA serving as a coffee table , the last book Chris bought me

I would wait , listen  for  something  that would bring Chris to me …nothing, maybe Chris was with  Nikki and not here.   I  was so   wrapped in my  own misery  I hadn’t realized the suffering of the rest of my  little family  including my  husband.  I had glimpses of him trying to  hold back his emotions and at least twice he was quite frankly  actually  choking on his grief  by  holding back the  screaming from within I knew all too well. I know he clung to  Misty, Chris’ dog like  she was a life line or connection. Misty  never left his side

I don’t know who it was reminded me that he too was going through  a pain that was unbearable to  experience. I would think it would have been my  mum as she seemed to be the one to   tell me  the hard truths.

Whoever it was  mentioned to  me  that my  husband , who  had retired  when Chris was first diagnosed, in order to  be of support and available  , needed to  have to  do something a job of work or something so he too wasn’t emotionally  paralyzed.

And so  it began I gave him a job , remodel the kitchen   , not all of it just take out the lower cabinets, get rid of the appliances and replace the counter tops. Of course I  didn’t think what that would entail or how long it would take an emotionally  cripple  just something to  keep  him busy.

I  didn’t consider how we would eat, cook make tea, where we would put the  new appliances or the flat pack new cupboards  . I wasn’t using any part of my  logical brain, just fulfilling the needs to   give him a job to  do! That job ended up  taking months and I never said a word as I would climb over table saws and all things “manly” to get to  a small fridge that used to  be Chris’ from college to  get milk for coffee or tea.

   The den is off of the kitchen breakfast nook and when I  wasn’t locked in my  fetal position upstairs I would be on the computer. Annoyingly  , apart from the mess, dust and  destruction going on behind the door strains of Toby  Keith  were continually  being played on the small CD player that Chris had bought for his dad  on his birthday , along with  country  music CD’s and especially  Toby  Keith Chris also  was a fan. Listening to  Toby  Keith  hour after hour  drove me back upstairs.

However, one day  when I  was at the computer  my  husband said can you  down load some photos for me.  What I was given was dozens of pictures over a week of my  kitchen ceiling and cupboards at different times of the day



My  curiosity  after three or four  or more of these requests  stirred me to  ask

“Why are you  taking all these photos of the ceiling and for God’s sake  play some different tunes on that CD I  am Toby  Keithed to  death….”

It was then he told me that  as he would work and try  and get on with  what he needed to  do , although  he was finding it overwhelming  the CD player would turn on by  itself ever so  often. He thought maybe Chris but didn’t want to  say  anything to  the “mentally  fragile me” . He was taking a photo of the kitchen  etc  one time  as the CD player came on. The photo  he took had an orb thing. ( small disc like object just to the left of the door


Well we knew about orbs, being faults with  camera and all things rational, but we weren’t rational. However every time the CD player would kick on by  itself he would take pictures of where he caught the orb, or at the same time of day in the same place to  see if it was a reflection of something, a bounce back onto  the camera. He kept on taking them but as he didn’t know how to  download  he wanted to  see if it happened again … it didn’t apparently .

the magnifying of the first kitchen orb…….

Well we were both  a little crazy but I said

 keep on taking photos 

and he did  inside and out.. hundreds of them ..more to  come !!!!!!

December 3, 2023 at 3:43 pm 1 comment

No Limits- Bk 2- Chapt 9- Beyond the Vale




Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

The Madness of Grief?????

The wandering through  the house  in the wee hours of the morning. The darkness of grief and night  seemingly  unending, looking reaching for  a glimmer of hope that you  will wake up from a nightmare. Looking through  the darkened rooms, listening to  sounds  and only  hearing ragged breathing  and sobs, and realizing that it  is you.

What exactly  are you  looking for you  ask yourself, something, anything to  give you  comfort , hope, the person you  loved with all you  heart and what is left of any  soul is still near somehow. You  wander searching  to open a doorway.  a portal to  once again feel the laughter , the warmth, the hopes   and love you  had but a few days before.

How can he no  longer be, when every  bone , every  fiber of you  your being is reaching, searching….. at the same time  part of you  wonders if you  are going mad , logic fights to  the fore only  to  be dashed into  oblivion  … No  you  cannot give up, there has to  be more  doesn’t there ? You  speak out loud  although  there is no-one to answer.

A light flickers at the funeral home across the way, you  watch it for hours, No! not a  message just a loose connection. The coldness that permeates your body  is not a ghostly  presence just the numbing cold of loss.

You  stare at the things still left from his life with  you, childhood  mementoes willing them to please somehow contain an energy  that may  reach  out and  get through, just to  know that somewhere he is Ok – no  longer in pain.


1st Mother’s Day card- Christopher Ritchey

Oh  not from the church  and beliefs of others just a sign anything that only  he  and you  would know  …. Nothing comes in those long nights of December  and January. 

There are  what we hoped were signs  at my  daughters. Each one of us , Nikki, my  mum and myself  desperately  wanting those little communications from a baby’s playthings to  be a sign Chris was there  in  her home  and bringing us comfort.

There were times when others were gathered in her great room  as toys would proclaim loudly  their presence, a ball would roll down a hallway…. but only  my  mum, Nikki  her husband and Chris dad and myself would notice the anomaly . We would look at each other as others,  oblivious ,would carry on talking , eating . Did they  not notice ?

You  want so badly  to  believe , and yet  at the same time you  are wondering if you  are seeing and hoping for things that aren’t real.

Chinese Takeaway.

Yes that was a clincher for me , when I  knew there was more to  speaking trucks  balls and toys and that Barn Toy   mentioned in Chapter Three


As we sat there, remembering  and trying not to,  of other times in that room when Chris was with  us, the conversation got around to  Angela ( Lombardi) .  My  mother  just couldn’t come to  grips with  how terribly badly  and wronged Angela  and her family  had used us.

The fire continued to  crack and pop  the baby  cooing  and a sort of hiccupping giggle.  My  mum said  staring at the flames said to  no-one in particular…..

“I wonder what Chris would have thought or done about  what has happened? 

No -one  said anything. And then the toy in the corner  all of a sudden made a static  sound, like an old fashioned radio, it continued for a couple of seconds and then the song but only  the last part  “make it  RIGHT” not Bright . the static cut off the B !

My  daughter  looked at me ,

“mum did you  do  that???? “

No ! I  am nowhere near it ,

“well how did that happen?”

That particular evening I stopped at the Chinese restaurant  on my  way to  Nikki’s to pick up  supper.  They  were very  busy and there was quite a bit of noise. I  met a couple of people I  knew and they  were very  sympathetic as to  what had happened.

I really  didn’t want to  talk or see anyone I  just wanted to  crawl back in to  my  self -imposed prison. Finally  I got the food and went into  Nikki’s home. Far from quiet and baby  giggles, I  was met  with


What in the world????? A quick look around the room the baby  was in his little seat , Jim was no where to  be found, the Barn toy was in the middle of the room, Nikki’s face was flushed  and excited  and she had her hand held video  camera  attached to one hand.

Why  what  is wrong  what is going on ?

Chris is here , and has been here  . Jim came home the Barn toy  started going nuts  bells ,whistles songs. We tried to  see if there was something wrong with  it  and couldn’t.

I told Jim to   keep  talking to  it while I got the camera …. I think  he thinks I was crazy but he said  Hi  Buddy  is that you   and it started up  again.. and then ( there was a certain  very  attractive woman they  both  knew and  Jim laughing said Hey  do  you  get to  se XXXXXXXXX naked and the Barn toy  went nuts and Jim took off.

Nikki showed me the  tail end film  and I sort of collapsed onto  the kitchen stool. There was  no  logical explanation was there?

DID  you  try   to  see if the wiring etc  was wonky.

No  mum it is perfectly  fine……

and just then a familiar song emitted from the Barn toy …


” Flick the switch  and light the light, flick the switch  and make it bright.

Then all was quiet. Gavin was  giggling away  in this little chair , his little arms reaching out to the air. Nikki  and I  sat rather stunned., and yet a sort of peace I  hadn’t known in weeks settled . BUT I still wasn’t ready  to  believe totally  but I would take whatever respite I could …… To  be continued

November 3, 2023 at 11:24 pm 1 comment

No Limits- Bk 2- Chapt 8- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source



Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Ghost, Spirits or symptoms of Grief?

As mentioned in the previous chapter I had some experiences  in my  younger days.  Two  spring to  mind, as I recall .

When I  was about 15 we were living in another house in New Brunswick, Canada . The house was originally  a summer home and rumour in the neighborhood was that it was said to  have a ghost.  Well we paid no  attention to  that and my parents bought the house. The problem was the third bedroom  off the balcony  landing that went across the  great room, the door would never stay  shut. We didn’t use that bedroom due to  the position of the huge fireplace and chimney there was only  room for a small window so  it was always very  dark and very  cold. My  father said there must be a leak coming through  the chimney  and that once it was winterized  that would take care of that . Since the door would always somehow blow open  we locked it to  stop  any  errant drafts.

My  bedroom was at the other end of  balcony, I  had a  huge window that overlooked the beach and the St. John River.

My  father had been renovating and winterizing the house including my  bedroom.  My  mother had dressed the window with frilly  net curtains

In the autumn,  the warmer days led to  very cool nights. It was one such  night I  woke  feeling really  cold, I put it down to  not closing my  window.  The curtains were blowing in the breeze all white and gauzy, however I was too lazy  and half asleep so instead  I just snuggled down deeper in the comforter.

The next morning I saw the window was closed. I thought my  mum must  have come in and closed it during the night and then I realized there were NO  net curtains at the window, she had taken them down days before whilst my  Dad was working in my  room.  This is what I  thought I  was seeing, but obviously since the curtains weren’t at the window or even in the room????? And the locked door to  that other room was wide open .

Although there were always people I  wished I  could speak to  , (still do) that had passed. I was more intune with  De Ja Vue . I have always have the remembered dreams that  become reality as did my  son, Christopher.

I was called to a meeting in 1983  and one of the people (  who  shall remain nameless) was a horrible woman , loud mothed, very  wealthy , large but not in the way  of the heart, domineering and downright nasty.   This committee meeting I  was summoned to  was to  invite me to  Chair  and put together a special event in Lorain. I was very  uncomfortable about doing so. The  bullying woman  with a list of demands as to what I was supposed to do was infuriating  and frankly  quite insulting to  my  intelligence.  It was then as if someone was standing behind me  and said very  loudly

” That woman is an insult to  womanhood”

and I jumped thinking they  must have heard who  was behind me…… there was no  reaction  and then I  realized the voice was that of my  father’s mother who  had died 10 years previously. Needless to  say  I  did not chair her event!!! Nanny  Bunyan


No, my experiences were more de Ja Vue  and premonitions  if I  honest and I  had a lot of those.

No Limits-Bk 2-Chapter 4- Beyond the Vale

I know so  many  people who  have lost those dearest to  their heart and soul who look for signs from those loved ones, I know I did every minute of every day  after Chris died. His body  was just across the alley  at the funeral home. I would stand at his bedroom window  looking out across the garden to  where he lay waiting for his cremation and funeral.

I would write I love you  in the frosted windows incase he  could know somehow. I would look for signs  waiting to  see him . Nothing!!!!! my  heart was gutted, I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop  crying , carried around the little bear he had bought for me on his trip to England for soccer for days .I was sure I was dying myself the pain of losing him was cruelty in and of itself.  Nothing anyone could do  or I could do  made it any  less debilitating.  I just wanted it all to  go  away  to  be some horrible nightmare.  I too looked for signs but none came in those first days. I locked myself away in my  misery.

And then slowly things started to  happen

Collective hysterical madness of grief , desperate for some sign he was OK ,   in the three women in Chris life who  truly  loved him, his sister his Nana and me   and were grieving his loss ? Whatever they  say the signs in more ways than one were starting and getting stronger.   to  be continued…..


NO LIMITS -Bk.2-Chapt. 3 -Beyond the Vale

October 3, 2023 at 8:14 pm Leave a comment

NO LIMITS -Bk. 2- Chapt -7 Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :


I don’t have answers, I don’t want to  argue beliefs, I am as ignorant and naive as anyone when it comes to  death  and the after life. 

Before my  son died , when I was very  young I had some experiences , which  I  am sure  could logically  be disproved  by  those that  counter the  belief in the after life. BUT then again isn’t that what all religions are based upon… even “reincarnation”

Reincarnation, also called transmigration or metempsychosis, in religion and philosophy, rebirth of the aspect of an individual that persists after bodily death—whether it be consciousnessmind, the soul, or some other entity—in one or more successive existences. Depending upon the tradition, these existences may be human, animal, spiritual, or, in some instances, vegetable. While belief in reincarnation is most characteristic of South Asian and East Asian traditions, it also appears in the religious and philosophical thought of local religions, in some ancient Middle Eastern religions (e.g., the Greek Orphic mystery, or salvation, religion), Manichaeism, and gnosticism, as well as in such modern religious movements as theosophy.

And should you  wish to  explore further

And about the only  people I  found on the planet of  the 8 billion of people  that believe when you  die you  die  and rot and  help  the earth into  which  you  are interred to  get some much  needed  composting material  is Atheism

What Happens When We Die? What All The World Religions Say

According to Atheists, nothing happens when we die. Nothing at all. You simply cease to exist. And that’s it. Yes, I know it may seem hard, but it’s that plain and simple. It’s like going to sleep. Without dreaming. While your body slowly starts to rot. Eaten by worms. And you will be nothing left but bones, that one day will also disappear. You will be forgotten forever, like the nothing you were.


Billions of people all believe  we have a soul or an essence or an energy  that makes me , me and you, you   well except for  this group of Atheist and Agnostics

  1. China – 103,907,840 — 181,838,720
  2. India – 102,870,000
  3. Japan – 81,493,120 — 82,766,450
  4. Vietnam – 66,978,900
  5. Russia – 34,507,680 — 69,015,360
  6. Germany – 33,794,250 — 40,388,250
  7. France – 25,982,320 — 32,628,960
  8. United Kingdom – 18,684,010 — 26,519,240
  9. South Korea – 14,579,400 — 25,270,960
  10. Ukraine – 9,546,400

Alright then !  IF all the major religions  have some  form of after life, why  do  they and their followers,   POO-HOO- for the most part – the belief in spirits, ghosts,  visitations from  wherever they  believe, the soul, essence, energy  goes after the body  ( gives up  the ghost)?

How many  times  have people seen  Hawks, eagles birds of all sorts that they  believe are bringing messages of support to  the loved ones left behind are looked at with  the knowing nod and “oh dear  grief has got them”?

However, if you are one of those religious sects that believe in reincarnation it would be perfectly  natural.

As I  have chronicled  previously , I  have no  organized religious  beliefs. I am learning and unfortunately  I  will have to  give up  the ghost myself  to  find the answers  and believe it or not those that haven’t yet given up  the ghost , no  matter their hierarchy  in an established church, temple, mosque- until they  too have  given up  the ghost … news flash  they  don’t have any more of a clue than I  do!

I remember my  mum telling me her Dad, my  grandad  promised her that he would come back and let her know, (my  mum also  questioned.)

Well to my  knowledge he didn’t visit my  mum or his favorite grandchild. I was with  him the morning he died. I  went to  see him in hospital he held onto  my  hand so  tightly  I couldn’t release it. My  newly married husband  had to  get back to  base  and I  said

Grandad, I  have to  go  but I  will  give you  a ring ( call) when we get back to  London

His reply as I  left the room-

It’s alright “maggot” (my  nickname  he called me) I have seen you   and I can go  now.  

As my  husband drove me back to  my  aunts house  I could still feel the pressure of his hand on mine and then it went away   suddenly. I knew before we were even greeted at the door by  my  Aunt:

” Your Grandad died  a few minutes ago  they  just rang,  a few minutes after you  left. 

I knew he had , somehow , and then the guilt of my 19  inexperienced years set in ..I said to  my  husband

” I shouldn’t have gone , should I?   He might not have died so  quickly  and mum  and dad could have travelled  to  see him”

The first experience I recall  of having  “feelings- premonitions” was when I  was about 9. We were living in Canada in a rented house in Martinon , New Brunswick. It was  a beautiful winters day  . I was playing  outside, bundled in a  puffy, could hardly  move  snow suit”  I  think  I  looked like  a green  Michelin Man !

There I  was happily  playing with  an old pair of  wooden skis found in the basement  and trying my  hardest to  walk back up  the hill  in all my  clobber when I  looked up  at the kitchen window  and there she was my  much  loved Nanny  Hines, my  mum’s mother. I  so  loved her. Being 9 I didn’t think  logically

“How did Nanny  Hines get to  Canada ? Why  didn’t someone tell me  she was coming” When did she arrive? 


I just knew  that my  favourite person  in the whole wide world was  sitting at the kitchen table  smiling at me. I ran as fast as the  snow suit and rubber boots  allowed up  the hill. I  burst into  the kitchen door- covered in snow. My  mum was at the stove  cooking supper.  No-one was at the table

I ran into  the living room, she wasn’t there ,  I  went back to  my  mum….

 Where is Nanny , where did she go?

What are you  talking about Nanny  isn’t here , she is in England.

NO!  she was there, I  saw her at the table looking out the window at me playing , she was smiling!

My  mum just smiled at me  and said  take off those boots and snow suit and hang it up in the mud room ( fancy  name for a kind of added on shed) . I insisted I  saw my  lovely  nanny.

My  mum gently  said :

Loraine, I  have been cooking all afternoon  the windows were probably  steamed up  and you  thought they  made a picture of Nanny  Hines, were you  thinking of her?”

I remember looking at the kitchen windows , I didn’t see any  pattens, in fact they  were really  pretty  clear and I  hadn’t been thinking of Nanny  Hines at all I  was trying to  ski- , but I did as I was told and went into  the living room and turned on the TV and started watching the Lone Ranger.

It was   halfway  through the Lone Ranger episode the phone rang. It was my Uncle Mark( my  mum’s brother) from England  wanting to  speak to  my  Dad. I told him he hadn’t come home from work yet  and he said what time was he due and  I told him He said I  will call back.

NOTE in those days transatlantic phone calls were very,  very  expensive)

Mum said

Who  was on the phone ” I told her and he was wanting to  talk to  Daddy   and she said  Oh Uncle Mark .. Oh  he is probably  calling because it is Daddy’s birthday  and I  have been making him his favourites, what a nice surprise for Daddy.

My  father finally  came home and the  before we could sit down to  eat his birthday  dinner December 28th  my Uncle Mark called back  to tell Dad….. that  mum’s mother  Nanny  Hines had died   earlier that evening ( London Time)  and ironically  just about the time I saw my  Nanny  at the window three thousand miles away……


to  be continued……..

September 3, 2023 at 10:27 pm 2 comments

NO LIMITS- Bk. 2- Chapter 6- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source



Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Trilogy- Continued

I freely  admit I  am totally  out of my  depths and have been since my  son died.  My  family  were not and for the most part ( England) avid church goers.  I can’t remember going to  church   before the age of 9 in England , although  I remember on documents it said under religion I was “Church  of England” . However it wasn’t until we emigrated to  Canada  my  mother  attended church, United  Church  of Christ , a small church in a rural community. I don’t know why she decided to  become involved, maybe it was because the social atmosphere and sense of community  she found in a new country, so  different from London, leaving  her large family  back in England  I believe she was looking for  community  to  fill the void.   All I  know is she dragged me along and I was in the choir of St. Giles.

I did not enjoy  “church” or the choir, I  would rather have been running in the woods with  my  friends , on the beach  in the summer , swimming, and sledding and skating in the winter. I used to  sulk about having to  go  to  church. If I was dropped off at Sunday  school I  would pretend to  go  in and go and play  in the creek in the woods. I know Dr. Long, the minister, knew  what I  was up  to.

Dr. Long , I secretly  think  my  mum had a crush  on him. He was a very  patient man and when I  would ask questions about God , religion and blind faith that he preached on Sunday  he would truly  try  and explain to  this rather impertinent child explanations that I could accept. Trouble is I  never accepted them.

I always found organized religion of any  denominations, somewhat hypocritical, asking me to  take on teachings due to  just believing – “having blind faith” I  think  the term is .  Bible stories no  matter which  Christian Bible  version I also  found cloying and hypocritical. I wanted something tangible not something written thousand of years ago  by  ( what I  now consider) writers with  their own agenda, the beginnings of the Roman Catholic Church  and its power come to  mind.

The fact that King Henry VIII annoyed with  the Pope for not allowing his divorce/ annulment  then set up that same Church  of England I was registered with  centuries later  so  he could “have it off  with  Anne Boleyn”  , Doctrines that suppressed  questioning thoughts.


“Anne saw an opportunity in Henry’s infatuation and the convenient moral quandary. She determined that she would yield to his embraces only as his acknowledged queen. She began to take her place at his side in policy and in state, but not yet in his bed”

“Henry now required his subjects to swear an oath attached to the First Succession Act, which effectively rejected papal authority in legal matters and recognized Anne Boleyn as queen. Those who refused, such as Sir Thomas More, who had resigned as Lord Chancellor, and John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, were placed in the Tower of London. In late 1534 parliament declared Henry “the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England”. The Church in England was now under Henry’s control, not Rome’s. On 14 May 1534, in one of the realm’s first official acts protecting Protestant Reformers” 


It has always puzzled me how many  believe and would have us believe there is not such  thing as “ghosts or spirits”. I  never understood how millions of people world wide go  to   Christian Churches and ” repeat  “Father , Son and Holy  Ghost ( Spirit). I have trolled through  various explanations on the net and  religious sites . God is the Father and the Son and the Holy  Spirit. I have to  admit after hours of scrolling through  I still don’t understand, it seems , depending upon which  site , which  church , they  are either the same ( All parts of an all powerful God or three different entities under one …

“The  Bible also indicates that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons. For example, since the Father sent the Son into the world (John 3:16), He cannot be the same person as the Son. Likewise, after the Son returned to the Father (John 16:10), the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit into the world (John 14:26; Acts 2:33). Therefore, the Holy Spirit must be distinct from the Father and the Son……..

The English terms “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” are complete synonyms: one derives from the Old English gast and the other from the Latinloanwordspiritus. Like pneuma, they both refer to the breath, to its animating power, and to the soul. The Old English term is shared by all other Germanic languages (compare, e.g., the GermanGeist) and it is older; the King James Bible typically uses “Holy Ghost”. Beginning in the 20th century, translations overwhelmingly prefer “Holy Spirit”, partly because the general English term “ghost” has increasingly come to refer only to the spirit of a dead person.

Yet in the world of Homo sapiens 5, 10 twenty  thousand years is a mere drop in the bucket. What happened to  those who  loved but had no  idea of  religious texts?  Do  they  not rate a place in whatever religious beliefs of life after death   we hold?

550,000 to 750,000 Years Ago: The Beginning of the Homo sapiens Lineage

My  position on all of this is the same people of my  immediate acquaintance and readers who  think I  am  doolally (not in possession of all one’s mental faculties)   and probably   wrapped up  in so  much  grief I  am pretending to  myself  and others  that my  Christopher , no  longer of this world, is either- according to  their beliefs  waiting in someplace called heaven, that what is happening to  us is the work of “demons”  or they  don’t believe anything, once you  are dead you  are dead.

And yet these same people (  for the most part ( here in the USA) go to  Church  listen to  sermons and directions and rituals  that are from a man they  never met ( Jesus. the son) pray  to  the trilogy based on translations and authors dead thousand of years and take it as gospel !

The worlds oldest religion is relatively  very  young by  the planets standards and those of mankind :

Adherents hold that Hinduism—one of the principal faiths in the modern world, with about one billion followers—is the world’s oldest religion, with complete scriptural texts dating back 3,000 years. The oral tradition that gave rise to the Mahabharata, for example, probably dates to about 850 BCE, although its written Sanskrit form is about 400 years younger.

Zoroastrianism, the chief pre-Islamic religion practiced in Iran, draws on some of those Sanskrit oral compositions and, later, written texts. Its founder, Zarathushtra, wrote down hymns that predate written Sanskrit literature, which makes it possible to claim that Zoroastrianism is older than Hinduism, formally codified.

Judaism dates to great antiquity as well, with an oral tradition that is nearly 4,000 years old and written texts that may be older than the Sanskrit and Avestan texts of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. For example, the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) has some written elements that are thought to have originated in the mid-2nd millennium BCE. ( Britannica. com

Putting these ideas together is one way of explaining religious thought and behaviour. You could go further and suggest that, if these ideas are correct, religion is merely a by-product of mental processes operating in error.

I don’t know who  is right, what particular religion is correct or if any  of them are and I  certainly   do  not want to  question anyone’s beliefs, that would make me a hypocrite, neither am I  trying to  convince people that I am not doolally, I  actually  think I am a little bit, hence my  questioning as much  as I  can what happened and happens.

I just find it astounding that people will fill the temples, the churches, the mosques etc. and believe what has been written by  people they  don’t know and yet…….. someone believes their loved one has a presence and essence  and we scoff or placate them, or smile knowingly  they  have lost the plot.

I  believe after all these months and years experiencing what I  and my  family  have experienced and tried to  find logical , or natural occurring explanations for there is something more and love  and energy   co exists………. to  be continued






August 3, 2023 at 10:03 pm 2 comments

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