Archive for April, 2024

NO LIMITS- Bk 2- Chapt. 14 Beyond the Vale



Chris Ritchey Source










Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three :

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six :

Chapter Seven:

Chapter  Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten :

Chapter Eleven :

Chapter Twelve:

Chapter  Thirteen:


And so our little group of Nikki, her dad and I got caught up in exploring, confronting, documenting. My mum,  at first thought we  shouldn’t  and just let it go. Her father , my  grandfather, was very  into  the world of the unknown , read all sorts on the subject and had told my  mum  , ” when he died  he would make sure he would come to  her.

Since he never did apparently  she felt we were wasting our healing time……but within a few days she changed her mind .

Mum loved Chris with  all her heart, he was the boy  she had always longed for  and when he died she  was as broken as well.

The day  Chris’ ashes were taken without our knowledge to  his place of internment  , my  mum wrote the following

Goodbye my “luvleyful” grandson- Chris Ritchey

December 19, 2009 at 9:33 pm 21 commentsEdit

Someone said that you were interred today – I wasn’t told when – your family wasn’t told– I couldn’t say goodbye to what was left of you on this earth as you went back to the earth-surrounded by whom? Another culture – “apart” – from those that have loved you for so long and since the day were born. A goodbye denied to me ! I could not shed a tear at your side or throw you one last kiss – we have been denied but my thoughts of goodbye are for you my “luvleyful boy” are not to be denied

My grandson has died, he slipped out of his flesh and bones into a new frame.

His spirit has passed from here to where? Leaving us full of despair and loneliness.

I look up to the sky , he is there in the twinkling of the stars, he is in every floating cloud in every ray of sunlight.

He is there in the whispering stir of the leaves, the grass under our feet, in the birds dawn chorus and every flower that buds in the spring.

He is there in Misty’s joyful bark and in every breath of air we breathe.

We mourn and long for you Chris – you left us too soon but we thank you for every memory you gave us – locked safely in our shattered hearts – so that none can take them away 

I love you Chris and I am so glad and proud you were my grandson, if just for just awhile.

Love Nana

Since  we didn’t go anywhere but to  my daughters, we started delving into  the “spirit world” .  I suppose  it gave us some sort of comfort in our grief.

There are a lot of sites, what is an orb, what it isn’t ,

There a literally  hundreds of pages and sites and most  have opposing opinions  to  other sites. It seems to  be purely  a matter of interpretation and  how you  experience any  phenomena . So  not much  luck there, nothing definitive to  fully  explain what  we were experiencing .

So  we purchased the gear, the tape recorders,  the meters , the flashing lights , all electronics that tell you  if a presence is near or if you  are actually  standing in a draft. You  can buy  them on Amazon.

We armed ourselves with  the tools of the trade, so  to  speak. Tried to  take base readings oh we were very  professional , although  we didn’t really  have a clue as to  what we were supposed to  see or hear or photograph. My  husband used his camera which  had a some sort of infrared  thingy which  caught  anomalies in the photos. Whether they  were dust in the wind , moisture drops  we really  tried to  differentiate between them.   Chris dad took photos after photos….. but what were we really  looking at ..


Snow in this one of course but then the “orb” or light anomaly


and then the mist creeping into  the corner  , we could see the snow not the “orb’ or the mists.


The only  time I could see anything was on the photos. Nikki was still getting talking toys and moving objects. Everything was centered around her home., apart from my  husband’s camera catching. I was in and out of belief.

When Chris was ill but still with  hope he had planned with others to  go  on a four wheeler trip. When he died , the fellas decided to  go  on that trip  and Chris’s dad would ride Chris’s four wheeler , that he loved.

That meant of course me being left alone in the house but honestly  I  sort of welcomed the chance to  be alone with  my  thoughts and emotions and being able to  succumb to  the emotional incontinence I  was feeling.

I had moved into  the guest room after Chris passed,  so  I could wander  and not keep my  husband awake  with   torturous tears .  That first night I  went up with  a hot drink, and thought I  will try  and read a book. The lamp by the door was an old fashioned standard lamp  ( similar to  the one pictured  except it had a pink fringed shade) The lamp  was   bought at a flea market years before and had a on/ off switch  that you  physically  had to  turn for the light to come on.  .


I turned on the lamp  as I  entered, walked over to  the side of the bed , put my  drink and book on the bedside table  and went to  turn on the bedside lamp, nothing the bulb must have gone.

I was standing there debating as to  whether it was worth  going back down stairs  for a replacement. “Did I  really  want to  read??”  when in a split second the room went completely  dark. I actually  screamed  and thought oh don’t be daft, and the light  clicked on   making the sound that it did when the switch  was turned … then as I turned to  look it clicked again and went off  again and then back on.

By  this time I had decided  to get under the covers and put it down to  my  silliness. I  turned off the light  and went to  the bed. As I   fixed the pillows the light clicked on again…. I was beginning to  think maybe Chris WAS there . Once again the light clicked off and I snuggled with  my  thoughts under the comforter, my  eyes closed. It was then I felt a weight pull at the comforter, like someone was sitting on the bed , before I could open my  eyes I felt a hand in mine , the most amazing feeling of serenity  and peacefulness  enveloped me and I must have fallen asleep  because it was 7 hours later that I  awoke . I had never slept  the whole night through  no  matter how exhausted I  was  … from that experience I knew something was there and whomever it was – was trying to  bring me comfort …..

to  be continued

April 3, 2024 at 9:57 pm 1 comment

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