Posts filed under ‘No Limits’

NO LIMITS – Bk 2 – Chapt 15. Beyond the Vale



Chris Ritchey Source










Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Chapter Twelve:

Chapter  Thirteen:

Chapter  Fourteen:

The Mind is a Dangerous Place!

I know those of you  reading  that have felt  the agonizing torment of your being when those that held the greatest love   were  taken . The questioning WHY?  especially  when at the beginnings of their own lives.  Your brain  tries to  make sense of something totally  new to it – a profound grieving, an emptiness of soul and body. You  are alone , no matter the others of your heart that grieve with you, they  too, are facing an ordeal ultimately  “alone” in a strange foreign place.

You fight within yourself trying to get back to  familiar territory, to  experience the life you  had before , the person you  were before – to  be normal in your day.

That won’t happen although  your  conscious brain tries bravely  to  deal with day  to  day  happenings. You  don’t deal – you  go  on a sort of muscle memory  of the mind. It is Tuesday  and I have to  go  here. Wednesday  another commitment and so  on.

Walking through  the days , willing yourself to  get through   the next minute the next hour.  Waiting  for the hour you can give in  and let the mind deal with  the pent up emotions, to  protect the heart and lungs and well being of the body  , the brain pulls the plug and you  give in  and release the pent up  emotions. You  collapse in upon yourself

Despair Artwork by Christopher Ritchey

I desperately  wanted to  believe there was more after life on this planet/dimension, somehow if I looked, concentrated hard enough  a door would magically open and my  desperate wish to be with my son again would be realized .

My  logical side said  No!  you  are searching in vain, the stories , magical happenings of people reaching through to  their loved one  was just an overwrought brain trying to  heal the  shattering heart in order that it kept beating.

The next day  after my lone adventure of  feeling that hand in mine.. no  coldness or warmth  but a pressure  that wrapped about my  fingers .

NO LIMITS- Bk 2- Chapt. 14 Beyond the Vale

I stayed once more in my  pajamas, curled up on the couch and tried to  relieve the  ” release of those moments”. Should I  say  something ? I would wait until my  husband came back from the 4 wheeling trip”. He had had his own gulping  grief, trying to  be one of the guys at the same time , not breaking down , not to  remind them the reason he was there  and not Chris. He came home  exhausted from the effort  of maintaining normalcy. I decided to  wait.

I still looked for signs daring to  believe, what harm would it do  to  believe? I needed to  believe. After all I  wasn’t combing the wanted columns for Mystic Megs, or Mediums. It was just us and we weren’t harming or taking advantage  of anyone/


Jean Schaeffer ( and me as the ghost) as Madame Arcarti

I didn’t have long to  wait  a few evenings later I  got  an excited call from my  daughter. Mum get over here I have something to  show you…….hurry!!!!

I arrived into  the “great room” and Nikki  was  sitting on the floor in front of the big screen TV… Watch she said. At first I  wasn’t sure  what I  was supposed to  see .. there was the baby in his big crib in his own room.

Nikki, had been nervous about him leaving the master bedroom  and his small crib. He was moved to  a nursery  but Jim had mounted a baby  cam high  up in the wall that overlooked the crib and most of the room.

As we watched , I can only  call it an orb because that is what it looked like floated above the crib  moved across the screen. The baby  was smiling  and once again reaching with his little arms to  be picked up.

I  suppose thinking back on it  I don’t know why  as we watched what was happening we didn’t rush  up  the stairs and grab him out of his crib. But there was something playful and loving in the mood on the screen  like a child wanting to  catch  a ball.  This went for a good ten minutes, then just like that the baby  settled down and was fast asleep.

Apparently  this had been happening for a couple of nights.  At first Nikki  wasn’t sure it was an issue with the camera , dust , some sort of technical issue. She had wiped the camera lens, done what she good to  remove anything that might have picked up a glare , or a reflection. Although  the “orb moved”

We sat , eyes glued to  the screen watching the sleeping baby not saying a word. After an hour and nothing happening I left. Once again with more questions than answers and no-one to  explain what was happening  Once again alone in thought  and wanting so much  more …..

To be continued …..

May 4, 2024 at 2:47 am Leave a comment

No Limits-BK 2-Chapter 12- Beyond the Vale








Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter  Nine

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Garden Nights????

Whilst all sorts of “happenings” were going on at my  daughter’s home, things were quite here in Chris’ home.  We weren’t getting sounds, or aromas. It just seemed to  be  things showing up  through the camera lens.  We progressed from the kitchen to  the back garden. When I  say  we, I  meant my  husband,  he would spend a lot of his time  just taking photo after photo  , click, click click every  second or so. What the neighbors must have thought I  dare not ask.

As soon as he started his nightly  vigils with  his camera,  things started appear. It was as though he was noticed. Since we couldn’t really  explain , not being photographers etc. it was decided to  see if we could find logical explanations, such  as  ” Lens Flare” . Following the photos taken in the back garden  ( previous Chapter 10)(light and dust)  which  of course was a possibility. We decided to  experiment!

To  that end we decided to  try  and get Lens flare . Another night in the garden  at the same time of day  as the previous photos  pointing the camera  at the willow tree no lights or orbs on that evening  No  light source we could see.

Pointing the camera at the neighbors house  did show a streak, but it was obviously  the flash bouncing back of the little  plum tree branch, if you  look closely  you  can see the buds. We discounted the tree branches .

Next we turned back from the back yard facing south   , to  north  and then  we got lens flare .

but not on the willow tree.

My  husband then ( not being computer savvy.. something that should be remembered  in later chapters) decided to  make a photograph  album of the photos  recording times and dates  etc.  He printed out the best ones  but he took thousands of photos . I have hundreds of a dark willow tree and the back yard all the same  with  nothing on them , night after night. But then … the mists , since we were in the cold months  we then decided to  make sure it wasn’t  our breaths.  I would stand night after night in cold , whilst my  husband took shots of my  breath. Then he decided it might be coming from him so  he brought one of those helmet cameras and walked around in various times an temperatures breathing in and out and letting his breath  out of his nose and mouth.

As I  have mentioned before I think we wanted to   convince ourselves of our own sanity.

As some of you  are aware we have a couple of decent sized garden ponds. We kept them open during the winter months due to  Chris’ mothers Day  present the Ghost in the Pond.

Maybe the mists were due to

“A thin layer of air above the pond is warmed by the pond water. Water evaporates from the pond’s surface into this thin layer. The thin, warm, moist layer of air over the pond then mixes with the cooler air from the land. As it cools, condensation occurs and a fog forms. 

Or even  the warmth of the ground  and ground moisture  causing condensation like  a wintery  dew ? Beautiful though  it is , it not  our “mists”

Could it be condensation from the furnace outlet , no   how about smoke from  some unknown source maybe next door drifting over, although there was never any  smell and you  couldn’t see our  with  your eyes , just through  the camera. But we lit a torch just to  see, no!  you  could see and smell that.The same with  the dryer vents…ours and the neighbors…


Ou  mists , only  visible through  the lens and on the downloaded jpgs  could NOT be seen by us, the same with  the plethora of orbs???


The closest we ever came to  reproducing  the “mists” was candle  smoke  from a lighted candle BUT again you  could see and smell it…

Since those shots of the mists started to  appear, and we have dozens of photos   I will give you  a hint as to  what is to  come… mists do  not hover  they  move and move quickly, very  very  quickly……


February 3, 2024 at 8:40 pm Leave a comment

NO LIMITS -Bk. 2- Chapt -7 Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :


I don’t have answers, I don’t want to  argue beliefs, I am as ignorant and naive as anyone when it comes to  death  and the after life. 

Before my  son died , when I was very  young I had some experiences , which  I  am sure  could logically  be disproved  by  those that  counter the  belief in the after life. BUT then again isn’t that what all religions are based upon… even “reincarnation”

Reincarnation, also called transmigration or metempsychosis, in religion and philosophy, rebirth of the aspect of an individual that persists after bodily death—whether it be consciousnessmind, the soul, or some other entity—in one or more successive existences. Depending upon the tradition, these existences may be human, animal, spiritual, or, in some instances, vegetable. While belief in reincarnation is most characteristic of South Asian and East Asian traditions, it also appears in the religious and philosophical thought of local religions, in some ancient Middle Eastern religions (e.g., the Greek Orphic mystery, or salvation, religion), Manichaeism, and gnosticism, as well as in such modern religious movements as theosophy.

And should you  wish to  explore further

And about the only  people I  found on the planet of  the 8 billion of people  that believe when you  die you  die  and rot and  help  the earth into  which  you  are interred to  get some much  needed  composting material  is Atheism

What Happens When We Die? What All The World Religions Say

According to Atheists, nothing happens when we die. Nothing at all. You simply cease to exist. And that’s it. Yes, I know it may seem hard, but it’s that plain and simple. It’s like going to sleep. Without dreaming. While your body slowly starts to rot. Eaten by worms. And you will be nothing left but bones, that one day will also disappear. You will be forgotten forever, like the nothing you were.


Billions of people all believe  we have a soul or an essence or an energy  that makes me , me and you, you   well except for  this group of Atheist and Agnostics

  1. China – 103,907,840 — 181,838,720
  2. India – 102,870,000
  3. Japan – 81,493,120 — 82,766,450
  4. Vietnam – 66,978,900
  5. Russia – 34,507,680 — 69,015,360
  6. Germany – 33,794,250 — 40,388,250
  7. France – 25,982,320 — 32,628,960
  8. United Kingdom – 18,684,010 — 26,519,240
  9. South Korea – 14,579,400 — 25,270,960
  10. Ukraine – 9,546,400

Alright then !  IF all the major religions  have some  form of after life, why  do  they and their followers,   POO-HOO- for the most part – the belief in spirits, ghosts,  visitations from  wherever they  believe, the soul, essence, energy  goes after the body  ( gives up  the ghost)?

How many  times  have people seen  Hawks, eagles birds of all sorts that they  believe are bringing messages of support to  the loved ones left behind are looked at with  the knowing nod and “oh dear  grief has got them”?

However, if you are one of those religious sects that believe in reincarnation it would be perfectly  natural.

As I  have chronicled  previously , I  have no  organized religious  beliefs. I am learning and unfortunately  I  will have to  give up  the ghost myself  to  find the answers  and believe it or not those that haven’t yet given up  the ghost , no  matter their hierarchy  in an established church, temple, mosque- until they  too have  given up  the ghost … news flash  they  don’t have any more of a clue than I  do!

I remember my  mum telling me her Dad, my  grandad  promised her that he would come back and let her know, (my  mum also  questioned.)

Well to my  knowledge he didn’t visit my  mum or his favorite grandchild. I was with  him the morning he died. I  went to  see him in hospital he held onto  my  hand so  tightly  I couldn’t release it. My  newly married husband  had to  get back to  base  and I  said

Grandad, I  have to  go  but I  will  give you  a ring ( call) when we get back to  London

His reply as I  left the room-

It’s alright “maggot” (my  nickname  he called me) I have seen you   and I can go  now.  

As my  husband drove me back to  my  aunts house  I could still feel the pressure of his hand on mine and then it went away   suddenly. I knew before we were even greeted at the door by  my  Aunt:

” Your Grandad died  a few minutes ago  they  just rang,  a few minutes after you  left. 

I knew he had , somehow , and then the guilt of my 19  inexperienced years set in ..I said to  my  husband

” I shouldn’t have gone , should I?   He might not have died so  quickly  and mum  and dad could have travelled  to  see him”

The first experience I recall  of having  “feelings- premonitions” was when I  was about 9. We were living in Canada in a rented house in Martinon , New Brunswick. It was  a beautiful winters day  . I was playing  outside, bundled in a  puffy, could hardly  move  snow suit”  I  think  I  looked like  a green  Michelin Man !

There I  was happily  playing with  an old pair of  wooden skis found in the basement  and trying my  hardest to  walk back up  the hill  in all my  clobber when I  looked up  at the kitchen window  and there she was my  much  loved Nanny  Hines, my  mum’s mother. I  so  loved her. Being 9 I didn’t think  logically

“How did Nanny  Hines get to  Canada ? Why  didn’t someone tell me  she was coming” When did she arrive? 


I just knew  that my  favourite person  in the whole wide world was  sitting at the kitchen table  smiling at me. I ran as fast as the  snow suit and rubber boots  allowed up  the hill. I  burst into  the kitchen door- covered in snow. My  mum was at the stove  cooking supper.  No-one was at the table

I ran into  the living room, she wasn’t there ,  I  went back to  my  mum….

 Where is Nanny , where did she go?

What are you  talking about Nanny  isn’t here , she is in England.

NO!  she was there, I  saw her at the table looking out the window at me playing , she was smiling!

My  mum just smiled at me  and said  take off those boots and snow suit and hang it up in the mud room ( fancy  name for a kind of added on shed) . I insisted I  saw my  lovely  nanny.

My  mum gently  said :

Loraine, I  have been cooking all afternoon  the windows were probably  steamed up  and you  thought they  made a picture of Nanny  Hines, were you  thinking of her?”

I remember looking at the kitchen windows , I didn’t see any  pattens, in fact they  were really  pretty  clear and I  hadn’t been thinking of Nanny  Hines at all I  was trying to  ski- , but I did as I was told and went into  the living room and turned on the TV and started watching the Lone Ranger.

It was   halfway  through the Lone Ranger episode the phone rang. It was my Uncle Mark( my  mum’s brother) from England  wanting to  speak to  my  Dad. I told him he hadn’t come home from work yet  and he said what time was he due and  I told him He said I  will call back.

NOTE in those days transatlantic phone calls were very,  very  expensive)

Mum said

Who  was on the phone ” I told her and he was wanting to  talk to  Daddy   and she said  Oh Uncle Mark .. Oh  he is probably  calling because it is Daddy’s birthday  and I  have been making him his favourites, what a nice surprise for Daddy.

My  father finally  came home and the  before we could sit down to  eat his birthday  dinner December 28th  my Uncle Mark called back  to tell Dad….. that  mum’s mother  Nanny  Hines had died   earlier that evening ( London Time)  and ironically  just about the time I saw my  Nanny  at the window three thousand miles away……


to  be continued……..

September 3, 2023 at 10:27 pm 2 comments

NO LIMITS- Bk. 2- Chapter 6- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source



Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Trilogy- Continued

I freely  admit I  am totally  out of my  depths and have been since my  son died.  My  family  were not and for the most part ( England) avid church goers.  I can’t remember going to  church   before the age of 9 in England , although  I remember on documents it said under religion I was “Church  of England” . However it wasn’t until we emigrated to  Canada  my  mother  attended church, United  Church  of Christ , a small church in a rural community. I don’t know why she decided to  become involved, maybe it was because the social atmosphere and sense of community  she found in a new country, so  different from London, leaving  her large family  back in England  I believe she was looking for  community  to  fill the void.   All I  know is she dragged me along and I was in the choir of St. Giles.

I did not enjoy  “church” or the choir, I  would rather have been running in the woods with  my  friends , on the beach  in the summer , swimming, and sledding and skating in the winter. I used to  sulk about having to  go  to  church. If I was dropped off at Sunday  school I  would pretend to  go  in and go and play  in the creek in the woods. I know Dr. Long, the minister, knew  what I  was up  to.

Dr. Long , I secretly  think  my  mum had a crush  on him. He was a very  patient man and when I  would ask questions about God , religion and blind faith that he preached on Sunday  he would truly  try  and explain to  this rather impertinent child explanations that I could accept. Trouble is I  never accepted them.

I always found organized religion of any  denominations, somewhat hypocritical, asking me to  take on teachings due to  just believing – “having blind faith” I  think  the term is .  Bible stories no  matter which  Christian Bible  version I also  found cloying and hypocritical. I wanted something tangible not something written thousand of years ago  by  ( what I  now consider) writers with  their own agenda, the beginnings of the Roman Catholic Church  and its power come to  mind.

The fact that King Henry VIII annoyed with  the Pope for not allowing his divorce/ annulment  then set up that same Church  of England I was registered with  centuries later  so  he could “have it off  with  Anne Boleyn”  , Doctrines that suppressed  questioning thoughts.


“Anne saw an opportunity in Henry’s infatuation and the convenient moral quandary. She determined that she would yield to his embraces only as his acknowledged queen. She began to take her place at his side in policy and in state, but not yet in his bed”

“Henry now required his subjects to swear an oath attached to the First Succession Act, which effectively rejected papal authority in legal matters and recognized Anne Boleyn as queen. Those who refused, such as Sir Thomas More, who had resigned as Lord Chancellor, and John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, were placed in the Tower of London. In late 1534 parliament declared Henry “the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England”. The Church in England was now under Henry’s control, not Rome’s. On 14 May 1534, in one of the realm’s first official acts protecting Protestant Reformers” 


It has always puzzled me how many  believe and would have us believe there is not such  thing as “ghosts or spirits”. I  never understood how millions of people world wide go  to   Christian Churches and ” repeat  “Father , Son and Holy  Ghost ( Spirit). I have trolled through  various explanations on the net and  religious sites . God is the Father and the Son and the Holy  Spirit. I have to  admit after hours of scrolling through  I still don’t understand, it seems , depending upon which  site , which  church , they  are either the same ( All parts of an all powerful God or three different entities under one …

“The  Bible also indicates that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons. For example, since the Father sent the Son into the world (John 3:16), He cannot be the same person as the Son. Likewise, after the Son returned to the Father (John 16:10), the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit into the world (John 14:26; Acts 2:33). Therefore, the Holy Spirit must be distinct from the Father and the Son……..

The English terms “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” are complete synonyms: one derives from the Old English gast and the other from the Latinloanwordspiritus. Like pneuma, they both refer to the breath, to its animating power, and to the soul. The Old English term is shared by all other Germanic languages (compare, e.g., the GermanGeist) and it is older; the King James Bible typically uses “Holy Ghost”. Beginning in the 20th century, translations overwhelmingly prefer “Holy Spirit”, partly because the general English term “ghost” has increasingly come to refer only to the spirit of a dead person.

Yet in the world of Homo sapiens 5, 10 twenty  thousand years is a mere drop in the bucket. What happened to  those who  loved but had no  idea of  religious texts?  Do  they  not rate a place in whatever religious beliefs of life after death   we hold?

550,000 to 750,000 Years Ago: The Beginning of the Homo sapiens Lineage

My  position on all of this is the same people of my  immediate acquaintance and readers who  think I  am  doolally (not in possession of all one’s mental faculties)   and probably   wrapped up  in so  much  grief I  am pretending to  myself  and others  that my  Christopher , no  longer of this world, is either- according to  their beliefs  waiting in someplace called heaven, that what is happening to  us is the work of “demons”  or they  don’t believe anything, once you  are dead you  are dead.

And yet these same people (  for the most part ( here in the USA) go to  Church  listen to  sermons and directions and rituals  that are from a man they  never met ( Jesus. the son) pray  to  the trilogy based on translations and authors dead thousand of years and take it as gospel !

The worlds oldest religion is relatively  very  young by  the planets standards and those of mankind :

Adherents hold that Hinduism—one of the principal faiths in the modern world, with about one billion followers—is the world’s oldest religion, with complete scriptural texts dating back 3,000 years. The oral tradition that gave rise to the Mahabharata, for example, probably dates to about 850 BCE, although its written Sanskrit form is about 400 years younger.

Zoroastrianism, the chief pre-Islamic religion practiced in Iran, draws on some of those Sanskrit oral compositions and, later, written texts. Its founder, Zarathushtra, wrote down hymns that predate written Sanskrit literature, which makes it possible to claim that Zoroastrianism is older than Hinduism, formally codified.

Judaism dates to great antiquity as well, with an oral tradition that is nearly 4,000 years old and written texts that may be older than the Sanskrit and Avestan texts of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. For example, the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) has some written elements that are thought to have originated in the mid-2nd millennium BCE. ( Britannica. com

Putting these ideas together is one way of explaining religious thought and behaviour. You could go further and suggest that, if these ideas are correct, religion is merely a by-product of mental processes operating in error.

I don’t know who  is right, what particular religion is correct or if any  of them are and I  certainly   do  not want to  question anyone’s beliefs, that would make me a hypocrite, neither am I  trying to  convince people that I am not doolally, I  actually  think I am a little bit, hence my  questioning as much  as I  can what happened and happens.

I just find it astounding that people will fill the temples, the churches, the mosques etc. and believe what has been written by  people they  don’t know and yet…….. someone believes their loved one has a presence and essence  and we scoff or placate them, or smile knowingly  they  have lost the plot.

I  believe after all these months and years experiencing what I  and my  family  have experienced and tried to  find logical , or natural occurring explanations for there is something more and love  and energy   co exists………. to  be continued






August 3, 2023 at 10:03 pm 2 comments

NO LIMITS- bk 2- Chapter 5- Beyond the Vale

Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:



When I  first started writing about my  son and No Limits  in Book One of NO LIMITS I wrote in the forward ,

As I ponder the wisdom of writing the events of life as we know it and death as we believe it to be, I know there will be questions I cannot answer, events I cannot prove.

I am opening myself, my family and my son to a world of naysayers, negativity and ridicule. I will reach the walls with this book. I will push aside and through the walls my peers in this “community”  and others have erected for themselves and for me.

Ironically although  I have always written the truth whenever I have sat at this keyboard and its predecessors I probably   won’t be believed , explanations will abound, logic ( as we perceive things to happen)will come into play .

I have hesitated for months, even years, to tell the story from my self-imposed box. I have written millions of words on my personal blog in the 10 years since my son died. . I have written his story, I have opened myself and my innermost thoughts and feelings. I have told the tale of cruelty, searing pain and thoughts of suicide. I have exposed myself in ways not many would without fear. So then, why is it I hesitate to share all of our story, a story of continuing love, strength and astonishment?”

I know and knew writing  our experiences some would think  , she has lost it, going off the deep end… and maybe I  have in some respects  as “long term ” grief  and losing a son does change you . I  have said before in this journey that is seemingly  without end , I am no  longer the woman or person I  was. In fact none of the family  that truly  loved my  son is the same, you  just “aren’t” any  more.

GHOSTS… this week  I  have been reminded of the word “Ghosts and what we as a society  might believe ..or not… according to  Mirium Webster:

1: the seat of life or intelligence : SOUL

give up the ghost

2: a disembodied soul, especially: the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness
4: a faint shadowy trace
ghost of a smile5a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused especially by reflection
6: one who ghostwrites
7: a red blood cell that has lost its hemoglobin
I have tried, as have my  immediate family,  and on occasion friends  to  disprove or prove  the , for want of a better word, the communications received, looking always for the logical, scientific  , natural explanation as to  what  was and has and is happening to  those who  loved Chris . All the time not really  wanting to  find that logic or reason as the communications brought   bring so  much  comfort.
Even the mere fact of documenting them is and was scary  because  you  don’t want them to  stop  for some line you  may  have crossed in this world of the unknown.  I can’t disprove everything , it is my  journey  , I  am telling it with  all the truth  that I  have and what has been experienced and I  can only  state  great efforts have always been made in the ensuing years to  find that hope that love doesn’t  leave,   we are more than a mere  shell of blood cells and bone, matter , the energy  ( spirit, soul) or ghost of us is part of life.
This week I was brought back to  my  profound and intense  grief by the death  of a “Ghost”!  For 15 years I  had babied , nurtured and tried to  protect his last Mothers Day  present to  me from the dreaded “Angel of Death”  in the shape of a giant Blue Heron – the Ghost Koi Chris had put in the garden pond that Mother’s Day  15 years ago.
Oh! Chris ! why would you buy another Koi? you know they never survive the winter”
“I needed to get this one and it’s Mother’s Day so you have to accept it “
Last Sunday,  I  went as usual to  check on him  as I did two  or three times a day  only  to  find the moment I  dreaded, floating belly  up  before me . Everything came flooding back….I  was no  longer in 2023 , I was back in the days of death  and dying and I was floating belly  up…..  I  went into  another realm and darkness of of depths for  a few days and it takes  every  part of my  will power to  stop sliding back. The triggers that come suddenly  and with  force do  not respond the  “bandaids” of dealing  or the ways the mind and body  have of protecting oneself learned  through  the years. No!  this is a sucker punch  moment and the resulting pain emotional and physical overwhelms.
Whilst in this mind frame I read and article in the Daily  Mail , since “ghosts were on my  mind
DO  GHOSTS REALLY EXIST? 5 possible scientific explanations for paranormal activity REVEALED- from sleep paralysis to  exploding head syndrome Let us explore the explanations : 
Sleep Paralysis: According to  the article :

“While doctors are unsure how exactly this takes place, it is generally believed to occur when a person hits a stage of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) – during which you’re most likely to have vivid dreams.

Those who suffer from sleep paralysis will often feel awake but may experience sensations of being pushed down or may see hallucinations in their room.

I know that experience  all too well. Over the years I have found that my  brain has tried to  make sense of my  life , and not doing the best job of it.  I can attest when you  “wake” or at least part of you  wakes  your body  doesn’t move , I  likened it to be  as if I  was a beached whale  I couldn’t turn over move to  see what had brought me from the “REM” . It takes willpower to  really  wake…. and more of my  experience  further along in the story. But , yes there is such  a phenomenon  and I am fully  aware of how it works.

Exploding Head Syndrome . Yes that too. and No  it isn’t the idiots that are setting off  flash  grenades and M 100’s leading up to  the 4th  of July . But it is scary  and  there is a similar loud crack or bang coming from the inside of my  head. Deosnt’ happen often but I  have had it  and it too is scary:

Exploding head syndrome may sound like a made-up condition but it’s actually a very real and frightening sensory disorder.

According to Goldsmiths University, it is characterised by ‘the perception of a loud noise or sense of explosion in the head, usually when transitioning into or out of deep sleep’.

This could be anything from a literal explosion to a gunshot or even a scream.

Two years ago, a study found that 44.4 per cent of sufferers experienced significant fear during these episodes, with a small proportion believing it was caused by something supernatural. 

I have discounted Mould and Carbon Monoxide   as they  really  don’t pertain to  what I believe to  be happening. ( see article) . 
And then there is of course PAREIDOLIA..
“the perception of apparently significant patterns or recognizable images, especially faces, in random or accidental arrangements of shapes and lines:
“there could be a mysterious stone coffin on Mars, or, more likely, it’s just the latest example of pareidolia”
now I  can see that as a logical/ scientific theory.
So  I  have always since  my  journey  started given the benefit of the doubt to  science on this one  and explored  this further.  ( result  6 of one 1/2 a dozen of ” the other” 😉 

Dr Louise Goddard-Crawley also believes that ‘illusory correlation’ can contribute to this, being the tendency to perceive a relationship between two unrelated events or experiences.

She told MailOnline: ‘In the context of ghost sightings, someone may associate a particular event or occurrence (such as a strange sound or coincidence) with the presence of a ghost. This perceived correlation can reinforce the belief in seeing a ghost, even though the connection is not based on objective evidence.

‘It’s very common when individuals are grieving or have experienced significant loss, that they may be more susceptible to experiences that they interpret as communication or visitations from deceased loved ones.

July 3, 2023 at 2:27 pm 1 comment

November 3rd- NO LIMITS- Chapter 34- Chris Ritchey






Chapter One :

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten: NO LIMITS- Nov 3rd- Chapter 10- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eleven: NO LIMITS-Dec. 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 11 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Twelve: NO LIMITS-Jan 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 12 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Thirteen : NO LIMITS- FEB 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 13 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fourteen: March 3rd, NO LIMITS, Chapter 14- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fifteen: April 3rd- No Limits- Chapter 15- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Sixteen: May 3rd – No Limits- Chapter 16- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Seventeen: June 3rd-No Limits-Chris Ritchey-Chapter 17 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eighteen: July 3rd – NO LIMITS- Chapter 18-Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Nineteen:

Chapter Twenty:

Chapter Twenty One:

Chapter Twenty Two :

Chapter Twenty Three:

Chapter Twenty Four:

Chapter Twenty  Five:

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight:

Chapter Twenty Nine:

Chapter Thirty:

Chapter Thirty-One:

Chapter Thirty Two:

Chapter Thirty  Three :


artwork Chris Ritchey

Emotions ran riot in those hours after Chris passed, pummeled by disbelief,  anger, physical pain, gut-wrenching sobs breaking the silence, sheer agony, feeling so lost, no source of comfort except a little toy  bear given to me by  my  son. The smell of my son  still on his shirt.

The funeral home: I tried as hard as  I could to  go  across that alley way  from my  back  garden to  the funeral home parking lot. I stood at the gate unable to  move. Thoughts  bombarding me , after the  “arrangement visit at the funeral home” I knew I  didn’t trust myself.  Their way  was not our way , I  knew I would be a red flag to  the “bull ( cow)” of Sue Lombardi, it was better I  stayed with  the baby  for my  own sanity.

Artwork Chris Ritchey

The Lombardis, had agreed to  the cremation at that making of the arrangement meeting  ( less than 20  hours after Chris  drew his last breath), Thanks to my  son in law over riding Sue Lomabardi’s desire to   have his ( or a )  coffin to  decorate.




My poor daughter , who  just the day  before had lost her brother  came home from that meeting broken and also angry

” How can they  be so  cruel, Angela just sat there, Sue ran the show- because that is what it was mum – all show-  Sue  wanting him in the ground just so she could decorate his coffin!”

Thankfully  Jim mentioned how when he drove Chris to  Houston  Chris had told him if anything should ever happen , as he shoveled down his throat  more of the pain killing  drugs, He wanted to  be cremated and thrown into  the Grand Canyon!

It was decided  Chris’ ashes would be divided , Angela, his wife  of course for her goodbye and closure, Nikki , as his sister and a trip  to  the Grand Canyon and a portion for his dad and me for our farewell.

The fact  my little family, who  did attend,   were told as Sue expanded on her  wishes  with  how the funeral arrangement should be handled and Nikki  interjected…. and was dismissed with  a wave of the hand , and the statement ,

” it was not “their” wishes ( meaning Nikki  and Jim and our family)  it would be Lombardi’s  wishes that were important…..( the bride and her mother)

I cannot begin to  tell you  how that news effected me. I knew then I  couldn’t go  24 hours later to  the funeral home .As it turned out  it was just as well I didn’t – The ME that was raw and not in control of her emotions  would not have gone quietly  into  that place: Anger would have reared its head, the only  emotion that was allowing me to stand upright. 

I wrote an open letter a few months later,  when people felt comfortable telling me what had happened at that funeral home visitation,  as mentioned in the last chapter, to Sue Lombardi: excerpt here

An open letter – “Mama Sue” Lombardi

Apparently , you took it upon yourself to assail some of the people who came to pay their condolences at the “visitation” planned by you and yours as to MY reasoning for not being there – Sue you said:

“Can you believe it, his own mother isn’t even here! She boycotted the funeral because it wasn’t done her way!”

“You cannot believe what we have had to put up with”


“Yes, she’s an UNNATURAL mother.”

I am perplexed as to your apparent lack humanity and feelings toward those that grieve especially another mother.

You see YOU and yours stood by my son’s bed in his final moments, leaving no room for his own father …. it wasn’t even given to me to look at the face of my husband as our child died but that of YOUR husband.

And HOW he could have looked into my eyes as my son drew his last breath and see what I KNOW he saw in those eyes as I looked up into “HIS face” and then HE enabled YOU and his daughter to take from us our closure sickens and makes me question even his humanity– certainly compassion was and is absent!

My husband, who tried so hard, three times to stay in that place of mourning at YOUR visitation . The prancing about and smiling by your other daughter in front of his son’s photo and no tears shed drove him away , the fact YOU had complained

“what are we going to decorate”

when you found out there would be no casket, sickened him as he gazed on the receiving line of grief as he thought of your concern for decorating as being paramount.

It was more than he could do to stay but he tried – he felt there was no honor in your attitude toward his son.

Your stoney face and holier than thou stance finally took its toll on him – he was brought back home for good. And it seems he was right, as you had other things more important than honoring his son, criticizing and insulting me was first and foremost apparently


YOU were witness to the most private , personal, poignant and heartbreaking moments between a mother and her dying child.

YOU stood there with your relief ( because it was relief I saw in your face )- a mother’s relief that your daughter wouldn’t have to be dealing with an invalid) waiting and hovering like some black crow over its carrion .

How COULD YOU ? as a mother who watched as another mother saw her child die – the most emotionally terrifying moment any mother can face – the unbearable pain that comes with those final moments as your child slips from this realm. HOW COULD YOU?

After witnessing that moment then HOW COULD YOU? decide 3 days later it is appropriate later to tell anyone who would listen “your thoughts of her as they came to grieve for the child she brought into this world and watched leave –

E. Munch- 1895

All the while I was trying to  process  what was happening in my  world,  I  was flashing back  to  my  nightmares and premonitions of this happening all  those months before. It had come to  pass  – my  premotions were true, the nightmare was true! Only,  I  couldn’t  wake up  from that nightmare ,it was unfolding all around me .  I was seemingly  watching from afar  as events  repeated themselves in reality. And if possible the worse insult was  yet to  come.

To  be continued :


November 3, 2022 at 9:42 am 3 comments

October 3rd- NO LIMITS – Chapter 33 – Chris Ritchey



Chapter One :

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten: NO LIMITS- Nov 3rd- Chapter 10- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eleven: NO LIMITS-Dec. 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 11 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Twelve: NO LIMITS-Jan 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 12 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Thirteen : NO LIMITS- FEB 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 13 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fourteen: March 3rd, NO LIMITS, Chapter 14- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fifteen: April 3rd- No Limits- Chapter 15- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Sixteen: May 3rd – No Limits- Chapter 16- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Seventeen: June 3rd-No Limits-Chris Ritchey-Chapter 17 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eighteen: July 3rd – NO LIMITS- Chapter 18-Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Nineteen:

Chapter Twenty:

Chapter Twenty One:

Chapter Twenty Two :

Chapter Twenty Three:

Chapter Twenty Four:

Chapter Twenty  Five:

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight:

Chapter Twenty Nine:

Chapter Thirty:

Chapter Thirty-One:

Chapter Thirty Two:

“On pain of death” – Gutless Mother …..

The days of the ” taking leave ” all went horribly  wrong……the pain caused by  a family  I  hardly  knew – Lombardis and how they   made Chris’ family’s pain and heart break so  much  worse  was not to  be borne, in fact I  couldn’t bear it.

What I will say to you , all of you , is that I could have stopped the pain inflicted after his death caused by those that supposedly loved and cared for my son.

I could have stopped all that has happened since his death IF I HADN’T BEEN SO GUTLESS!

Chris and I had an honest relationship. Oh! sometimes a heated, and very vocal relationship- he was after all “my” son. Sometimes we needed those “bouts of heat” to get to the real issue, to draw out what was really the problem. However, no matter how heated our points of view became, we always came back to laughter and understanding of each other. He was part of me and his heritage in more ways than one.

Now to my dilemma – In my heart of hearts I knew that Chris should be making some decisions- I had a bad feeling about what the next weeks would bring.

One night I lay awake all night trying to decide what to do , I decided to find a time in the day where I would talk to Chris but I couldn’t.

C. J. Hodge “Turning Away” permission

How do you approach your son who had just turned 29 , who was fighting for survival and living on the thin thread of hope of a clinical trial drug and say

What do you want , what would be your wishes should you die?


How could I? how could I see his face as his “mum” asked such a question? Me, who was trying her damnedest to give him hope after the news he had very little unless the SGN 35 worked and he could tolerate its side effects, and for how long?

Try as I might I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t, for once in his life, be open and forthright with him. I thought there might be time, time after the results that I knew would be good- you see I watched the tumors on his neck shrink. I knew that when that cough stopped after the 21st of September that the SGN 35 was working. I watched my son with the eyes of a mother.

And because I couldn’t bring myself to have the “death discussion” with Chris a person who had the “legal right” ( enabled by her family)  Angela , had exercised that right which has caused my family such a world of hurt .

I didn’t have Chris wishes in writing, NO ONE DID!!!!

I gave her her due and her way (that is not mine ) of saying “goodbye” only a week later to be denied ours.

Decorations by Lombardi (Vyka etc. )and Company

I am sure Chris trusted his bride and his family to use the love they had for him in a way that would help healing.

That didn’t happen because I was a “gutless wonder”

If there is a lesson to be learned here, please don’t trust that your final wishes would be what you wanted.

There are no niceties in death and for some of us there was a great wickedness enabled by a mother’s cowardice.

I retreated in a world closed off by  tears  , no  sounds came through  that veil but the sounds of sobbing…..I somehow knew that it was coming from me. The funeral meeting has been held , I  stayed home with  my  broken husband and Nikki’s baby. It wasn’t until  afterwards anyone told me what had happened .  I wrote on this blog  an OPEN LETTER TO SUE LOMBARDI 

“I read Chris’s Obituary on Saturday in the local paper. Was this my wonderful young man whose life was put into so many cents a line? Was this MY Chris – I could not let that be the last words written about my son so I composed a letter which I hope will be a more fitting epitaph to one whose passing has broken a mother’s, father’s and sister’s heart.
The Unbearable Pain of Being

I read my son’s obituary Saturday – a few lines describing a young man who was so much more than a husband, brother, friend , hunter, sportsman and employee.

Chris’ last 22 months on this earth found him on the cruelest of journeys, one fraught with hope turned to despair on almost a daily basis in the last days. My son bore this cruelty with a strength of character and body that even I, his mother, found remarkable.

But before the Cancer , there was  another life-one of great happiness – He was funny , sometimes “dark” in his humour, he did not suffer fools gladly .

He and his sister shared a remarkable bond – almost twin like- they would take on the world together . When he was young it was his sister who stood up to the bullies and any adversity and when he grew he supported her and fought with her any battles that came their way.

Christopher had a temper, one he shared with his mother, I understood his temper as we both shared the same “trigger mechanism”.

He knew he was loved and he loved in return. He would buy a Christmas or birthday present and then not able to wait until the day for you to see it – he would have to show it to you right then and there.

Yes, he in his short life touched so many hearts , so many people- accomplishments on the soccer field,

starting the LCCC Club Soccer program after graduating High School- coaching training camps for young players. He received numerous scholarships for soccer and his artistic talent . He received two Cleveland Addy awards in his short career with Wyse Advertising . He would have been one of the best had his life not been cut short.

His friends know how special he was – he had some truly wonderful friends and I believe he too was a good friend.

I said goodbye to my son last Thursday – but my heart has not been able to let him go – he was one of the only reasons for being – I ache for him – I look for him- I cry for him – my son who was so very much more than a few paragraphs in an Obit column-

He was- Chris – a multi-faceted personality who gave us incredible joy and love and expected nothing in return .

I will see him on the street signs in our neighborhood, the logos, the television commercials he worked on, Settlers’ Watch – the Welcome to Lorain Booth at the Port. And my heart is sore pained within me because I will no longer hear his voice, see his smile or feel his strength.

My life has been broken in two – my happiness wrenched from me with the death of my child, my son , words cannot convey the crushing depth of my sadness, the void that cries to be filled and the torrents of tears that I shed that bring no relief.

I penned that Obit to  be read at   the “memorial service” How could I  break out  my  closed off world , crippled emotionally.

How because I was ANGRY !

Angry  at the lies, angry  at people who  had no  kindness of thought for the family  who loved Chris and still love him.  It was anger that cause me to  be upright and it is anger that  gave me strength………

To  be continued.

October 3, 2022 at 3:45 pm Leave a comment

May 3rd – NO LIMITS-Chapter 28- Chris Ritchey





Chapter One :

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten: NO LIMITS- Nov 3rd- Chapter 10- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eleven: NO LIMITS-Dec. 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 11 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Twelve: NO LIMITS-Jan 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 12 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Thirteen : NO LIMITS- FEB 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 13 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fourteen: March 3rd, NO LIMITS, Chapter 14- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fifteen: April 3rd- No Limits- Chapter 15- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Sixteen: May 3rd – No Limits- Chapter 16- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Seventeen: June 3rd-No Limits-Chris Ritchey-Chapter 17 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eighteen: July 3rd – NO LIMITS- Chapter 18-Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Nineteen:

Chapter Twenty:

Chapter Twenty One:

Chapter Twenty Two :

Chapter Twenty Three:

Chapter Twenty Four:

Chapter Twenty  Five:

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven


 NOTE: You would think , after all these years, I  would have built up some immunity  to the  rawness emotions of what happened in those last few hours and days  .

You  would be wrong it is  yesterday in my  world.  I find, as I  writing, I am sucking in breaths, gasping for air,   eyes fill with tears and my  heart races.  I can only  brave the act of  reliving in short stages.  I have to  stop, walk away  and come back for a few minutes.

I don’t know how to write these memories of those hours. Will I even be able to put my pain on a page, relieve it in entirety   or become clinical and write just the medical journey  with  the inclusion of the Lombardi’s contribution to  my  end of days as a mother of my  son?

I suppose I will find out along with  the reader.


As he was moved to  the new Medical ICU room with  new staff and strangers, I shivered the room was the corner room looking out toward the hotel where I had been staying. I could see his room from my hotel room, the light softly  glowing in the early  morning morning hours.  I had called my  daughter and son-in law. My  husband went to  meet them in the lobby  to  show Nikki  where to  come whilst Jim took Baby  Gavin to  the room to  wait.

I must have looked very strange as I waited ,away  from the “Clan of Lombardis” by  myself in the waiting room,  as a young man in scrubs came up  to  me put his arm around me and started explaining something about

“blood gases elevated C02 levels ” .. hypercapnia… How Chris gases were compromised  by  the move. “

I had absolutely  not a clue as to  what he was saying , It was though  I  was deaf and trying to  read his lips.

Who was he? What was he doing in my  world ?

At that moment my  daughter burst into the waiting room ran toward me , as she did so  she apparently  overheard the one sided conversation and as   I  said I  must have looked dreadful.

The next thing she “melted “on the floor, collapsing to her knees, just folded up at she reached out to me and I  reached forward to  her. The young man caught us both somehow and said :

“please,  it is alright no-one ever died from Co2 levels, we will get the  levels corrected. I will take care of him!

The rest is a blur, since no-one in  the family  could  stay  in Chris  room that night, and I  was panicked

“How was I  going to  get him through  that 3 in morning time slot , I  so  dreaded.

The flawed Hand of the Healer by Chris Ritchey

We went back to  the hotel room to wait.  There was a chaise lounge ,  I  laid on it looking out across the way  to  Chris room and pulsating light as , I  assume, people would come and go  doing what they  were supposed to  do,  injecting him with  insulin, Heparin  and too many  drugs  I  couldn’t pronounce.

Nikki  took the baby  and laid on the bed, Jim grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept fitfully  on the floor. Actually  I have  not a clue where my  husband slept or even if he did, I  am presume in  one of the arm chairs.

I waited until morning, I had decided

this was enough  no more were the Lombardis and their clan  going to make the decisions, I was done with  them and his bride.

I showered , got dressed and for the first time put on some make-up.  My  husband had already  beaten me to  it and had checked on Chris   and called from the the floor to  tell me

Chris stats had improved.

I went to the unit, didn’t check in with the  reception station to  get permission    , no-one  was going to  stop  me that morning!

I knew Angela would be in there  for the Doctors rounds and that morning  I was going to  be part of the discussion.  Unfortunately , Angela and the Doctors were already  meeting behind the “glass wall”. I saw a familiar face, it was Dr. R.A of the  Thanksgiving Day  ” dying discussion”.  She recognized me too, asked how I  was.

I  said:

a little better  as I  had been told Chris’ levels and stats were improving

Dr. R. A looked annoyed

WHO told you that? It is definitely  NOT  what is happening his organs are shutting down , he has had a series of “episodes” and it isn’t good , as I  told you  last week”

Why  haven’t I  been told? Why  has this been kept from his family?

We tell his wife everything ( Dr. Ritchey) she has been given the complete information, it is up  to  her to  inform the rest of you 

And at that statement what was left of me, the person I always was came to  the fore.  I felt a strength in my  voice I  hadn’t had for weeks

” Well obviously there has been some sort of breakdown in the  information given to  us or apparently  NOT  given to  us by  his  wife and her family.

You, and the hospital and this unit had better check my  son’s paperwork because it is written and signed by  him ( of which  I  have a copy  at home.) that his sister and I  are named  in his Living Will , signed at South  Pointe Hospital and we both are on that form ( notarized) as to  any  medical  decisions and information is to be given to  us directly!

Oh, she said, I will make sure the staff and unit are informed 

With  that she walked away  and I  still shaking with  fear for my  son and with anger  left the unit to  tell MY  family .

Later on , after I  had gathered myself together , I went back down to  the unit , again by  passing the harridan at the reception desk  and

there it was my nightmare of  13 months previously  ……playing out in front of me….  MY PREMONITION  come to  pass!!!!

E. Munch- 1895

No LIMITS – Chapter 4- Chris Ritchey

I awoke in the early morning hours of that first night after chemo, shaking, gasping for breath. I had a dream; it was so real.

I was in a room, in the middle of the room was an open casket in which lay my son and around this casket was Angela, her mother and father and strange people . I was drenched in sweat and tears, the realization it was a nightmare slowly came to the front of my mind.

It wasn’t  a casket it was a hospital bed , but the way  they  had him laid out it might as well have been .

I still to this day don’t know who they all were- strangers to  me !  And that was something that would have caused my son such anguish- after all  he could no longer speak , they  would never have dared to  put him in that situation had he been able to  communicate. 

Angela and her mother sat holding court and allowed  and embraced 8-9 people to  hold a dying time….  ” death clutterers to ogle and text  on their phones  around his dying body” .

It was to  me , it was disgraceful behavior and totally lacking respect and love on Angela’s part. I never wanted to  see their faces ever again!  I was sickened at the sight. I went to  the foot of his bed and slowly  pulled a sheet up over his lower limbs, covering the bags and bodily  fluids draining from him.

Chris would have  hated  what was happening, being on show. He thought  thought the  graveside antics of the “Lombardi , Vyka , Gonzales, Gott or Zaworski at a  young nephews graveside on that previous  Christmas morning  was despicable and told Angela at the time, when she came to  pick him up  for the “event”

  “That is sick, no I  am not going , I won’t be involved in that ! What are you  thinking?”

I  can only  imagine what he would have thought of what I  was seeing  as he lay  unable to throw them out, because he would have.

I hoped the induced coma meant he knew nothing of it. I wanted to grab them by  the neck and throw them out on their ear myself. But I  couldn’t  for the sake of my  son.

My  face once again must have communicated  what my  thoughts were  for Angela rose from her seat and said to  the tribe

” I  think we had better go………

to  be continued



May 3, 2022 at 10:31 am 3 comments

March 3rd- No Limits- Chapter 26- Chris Ritchey



Chapter One :

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten: NO LIMITS- Nov 3rd- Chapter 10- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eleven: NO LIMITS-Dec. 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 11 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Twelve: NO LIMITS-Jan 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 12 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Thirteen : NO LIMITS- FEB 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 13 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fourteen: March 3rd, NO LIMITS, Chapter 14- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fifteen: April 3rd- No Limits- Chapter 15- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Sixteen: May 3rd – No Limits- Chapter 16- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Seventeen: June 3rd-No Limits-Chris Ritchey-Chapter 17 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eighteen: July 3rd – NO LIMITS- Chapter 18-Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Nineteen:

Chapter Twenty:

Chapter Twenty One:

Chapter Twenty Two :

Chapter Twenty Three:

Chapter Twenty Four:

Chapter Twenty  Five:

THE WINTER OF WEEPING that never ends………… 

NOTE: It is said that time heals and spring and new life replaces  the dark dreary days of winter. Those of the sisterhood of grief , especially  those who  have lost a soul and child of their body  and heart, winter never ends. You  are still lost in those days , you see glimpses of life  and happiness, but you  are never again whole. You  see when you  lose your child  you  and the person you  were – leaves with  themwhen they  draw their last breath. 

You  don’t even look the same, you  may be thinner, put on weight  , age more quickly, your eyes smart with too many  tears, lines appear around your eyes and mouth , not the lines of age but of pain. You  are wary , looking out for those moments that assault you  as you  go  about your daily  routine. Oh  you  smile at the correct moments, you  try  to  join in with  life , but no  matter the days, months even years  the only  thing that gets better is you  can hide  the heart break just a bit better. You  have learned who  you  can reach out , who  doesn’t flinch  when you  want to  talk about you  child. Those who  are patient and those who  are understanding because they  too are members of the Sisterhood of Grief. 


I wrote the following  five months after Christopher passed from this world. And  all these years later nothing has changed……  Photo Credit – Virginia Mak

The Sisterhood

It was Thanksgiving. I was alone with  Chris, everyone was with  family . I sat by  his bedside , he couldn’t talk a lot due to  the oxygen mask , I  read, although  I  had no  idea what I  was reading . I would, when he closed his eyes, drink in every   part of my  son, the contours of his face , his hands on the the sheet, his arms strong still listened to  every  breath he took , movement, sound  he made.  That day,  the sun shone in the window, and the beard  he had been growing had become  more pronounced.

He grew the facial hair after he lost all of his hair due to the horrendous chemo sessions  and stem cell transplants. I think  he did so  because it was a sign  his body  was trying to get back to  normalcy.  The last time he and his Nana were together at Nikki’s she stroked his face and the beginnings of his beard and said :

Chris you  are truly  my Viking and that is how I will think of you , brave and golden.

I was filling my  memory of my  son,  every feature , nuance and aspect of  my  son that  morning of Thanksgiving.  The  sunlight caught his face  and the golden red of his beard .  My  Viking.

I didn’t want him to  see me lose it  so  I  excused myself and went to  the waiting room.  Thankfully  there was no  one there  and I wept with  the pain of “WHY”?????????????

When I  finally  pulled myself together and returned to  the room he was sleeping . I sat quietly,  hardly  daring to  breathe, I  had always been told  that sleep is how the body  heals. I was clutching at anything I  could find to  give me hope, willing whatever strength  I  had to  somehow  be miraculously  given to  him by some  magical umbilical chord of life.

He woke , pulled down his oxygen mask and asked for a sip  of water. Those were the last words he spoke to  to  me , not his last words, but the last thing he ever asked of me . I  held the bottle of water with the hospital straw , he took a small sip and immediately  started choking….

All Hell broke loose nurses cand people came rushing into  the room and someone grabbed hold of my  arm and ushered me out into  the still empty  waiting room.  I  didn’t know what was happening, I  knew it wasn’t good…..  The “code blue ” over the pa system. Drs.,  interns , nurses came rushing along the corridor and then two  technicians  with  a ventilator .

I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think  I was frozen , everything was falling away  from me , no-one to hold me up, no  where to  go  , what  should I    do ?,

WHY?????????? for God’s sake why……… NOOOOOOO this can’t happen…… . I was shaking with  cold and tears.

After what seemed an eternity , one of Chris nurses came out to  the waiting room with  a cup  of hot chocolate,  she said

“it is OK he has been put on the vent to  help  him breathe, he has been sedated , the Dr. will be out in a moment  drink  this “

But you  see, I knew from that first day  of diagnosis  all through

  the  best cancer to  have, just 6 rounds of Chemo, 95 percent cure rate ,

because I had always known  that damned cancer  was winning. I had fought down my knowing and fears, I had embraced hope, prayers ,  medicines, trials , anything to  fight the obscenity  of death that was coming for my  son.  I  had seen the fear on his face as they all came rushing in, the silent tears that fell from his eyes, and I heard his last words he ever spoke……....

I tried to call someone, anyone but I couldn’t make my  fingers work or my  brain, I don’t remember breathing , I  stood there  thinking this must be what shock is.

Finally  the Dr. came in , I will call her Dr. RA, hers is the only  name  I remember from that day. The first thing she said was

“Would you  like a priest ?” 

No!  I  don’t want a damned priest , what good is he, to  give me comfort! blessings !NO I want someone to  stop  my  son dying….. not religious platitudes that don’t mean a thing. 

I didn’t say that out loud , all I  could manage was

No, is Chris critical.

She looked at me and said:

Oh! he has been critical since he came in , has no-one mentioned that to you , he is dying. 

Then she left. The nurse came back to check on me and helped me call Angela, my husband and my son in law.

Angela was the first to arrive, with her sister,

Is he dead? 

I shook my  head  and she went into the ICU , Her sister chatted on about how she broke the speed limit to get there. And then the  clan of Lombardi  arrived  with  cold mashed potatoes, congealed gravy, turkey  and pumpkin pie, chatting about  leftovers would be good in the microwave if this was going to  be a long night ……..  and I  thought.. who  are these awful  people  chatting and laughing whilst my  son is dying about leftovers and time.

Time no  longer existed in my  world it had stopped…………

THIS  be HELL …. I must have died……………………………. could have been the only explanation 


To  be continued………………..

March 3, 2022 at 1:06 pm 3 comments

February 3rd- NO LIMITS- Chapter 25-Chris Ritchey



Chapter One :

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten: NO LIMITS- Nov 3rd- Chapter 10- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eleven: NO LIMITS-Dec. 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 11 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Twelve: NO LIMITS-Jan 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 12 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Thirteen : NO LIMITS- FEB 3rd- Chris Ritchey- Chapter 13 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fourteen: March 3rd, NO LIMITS, Chapter 14- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Fifteen: April 3rd- No Limits- Chapter 15- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Sixteen: May 3rd – No Limits- Chapter 16- Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Seventeen: June 3rd-No Limits-Chris Ritchey-Chapter 17 | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Eighteen: July 3rd – NO LIMITS- Chapter 18-Chris Ritchey | That Woman’s Weblog (

Chapter Nineteen:

Chapter Twenty:

Chapter Twenty One:

Chapter Twenty Two :

Chapter Twenty Three:

Chapter Twenty Four:

The Circus from Hell

The next morning ,after the fiasco of   the Lombardi’s clever ideas as to  how to  get a young man who  couldn’t breathe or walk  more than two  feet without aid  and my  outrage as to  what they  were planning, Angela came in from her shift at the hospital.

Angela ritchey DO photo Chris Ritchey

I  found out later she wasn’t scheduled for that shift but asked to  change. I never did find out why . Chris , was not doing well and it was decided to  tell Chris he was going to  have to  go  back into  the Clinic.  He didn’t take it well a plastic water bottle flew across the room and hit the wall. I was pleased , believe it or not, it showed he still had strength  and fight left in him.

Then it began, the rescue squad having to  get him down the apartment stairs , Angela riding in the ambulance, me following the ambulance as I  had no  clue where I  was going.  Nine hours in the ER as there was no  room in the Medical ICU. Phone calls back and forth. Angela telling the attending physician he had been diagnosed with  H1NI. I  was perplexed this was the first I  heard of it .  I kept thinking

that isn’t right why  is she saying that , was I  being kept in the dark again? I believed that damned flu shot was causing issues. If he had HINI why  were they trying to  send him back  to  Houston, none of this was making sense..

well not then anyway.

Clowns – artwork Chris Ritchey

Chris was finally  sent to  the Neurological ICU as there was no  room in the Medical ICU.

And we waited , Sue and Tim arrived and my  husband  and the days turned into  one long nightmare.  Chris was admitted on the Saturday  before Thanksgiving .  I would fall asleep  in the chair . I  promised Chris he would never be alone and at first it worked reasonably  well I would trade off with  Angela during the day  but the nurses let me stay  in the room in a chair at night.

Then since they  couldn’t figure out what was going on it was decided he must have H1N1. This meant  we were fully  masked and gowned when we went into  his room. I watched my  son’s every  movement, every  heart beat , every  drop or rise in oxygen levels.

I sat there hour after hour trying to  find away  to  give him strength , doing the deals with  whomever ran the universe, all the time remembering my  premonitions and fighting them back down into  my  sub conscience.

Finally  exhaustion got the better of me, I  could no  longer see straight or sit in that waiting room . Nikki  arranged to  get me a room at the Intercontinental Hotel attached to  the Clinic so  I  could walk back and forth.   I had some clothes with  me from the Friday  but they  were in the trunk  of my  car and I  hadn’t a clue where it was.  My  mum had packed a small carrier bag with change of underwear and blouse and sweater sending it up  with  my  husband.

I needed a few things  so  I  bought a pair of pajamas in the Clinic Gift shop. The only  ones in my  size were bright   lime green, terribly  unflattering but then again no-one would be seeing me in in them, a toothbrush, deodorant etc. I  made my  way  to  the lobby  of the hotel  through  the hospital  feeling terribly  afraid and alone. There was some funny  looks when my  only  luggage was an Aldi’s carrier bag.  Still the credit card was good.

I went to  the room, had a shower put on my  lime green pj’s and called room service.  Well of course I  had no  robe and hadn’t thought , the waiter brought in the food on a trolley , whatever he thought of the vision in green he saw before him  he didn’t show a change in face as this little fat woman in lime green pj’s ( that were a little tight) and red hair signed the  chit.


I ate my  first decent meal in days and fell into  the bed and passed out.  I slept till the evening and  was going back through  the corridors to  the hospital when I saw two  nurses helping a woman walk .  I realized from the conversation as I  went passed  she was Carla Nash , the lady  who  had been attacked by  a  chimpanzee and was at the clinic  after having a face transplant. I thought they  seem to  be able to  work miracles , will there be one for my  son and a little hope crept back into  my  being. I  saw the trio on more than one occasion  and my  heart went out to  her.

There were other stories during those hours and days as we waited and hoped.

An elderly  man,  some thing of a musician  from what I  gathered from a conversation in the waiting room of hell ,   was dying in the next room. His wife sat by  his bed all day. Later that evening Chris’s nurse asked if it would bother us if his daughter, who  was in one of the symphony  orchestras.  could play  for her father.

As I  sat there masked and gowned and closed off in our glassed in room, the faint sound of a violin  drifted through  the air . It was so surreal , this beautiful piece of music like some heavenly  message easing her fathers passing and reminding me how much  love and pain was happening on the other side of the wall , but beautiful at the same time . The music stopped and so  apparently  had the life of one more human being and their story.




There were of course other stories

The mum who  had been brought in with  a brain aneurism , her family  gathered in the the small ICU waiting room, the tears, the worry , the hope. I don’t know what happened to  her . Others whose lives  crashed into  ours  in that room and then left some in tears and some transferred out of ICU with  smiles. .

After three  days  of no  sleep and actually  pretty  much  on my  own  as far as my  family  I was ready  to  drop .

Once the diagnosis of H1N1 was decided upon  Nikki  and the new baby  couldn’t be put at risk, my  mum  90 , couldn’t take a chance  with  her  and my  husband could only  come for an hour or so. He hated hospitals, Chris knew that  and we knew if he was there holding vigil with me  Chris would KNOW how much  danger he was in , so it had to be…

” Oh  Dad is coming in for a visit”  

There I  was alone in that waiting room from hell. The Lombardis, as Sue stated “will  circle around Angela” , I  definitely  was excluded from that circle. And they  did  numbers of them all chatting and laughing and living. It was so  hard .

Do  you  pray  Loraine? You  aren’t Catholic are you , what plans are you  making ? Do  you  like Tacos? 

However, when Sue was present  it was doubly  hard, she used to  do  and say  the most inane things and it took everything I  had to  keep  my  mouth  shut.

One particular day I got summoned by the nurse in ICU.

Is Chris’s mother in law  attached to  a medical practice? 

No  , why  would you  ask that ?

You  will have to  talk to  your daughter in law , please.  We know SHE is a resident and the nurses don’t want to  make a big deal, but her mother is making a nuisance of herself, going to  talk to  the nurses and looking it at the other patients and giving advice. 

Also,   your daughter in law’s friend has come in and changed the setting  the oxygen machine ( she was also  a resident) and we have had to  reset it, that can’t happen. 

That day I  had to  mention to  one of the sisters that

“Sue was  being Sue and causing concern in the ICU and could someone please tell her not to  continue in that vein”

THAT  did not go  down very  well. They  shot the messenger! Talk went to  a minimum but actually  that was a blessing in disguise.

Even the Clinic security made the “Mother of my Hell “ prove she wasn’t a homeless person camping out in the waiting room with sleeping bags , pillows and food . Why  they  didn’t get themselves a room if they were going to  continue to  “circle Angela” I broached the subject: ,

Sue said Oh no!  far too  expensive!!!!!!”

Well there is plenty  in the account from the fundraiser   isn’t there  at least 35 thousand, you  could use that , after all that is why we had that fundraiser . Oh and by  the way  can I  have the list of donors for Thank Yous. I  have Nikkis list and mine but I know there were so  many  others!

I couldn’t credit her answer  and I  was perplexed :

Sue Lombardi –
“We don’t want people to know the full amount – we aren’t publicizing that. I have opened a safe deposit box for the cash – Angela has access” How do you  know the amounts ?

Obviously  Chris  told me , why  wouldn’t he? He was very  grateful to  everyone that donated. 


I said to Chris after one particularly stressful evening

Oh ! Chris you owe me lunch for this, being in that holding area with  them.


( having to put up with them and trying to keep my mouth shut – not an easy thing for me, . We certainly  had nothing in common except what I  supposed was the love of our children.  and Chris knew how hard it was 🙂 )

and a lobster lunch at that.


He smiled and moved his oxygen mask and said :

” keep them out of here and I will buy you dinner too !”

Most days and nights bled into  one another . I  had no  clue as to  the time of day  of day  of the week. I  would surface for a bit  and memory  comes in fragments of those days of crisis. It is only  as I  write  some flash  of a forgotten memory  of those days in no  particular sequence  come back. ……. and my  gut tightens , a sick feeling comes into  my  soul, an ache for my  child overwhelms me once more .


To  be continued……..

February 3, 2022 at 2:29 am 3 comments

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