Posts filed under ‘garden’

No Limits-BK 2-Chapter 12- Beyond the Vale








Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter  Nine

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Garden Nights????

Whilst all sorts of “happenings” were going on at my  daughter’s home, things were quite here in Chris’ home.  We weren’t getting sounds, or aromas. It just seemed to  be  things showing up  through the camera lens.  We progressed from the kitchen to  the back garden. When I  say  we, I  meant my  husband,  he would spend a lot of his time  just taking photo after photo  , click, click click every  second or so. What the neighbors must have thought I  dare not ask.

As soon as he started his nightly  vigils with  his camera,  things started appear. It was as though he was noticed. Since we couldn’t really  explain , not being photographers etc. it was decided to  see if we could find logical explanations, such  as  ” Lens Flare” . Following the photos taken in the back garden  ( previous Chapter 10)(light and dust)  which  of course was a possibility. We decided to  experiment!

To  that end we decided to  try  and get Lens flare . Another night in the garden  at the same time of day  as the previous photos  pointing the camera  at the willow tree no lights or orbs on that evening  No  light source we could see.

Pointing the camera at the neighbors house  did show a streak, but it was obviously  the flash bouncing back of the little  plum tree branch, if you  look closely  you  can see the buds. We discounted the tree branches .

Next we turned back from the back yard facing south   , to  north  and then  we got lens flare .

but not on the willow tree.

My  husband then ( not being computer savvy.. something that should be remembered  in later chapters) decided to  make a photograph  album of the photos  recording times and dates  etc.  He printed out the best ones  but he took thousands of photos . I have hundreds of a dark willow tree and the back yard all the same  with  nothing on them , night after night. But then … the mists , since we were in the cold months  we then decided to  make sure it wasn’t  our breaths.  I would stand night after night in cold , whilst my  husband took shots of my  breath. Then he decided it might be coming from him so  he brought one of those helmet cameras and walked around in various times an temperatures breathing in and out and letting his breath  out of his nose and mouth.

As I  have mentioned before I think we wanted to   convince ourselves of our own sanity.

As some of you  are aware we have a couple of decent sized garden ponds. We kept them open during the winter months due to  Chris’ mothers Day  present the Ghost in the Pond.

Maybe the mists were due to

“A thin layer of air above the pond is warmed by the pond water. Water evaporates from the pond’s surface into this thin layer. The thin, warm, moist layer of air over the pond then mixes with the cooler air from the land. As it cools, condensation occurs and a fog forms. 

Or even  the warmth of the ground  and ground moisture  causing condensation like  a wintery  dew ? Beautiful though  it is , it not  our “mists”

Could it be condensation from the furnace outlet , no   how about smoke from  some unknown source maybe next door drifting over, although there was never any  smell and you  couldn’t see our  with  your eyes , just through  the camera. But we lit a torch just to  see, no!  you  could see and smell that.The same with  the dryer vents…ours and the neighbors…


Ou  mists , only  visible through  the lens and on the downloaded jpgs  could NOT be seen by us, the same with  the plethora of orbs???


The closest we ever came to  reproducing  the “mists” was candle  smoke  from a lighted candle BUT again you  could see and smell it…

Since those shots of the mists started to  appear, and we have dozens of photos   I will give you  a hint as to  what is to  come… mists do  not hover  they  move and move quickly, very  very  quickly……


February 3, 2024 at 8:40 pm Leave a comment

No Limits-bk 2- Chapt 11 -Beyond the Vale


Chris Ritchey Source


Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter  Nine

Chapter Ten :

Questions no  Answers……..

I wish I  could tell you  after all these months and years  the answers to the questions we all have after we lose the person most precious to us.  All I  can tell you  is what happened , what happens and that through  this whole “experience ” we have tried  with  all due diligence to  find other explanations…..

Apart from the kitchen orb and a few others, that we were informed are camera or reflection issues , lens flare nothing much  was happening in this house.

My  husband, after his orb experince  and Toby  Keith  happenings in the kitchen ( see previous chapter)  continued to  take dozens and dozens of photos.  He then decided as it got warmer to  take photos outside, hundreds and hundreds of them.

The three pictured  at night a couple of months   later on in that first year surprised us….

Maybe there is some sort of technical explanation as to  the light streaks  in the shots. but they  didn’t appear  in  the photos before or after taken from the same spot. He just would click away with  a little cannon camera, nothing fancy  night after night, nothing but then things were happening at night in that back garden , Of course we were puzzled  and  if my  son was an orb or even a streak of light  , he definitely  wasn’t alone!!!

The one night  he pointed his camera toward the Willow tree and took shot after shot  you  can see where the flash light up the hedge leaves  where he was standing  and yes if you  look carefully  there is an “orb” or dust??? top  left hand corner  click on to  enlarge … None of these photos have been enhanced or photoshopped in anyway 

The orbs would appear and then disappear , but I bow to the explanations given by many  such  as

Differences between dust and orbs

However, as you  will see when they  are combined with  other happenings, the dust particles pollution argument  in this house and Nikkis  falls short!

And the streaks of light ??? Well there are all sorts of explanations , lens flare   etc.  but our streaks of light didn’t – to  our desperately  wanting a sign from Chris minds and eyes – didn’t seem to  cover what we were experiencing.

Anyone, even the most  skeptical of souls , when you  lose someone you  love with  your whole being, as much  as you  deny  the existence  and poo- hoo; I know they  will still look for signs  their loved ones are still somewhere.   And you  can’t believe in Heaven and not  picture your loved one there , wherever that is.

All those that go  to  their various  churches and don’t believe in ghosts or spirits. Well I  guess I  would say  then

what is it that goes to  your Heaven???   And then there is “resurrection” what exactly is the part of your loved ones that are resurrected?

All I  know is that  we as a family  looked for explanations, and received none. Oh  in the very  beginning we tried  the

“give us a sign that it is you’?

Nothing in those early  weeks and months, just toys going off at Nikkis , and orbs and flashes of light  in the very  beginning at our house apart from the Christmas finding  and a gift from my  son!!! I still was scared to  believe .


She probably  thought I  had lost the plot .

Well you  wont’ find him cleaning  a junk  drawer

she said, more than a little annoyed I  think  and worried about her child me!

I finally  threw all that needed to  be  disposed of into  the fire, tidied the desk and watched as the flames died down. My  mum called again

“Are you feeling any better , should I  come over and make you  something, Loraine, Chris would not want you  making yourself ill” 

As she carried on speaking I noticed caught under the side of the couch and up turned envelope, one of the many  that had been relegated to  the fire, that I had missed. I picked up  the envelope to  throw it into  the dying flames when I realized there was something in it I  turned it over and on the front it had Chris CIA in his writing.  My  mum was still talking but I wasn’t really  listening. I didn’t recall seeing this before , but I gingerly  opened  the envelope, inside were slides  a just three. I told mum I  would call her back, ran to  the den and found the little portable slide holder.

And there they  were. I  HAD  seen the photos before BUT not as slides or in an envelope. As Chris walked across the stage at Clevland Institute of Art the day  of his graduation and when he was most happy, receiving his BFA.

The students had to  express themselves visually  that day   as to  who  they  were , what was important to  them and this was done on a huge screen behind them in sequence. These were the slides that had been used…I never knew they  existed before that day or after.

What was most important to  my  son :

Who I am- Freedom Speaks – art work Christopher Ritchey

by Chris Ritchey Freedom of Speech

“Speech Can Separate You From Everyone” poster- Chris Ritchey

I cried,  again, but this was a different sort of tears –  they  relieved. Whether by  accident or design I didn’t know but I  had received a gift from my  son once again on a Christmas Day .... “

and then more and more as we paid attention  things ” started “clicking” .

What I  will say  at this juncture , whatever happens doesn’t happen because we reach  out and ask it to  happen. Whatever the energy  is or comes  it is in its own time.

I truly  believe that because this little family  was in a self imposed  “lockdown” we paid attention to  things around us more than is perhaps usual for most.  and so  it began the journey  of sight, hearing and yes aromas….. all to  come…….

A night in the garden  just  three of 0ver 188 shots taken in succession 2010 

The first shot was an orb in the willow tree.  The 2nd a click later  and the third another click later


January 3, 2024 at 8:23 pm 1 comment

How does your garden grow? Part Three


Part One –

Part Two –

I  haven’t had much  time for “writing” ,what little time I  have had has been trying to  get the ponds and the garden winterized.  The large pond that had to  be Heron proofed needed to  have all the floating vegetation taken out . This meant all those water hyacinths and water lettuce  had to  be removed. They  had protected the fish  from the evil eyes of the Heron, denying them breakfast, lunch  and dinner.


The pots and shrubs , such  as the raspberry  bushes  that had seeded themselves around the edges had to  be taken out before their roots compromised the liner.

They have done their job of denying the Heron a place to  land  The Yellow Water Iris cut back. This was all done because  the frost would blacken and kill the plants in the pond and cause toxicity  as they  decayed.

The water is crystal clear thanks to  three pumps and an aeriator , clear enough to  be seen by  those high  flying angels of death  to  my  fish . I  am crossing my  fingers they  are “fishing elsewhere”.

I was surprised after losing half of my  fish  to  the Heron some must have still managed to  procrerate. In the clear water I  saw at least 4 tiny  black  fry and three larger fish  that had turned to  gold/orange. So life goes on in the pond.

My Mothers Day   Ghost Koi  present from Chris 10  years ago  continues to  remain the King of the Pond.


The one thing I was pleased with  was the fact that I  was able to  pick some of the wildflowers (  that are still blooming) this autumn bringing memories of those two  little boys sewing the seeds with  abandon.


My  mother’s balcony, this time last year, got the minimum of clearing away. I  threw away  most of the smaller pots but never got around to clearing out the dead petunias and pansies.

With  all that happened in Jan/Feb/March  and April with  health issues and hospitals I didn’t do  anything on the balcony  apart from placing  a pot of pansies  in remembrance of my  mum. I certainly  didn’t have the energy to  plant up  the remaining window boxes and plant stands.

I was amazed  when I  went to  put out the seat cushions the Petunias, yellow Daisy types flowers  and Pansies had come back from the previous year.

Well, I  was flummoxed , February’s winds and temperatures had seen us losing  the ornamental plum and lilac bush  that were well established. How could such  delicate petunias and annuals have managed to not only  survive but to  flower beautifully  in abundance ? Once again the answer came not from the supernatural but from Monty  Don.

Apparently  my  2nd floor  balcony  faces south and the house has protected the pots and plants from the winter winds , coupled with  the fact the frost stays lower down and the fact I didn’t have the energy  to  dump  out all the pots before the winter as had been done in previous years.  I  have left the boxes and the grasses that also  survived . Weeds they  might be but I  did notice the birds had  a lovely  time eating the seeds all winter. In fact I  left one window box to  the birds

The hedges  clipped beautifully  by  my  neighbor has become a sort of Hotel for nesting pairs of Morning Doves, Cardinals, and dozens of sparrows.


On the other side of the garden where the hedge remained unclipped and left to  blossom  attracted bees  both  solitary and honey.    In fact with  the birds coming in to  drink and bathe  in the water fountain that area was very  “busy” all spring and summer

All in all with  just having the grass cut  and the goodness of heart by  my neighbor in cutting back  the hedge , grandchildren planting wildflowers and sunflowers, the garden ,considering our lack  of daily  maintenance  Mother Nature gave pleasure to  not only  the birds, bees and wildlife  but to  me as well. Fragrance of Lavender, Honeysuckle and Roses help to  soothe  the troubled mind and give some peace and energy  during some very rough  times this year

To be continued in the Spring! ( I  hope)

October 20, 2019 at 4:11 pm 2 comments

How Does Your Garden Grow – Part Two


How does your garden grow? Part One

Well it has been a strange summer, incessant rain ( as I  remember it ) in June  and then sun , sun, sun and  now September  and I am sitting here on the 22nd of September in the air-conditioning  watching the trees and flowers wilt in the intense heat and sun shine.

I love September, usually because the warm days , cool nights and  some rain  give the flowers their last burst of colour. Not so   in the garden this year. The pots planted around the pond to  keep  out the dreaded  Blue Heron (  my  angel of death) look stringy  and awful. They  did their job but hid the water and fish  not only from the Heron but from me.

Before the Heron


After the Heron

The roses reacted to  the damp and wet and cold in June by getting black spot and another fungus which  meant cutting them back  and giving them medication. My  mini – orchard suffered, mostly  the cherry  trees  they  look decidedly  problematic.

There isn’t a lot I  can do  , not being young and agile enough to climb ladders and spray  and prune.  Needs must and my  energy  is used up inside the house at the moment. So  fingers crossed the trees are  strong enough to  survive. The towering Sycamore looked awful earlier on in the spring  with  its blight but after a few weeks regained her leaves and looks healthy enough, so  fingers crossed.

Although  the blossoms on the fruit trees were plentiful and gave much  pleasure to eye I  am afraid, the birds got the cherries ( I managed one  and it was delicious) I  also  managed one plum, a couple of apples and  two  pears . The peaches, although so  heavy   they  bent the branches , by  the time they were full and ripe disappeared overnight, squirrels played havoc and then the Puckwudgies. ( Groundhogs to  uninitiated  to  this blogger) crept under the fence from the blue house and had their fill, same with  the apples .  It was almost like the squirrels were working for the groundhogs!

I live in hope that next year I  can get at least some cherries and plums. The raspberries also  went the way  of the birds but they  also  kept the Heron from landing so it was a tradeoff.

Not all was frustrating , following Monty  Don’s advice I  decided to  have the grandchildren scatter wildflower seeds and sunflower seeds in the unused garden. Apparently  weeds love good soil  but wildflowers  can thrive in poor soil and can out produce the weeds. Well why  not give it a try, I certainly  could not weed this year  and even getting the grass cut on the now double lot has been a chore. Happily,  the boys , took to  their task with gusto only the seeds were sprinkled with  great abandon, not paying any  heed  to  boundaries . Hence wildflowers popped up  everywhere even in the gravel .


And Yes the wildflowers did keep  the weeds at bay, this is part of the garden planted with  the wildflowers


and the missed part … the weeds


I  guess Monty  was right and so  since the wildflowers did their job of  keeping down the weeds and bringing in the bees and pollinators  they  will have an even bigger spot in the garden…………. to  be continued


September 22, 2019 at 11:20 pm 1 comment

How does your garden grow? Part One

I love flowers , eating the vegetables and looking our the window at my  garden and the ponds  BUT I  hate gardening. In the long before the turmoil that has struck this home especially  in the last few months I would , in the springtime, have a blitz for one day  in the garden. Usually  it was to  get my  husband to  move  the stuff that had accumulated over the fall and winter and tidy  up. I really  don’t like weeding , digging in the dirt and getting all hot and sweaty but I  love the results when my  garden looks full of flowers  and the pond and the waterfall wakes up  in the spring.


The pond I have written about and the Ghost Koi

The Ghost in the Pond- continued-2015

Purchasing the vacant  lot next door in 2015  was a huge drain and investment of time and energy.

Illness interrupted the rehabilitation of the now vacant lot, my  ideas and wants had to  be put on hold  but eventually  thanks to  the help  of two  little boys who  moved so  much  dirt  the ground was level. I was amazed at how much  these two  little tots worked and how much  help  they  were. I  am still amazed!!!


The once vacant lot was divided into  two sections and the back  section I decided on a mini orchard with  still ponds , plantings consistent with non filtered and pumps water gardening. In other words letting the plantings in the ponds filter the water with  no  fish.

Considering we are two  blocks from Lorain’s downtown this was a bit of a novel idea for Lorain, Ohio. After a season of raw builders dirt used for fill where the previous little house had been ,

dodging the concrete and rubble that had been dumped in what was a ravine and small rivulet that runs under the property  next door we managed hit and miss plantings of the trees for the orchard.


My  husband would use the back part of the original lot as his vegetable garden, we flourished with  tomatoes, peppers, potatoes ( planted by  the grandchildren ) corn and asparagus.


And so success for a couple of years, the planted orchard of two  cherry  trees, one peach  tree , one pear tree, two  apple trees and a plum tree blossomed beautifully. It took a couple of years but this year they  all bore fruit and that is another story to  come in this urban orchard.

The front part of the vacant lot was planted more formally I envisioned climbing roses on the fence and archways, the side rockery  full of roses, butterfly bushes and lavender for the fragrance as we opened the windows.

We have a lovely  balcony and it was my  mother’s pride and delight to  empty  the containers , refill with  new soil  and planted fresh  every  year with  all the plants she received on Mother’s Day. Of course watering was an issue as the balcony  is in full sun and south  facing. Mum, being mum was forever weeding out the errant weeds that somehow made it to  the containers and would water  twice a day.


Last year as she fell into  decline at 99 she did not have the strength  to  plant and water so  that job fell to  me. My  mum loved those flowers and her bedroom was off the balcony  so she would sit and enjoy  the garden from above and sit amongst her flowers.

It has been a terrible few months one way  and another , my  mother passed in October and January  found my  husband extremely  ill ( as has been documented in the series  )

Medical Care- A Consumer’s perspective- Brookdale Pt 2

Time and weeks slipped from dead of winter to  spring whilst the garden lay  dormant , my  thoughts were not of how to  manage the garden or ponds.

Trips sometimes twice a day  for hours dealing with  medical issues left me tired, frustrated and lacking energy . I admit it took what was left of any  energy  to  keep  the house running and laundry  up  to  date. I had no  time or desire to  deal with  anything else.


In order to  wind down before bedtime I would watch  my  British  murder mysteries and also  programs from Britain on gardening, basically  because they  took me back  to  the land of my  birth, to  familiar places and happier times . One such  program and presenter / gardener extraordinaire is a chap  called Monty  Don,

he has numerous garden shows but the one I  would watch every  week on Britbox

is Gardener’s World

and there by  hangs the rest of the tale on how my  garden grows this year and the way Britain is  rewilding and cultivating the pollinators one flower pot and meadow at a time !!!!!


‘Wildflowers are often capricious so if you have the space, create varieties of habitats within your garden – shade, dampness and wild. You can also, within reason, harvest the seed of our more common wildflowers from the wild.’

More so now than ever, gardeners are being urged to transform parts of their garden into wildflower meadows to help save the bees. The UK has seen a vast decline in the number of bees, and with 75 per cent of all food crops requiring pollination, the rapidly declining bee population has been cause for serious concern.”

and help  the sunflower kisses


To  be continued

August 18, 2019 at 4:33 pm 7 comments

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