Archive for June, 2009

Confucius again?


Mayro  Krasienko

Taxpayers footing the bill for mayor’s China trip ( Morning Journal)


and remember Confucius he also “say”



School levy talks continue: Board of Education agrees issue needs to go on ballot but unsure on amount (Morning Journal)
Because the taxpayer may say

June 30, 2009 at 9:20 pm 2 comments

Clinic – Chairs- Cells

clinic chair PHOTO “The Waiting Room” -The Family Waiting Room at the Cleveland Clinic taken through frosted glass. View On Black PAUL CSIZMADIA

Yesterday I spent all day in one waiting room or another- tests, outpatient surgery , breathing tests , x-rays and lastly a visit with the Lymphoma Specialist for a follow up to the stem cell transplant. It was a very long day .

Waiting always brings some dialogue with my fellow chair travellers. In one case it was from a woman who was just starting the journey we are hopefully finishing- she was asking questions she obvioulsy felt silly asking the physicians and coordinators- “she wore nighties rather than pajamas would that be a problem” – what were the worst effects- her husband what could he do to help- would he be allowed to bring her things-

I could only tell them our experience – I told them that I was going to do a bit of an article on what we went through from a “passenger’s perspective” .

I was exhausted when I finally got home around 7 last night- I went to bed really early which meant at 3 a.m. I was wide awake, not wanting to get up that early I tried to formulate the post in my brain.

Now admit it we only scan blogs, anything over 400 words leaves us numb. How do I formulate a journey of a life into 400 words – not possible- I could serialize but then this journey which has been front page in my life for the past year and half may take its toll on my emotions as I relive the “days of my life”- so this is the start ….. the next installment will depend on the mood of the conductor.
The above had a word count of 282( sigh)

June 30, 2009 at 11:34 am Leave a comment

Picture- Planting – Progress

captain grass Photo Mark Teleha

Thanks to Mark Teleha for covering the planting on 2nd Street Saturday morning . We still have a long way to go before the ribbon cutting but slowly and surely the site is coming together. Check out some of the people who came to plant progress

June 29, 2009 at 11:00 am 19 comments

The Tornado Revisited

tornado-1 Source

by Loraine Ritchey and Renee Dore

Last year Renee Dore wrote a guest blog about the Tornado’s 84th Anniversary. This morning as I wake up and drink my coffee at the keyboards-once again hearing the sounds of “my hood”- I know that the reason my lot size is smaller than most here at 33 foot instead of 66 was that the house that originally sat on this lot was destroyed in the tornado and I was told a man killed ( I have never been able to verify the death) . However , when it came to rebuilding in 1926 a mother and daughter rebuilt – two homes instead of one was allowed on the 66 ft lot – my mock Tudor- and the mock Cape Code next door.

Although different materials were used outside, they are pretty much identical inside with the gum wood leaded windows and layout-
antiquity inn

My Tudor is larger and has the large balcony etc. but the closeness of family ( literally in the case of these two houses) and the need to “carry on in Lorain” no matter the devastation has permanent reminder everytime I look around this “old house”.

I have reprised Renee’s post below and you can also read more in today’s Morning Journal article by Scot Allyn

by Renee Dore

I am sure when the people woke up on June 28, 1924, they had plans for a typical summer day in June- shopping, swimming at Lakeview Park or Glen’s Beach, picnics and family gatherings, organ and choir rehearsals at church for Sunday services, going downtown to the theater to watch a Saturday afternoon show.

Unlike today,they had no weather channel to click on or TV or radio to check the day’s forcast. They just knew it was a perfect, warm summer day just right for summertime activities. Little did these people know what nature had in store for them and their beautiful city.

The sunny day turned to on and off rains for a few hours that fateful day until the skies began to darken to an ominous color and the rains became intense. Many hurried home or sought shelter. Some inside the theaters were oblivious to what was about to happen. Then it came-the horrendous “monster” blew in at 5:14-the monster known as the !924 Lorain Tornado.

As written in the Official Souvenir and Memorial Book,1924:

“In those merciless five minutes the work of a half hundred years was torn to earth; seventy human lives were snuffed out; and twelve hundred persons were injured, some of them nver to recover.”

The people who witnessed the storm, endured the living conditions afterwards , and spent countless hours repairing and rebuilding the city of Lorain were most likely those of the nationalities that are recognized and celebrated this weekend at the International Festival.

There is a Historical Marker across the street near the entrance to the festival site. It is the Historic Marker for the Lorain Tornado. So perhaps today people going to the festival might want to stop and take a look at the Marker and take a moment to remember those who helped to rebuild their lives and this city after that horrendous Saturday in 1924.

The buildings on Broadway and many of the churches that we see everyday were either altered or rebuilt after the tornado- there is one building on Broadway the has “Tornado” on the front facade. There are many online websites to learn more about the tornado by searching “1924 Tornado” and Historic Marker for Lorain Tornado” and there is information at the Moore House at 5th and Reid and at the Lorain Public Library. A video was produced a few years ago about the tornado also.

June 28, 2009 at 11:31 am 2 comments

THIS morning in MY hood


The sun is up and is trying its best to make its presence felt through the bamboo blinds that cover the den window. The leaves of green are touched with silver as they reflect the kiss of light back to the sky.

The only sounds are those of the song birds, a mourning dove calls to a mate, a cardinal wakes the squirrels from their nest. A robin preens and splashes in the fountain, changing for just a moment the music of the water as it cascades to meet the waiting goldfish skimming the top of the pond for left over may flies.

A dragon fly hovers waiting – for what- I am not sure. I breakfast on the blackberries , juicy and sweet – A black bird noisly objects as he waits his turn at succulence.

A gentle breeze stirs the willow fronds into life…somewhere east of us a siren is heard breaking the sounds of peace- the sound lessens and finally is no more- and birdsong and the splash of water once again take center stage in my hood.

June 27, 2009 at 12:12 pm 4 comments

Going to the dogs!

mistcom Photo Mark Teleha

You simply have to read Busters Momma’s recent posts- no wonder we are in the state we are in !
and the puppy tossing twits.. does the twit fall far from the twittee?

June 26, 2009 at 2:26 pm 2 comments

Happy Birthday and more


Watch for the ‘Birthday Cake of Incorporation” in Sunday’s International Parade – and the flyers that will tell of the celebration to come July 16th- I am told volunteers are welcome – I will pass on the information for those who want to join in the celebration

workshop players
The Workshop Players (Website | Profile) are holding auditions for ‘And Then There Were None’ by Agatha Christie, Co-Directors: Marilyn Hubbard and Greg Friedman on Sunday, June 28th and Monday, June 29th, 2009 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Performance Dates are Sept. 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, Oct. 2, 3, 4, 2009.
The Story:
In this superlative mystery comedy statuettes of little soldier boys on the mantel of a house on an island off the coast of Devon fall to the floor and break one by one as those in the house succumb to a diabolical avenger. A nursery rhyme tells how each of the ten “soldiers” met his death until there were none. Eight guests who have never met each other or their apparently absent host and hostess are lured to the island and, along with the two house servants, marooned. A mysterious voice accuses each of having gotten away with murder and then one drops dead—poisoned. One down and nine to go! The excitement never lets up in this ideal mystery.

Character List: 8 Males, 3 Females

Judge Lawrence Wargrave – A recently retired judge. Wargrave is a highly intelligent old man with a commanding personality.

Vera Claythorne – A former governess who comes to Indian Island purportedly to serve as a secretary to Mrs. Owen.

Philip Lombard – A mysterious, confident, and resourceful man who seems to have been a mercenary soldier in Africa.

Dr. Edward George Armstrong – A gullible, slightly timid doctor. He is a recovering alcoholic.

William Henry Blore – A former police inspector. Blore is a well-built man whose experience often inspires others to look to him for advice.

Emily Brent – An old, ruthlessly religious woman who reads her Bible every day.

Thomas Rogers – The dignified butler who continues to be a proper servant even after his wife is found dead.

General MacKenzie – The oldest guest. A retired military commander.

Ethel Rogers – Rogers’ wife. Ethel is a frail woman, who faints easily.

Anthony Marston – A rich, athletic, handsome youth.

Fred Narracott – A shady, criminal character hired to make the arrangements for the island.
For more information, contact Greg Friedman at (440) 567-3636 or email, Marilyn Hubbard at (440) 967-9025 or email

Lorain Community Music Theater presents ‘A Chorus Line’ on July 10, 11, 17, 18 at 7:30 p.m. and July 19, 2009 at 2 p.m. at the beautifully restored, historic Lorain Palace Theatre 6th and Broadway in Lorain. Tickets are $15 for Adults and $13 for Students and Seniors. Tickets may be ordered by calling the Lorain Palace at (440) 245-2323 or online at

Meet the cast at an exclusive ‘Broadway Bash’ July 11th and July 18th from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., with Wine and Hors d’oeuvres included. The ‘Broadway Bash’ is an additional $10 to the ticket price.

‘A Chorus Line’ cast members: Alex Arroyo, Alex Craig, Allison Butler, Andrew Parmelee, Brittany Hartman, Damian Henri, Ed Hennes, Erica Krasienko, Erin Shoemaker, Jacob Schindler, Jenn Hagaman, Jessica Mester, Jonathan O’Toole, Kayla McDonald, Kelsey Hamilton, Kevin Vaughan, Kristen Levy, Kyle Branzel, Laura Rightnour-Henri, Lauren Klimczak, Lauren Wainwright, Monica Zach, Robby Hatrman, Russ Stich.

‘A Chorus Line’ Production Staff: Monica Olejko, Director and Choreographer; Tracy Butchko, Producer; Carl Richter, Vocals; Josh Cutting, Orchestra and Rehearsal Accompanist; Elizabeth Metelsky, Stage Manager; Stacy Sauppe, Costumes.


You can help and enjoy dinner too on July 21st at the Avon Applebees


And finally FACES is looking for kids from the midwest-
Calling all kids from the Midwest……….
Are you from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Misssouri, Ohio, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Wisconsin?

FACES Magazine, an educational children’s magazine is seeking kids ages 9 to 17 to participate in our issue all about your region of the United States.

We want your opinion about where you live. So write us a sentence completing this:

The best thing about the Midwest is….

Send us your sentence and a high resolution digital or print photo of yourself by August 30th to either:


Peg Lopata
Cobblestone Publishing
30 Grove St.
Peterborough, NH 03458

Make sure you send us your complete name, age, and street address. We also need the complete name and address of a parent or guardian.

And check us out at: and

Peg Lopata, Associate Editor
Faces Magazine
Cobblestone Publishing
30 Grove St.
Peterborough, NH 03458
603-924-7209 Ext. 257
603-924-7380 (fax)

Faces, for kids 9 to 14, is just one of the many award-winning publications of Carus and Cobblestone Publishing, such as Ladybug and Cricket. We publish nine times a year about places, countries, regions and cultures, or about people or issues of international significance.

June 26, 2009 at 2:13 am Leave a comment

Putting the hole in the bucket!


Since today will be spent dealing with holing buckets and rescuing gates – I would suggest further reading and viewing LOCALLY as Mark walks the walk

and here where Paula “questions”
If you were a “Red Dwarf Fan”- like off the wall interviews- hybrid cars- check out TWB’s post

June 25, 2009 at 11:01 am Leave a comment

Let’s talk Stem Cells

BY Loraine Ritchey

As regular readers of this blog know I have been up to my eyes in the world of stem cells and transplants.

I was totally a confused about stem cells- were they not banned? The US had issues with embryonic stem cells – I knew that- did stem cells have anything to do with the brain stem- I felt like someone plonked down on a new planet where up was down and down was up and everyone talked backwards. I felt totally lost and confused.

In recent weeks I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about stem cells- I wonder how many readers will actually even read to the bottom of this Part One post? 🙂

Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells, as their name implies, are taken from embryos. These cells are “pluripotent,” or capable of differentiating into any cell type derived from the three embryonic germ layers (the three initial tissue layers arising in an embryo) — mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm. Under the right conditions, human embryonic stem cells will proliferate indefinitely without specializing or differentiating into specific cell types, to form an embryonic stem cell line

What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are a remarkable type of cell that can divide and develop into any one of the three main types of cells found in the blood:
Red blood cells, which carry energy-giving oxygen from the lungs to the entire body;
White blood cells, important immune cells that play an important role in fighting bacteria and viruses that cause infection; and
Platelets, which help blood to clot when bleeding occurs.

There are different types of stem cell transplants-

stem cell transplants are defined by by the source of the stem cells.

Bone marrow transplants are those that are obtained from the bone marrow. However, they are rarely performed today in myeloma because of the ability to collect stem cells from the peripheral blood (see below). Bone marrow transplants are sometimes used if insufficient numbers of stem cells can be obtained from the peripheral blood.

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplants are obtained from the peripheral blood. PBSC transplants are now performed much more often than bone marrow transplants because they are easier to collect, they provide a more reliable number of stem cells, the procedure puts less strain on the donor’s system, and the patient recovers more quickly

Cord blood transplants refer to transplants where the stem cells are obtained from umbilical cord blood. Historically they have not been used frequently due to limited numbers of stem cells that can be collected from each umbilical cord. Recently, however, exciting new data have been generated using multiple cord blood units from more than one donor.

Stem cell transplants are further categorized based on the donor who provides the stem cells.

Autologous stem cell transplants (autografts) refer to stem cells that are collected from an individual and given back to that same individual.

Allogeneic stem cell transplants (allografts) refer to stem cells that are taken from one person and given to another. Currently, these types of transplant are performed much less frequently in myeloma in the US and are usually performed in the context of clinical trials.

Syngeneic stem cell transplants refer to stem cells that are taken from an identical twin of the recipient. These types of transplants are quite rare

Lastly, there are also several types of transplants under investigation in clinical trials.

A tandem autologous transplant, also known as a double autologous transplant, requires the patient to undergo two autologous stem cell transplants within 6 months.

A mini (nonmyeloablative) allogeneic transplant involves the use of moderately high-dose chemotherapy in combination with an allogeneic stem cell transplant.

If you have made it through this part of the post – I congratulate you – only one more thing to view and then you can rest and digest.

You see I was very puzzled by the BBC’s video report of Stem Cell Tourism Germany

Ok you can take a break


June 23, 2009 at 10:33 pm 7 comments

A Committee of Council- The New- The Blighted- The Noisy

By Loraine Ritchey

Last evening’s City Council Committee Meetings gave an insight to many things that effect our City .
Chronicle Telegram Coverage

Morning Journal Coverage

I have to admit I prefer Committee Meetings rather than Council Meetings – I enjoy the discussions.

And discussions there were :

What started out as a proposed ordinance to accept the plat of Deerfield Estates became a platform for some of the residents to air their concerns of problems with flooding and water retention around their homes.

Residents in subdivision 3 told the committee about problems in their homes that included sump pumps running constantly, infestations of flies and basement walls buckling and cracking in homes less than a year old. Joe Lamparyk, production manager for Ryan Homes, which built the homes, defended his company’s responses, which he said included thousands of dollars in repairs.

Scot Allyn Morning Journal

There seems to be an impasse between the homeowners and the developer- and although Mr. Riley ( Lorain Law Director) cautioned more than once that Council , although sympathetic to the situation, the ordinance was the subject of the discussion of the evening ; the Committee wished to wait for more information from Mr. Snodgrass ( who was absent) and represents the area.

Blight ( Urban Renewal Plan)

I thought that this would be the hot and contentious issue of the evening – however it was not – . Mr. Romancak , Community Development’s Chief Planner- spoke as to the plan and a promised letter re eminent domain to one of the businesses – Amcor- who took issue with being included in the study.
Marilyn Lopez, owner of Sun Novelty at 728 Broadway objected strongly to being labeled abandoned etc. in the study.

Ed Note since I have over the years purchased many items from Sun Novelty – including my daughters wedding invitations. I can personally assure the city that Sun Novelty is not abandoned , dilapidated and is a viable business.

Mr. Romancak and Mr. Gould ( who conducted the study ) will address that issue for Sun Novelty –

It was the “noise ordinance” that has made the headlines- ( see above articles in Chronicle and Journal) – collection of fines is apparently a problem so “more teeth” was recommended and on going investigation of implementation was the consensus of the discussion.

June 23, 2009 at 12:17 pm 1 comment

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