HOW CAN I HELP ? Betty Sutton

July 11, 2008 at 12:54 pm 11 comments

by Loraine Ritchey

I like it when I get newsletters from Congressmen and women, Senators and Representatives, makes my inbox look more important than it really is. I have noticed that Congresswoman Sutton has been very good with not only sending news letters but her office has been extremely helpful when contacted. and extremely quick to respond
Photos Henery Hawk
Congresswoman Sutton at the Eric Barnes Tribute Unveiling
Photo Rich Robbin
At the Opening Ceremony of the Black River Bicentennial
I like that ! So kudos to Congresswoman Sutton.

Dear Loraine,

It is an honor to represent the 13th Congressional District of Ohio in the U.S. House of Representatives, and I am here to help you in any way possible.

One of my most important responsibilities as your representative is to provide you with assistance when dealing with federal agencies. My knowledgeable staff and I may be able to assist you when you are having problems with your Social Security, Medicare, veterans’ benefits, passports and other federal agencies. We can also direct you to federal resources that may be able to assist you in finding federal grants and student aid to go to college.

Through my office, you may purchase a flag flown over the Capitol Building, secure various tours in our nation’s capital, and apply for nominations to our service academies. We are here to serve you, and I urge you to browse my website for more information by clicking the “Help With Federal Gov” link above.

Areas of Interest

Please choose the areas in which you are interested




Civil Liberties

Civil Rights







Homeland Security


International Affairs




Social Security





Women’s Issues

So feel free to contact Congresswoman Sutton’s office and subscribe to the E-newsletter .

A public service announcement brought to you by “that woman”

Entry filed under: Kudos, Link -ups, personal opinion.

Beauty and the Beast – a Feast and Tea Party A TASTE OF HISTORY-BRHS NEEDS ‘YOU’

11 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Paula Tobias  |  July 11, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    I too was impressed, until I went through the list of “Areas of Interest”. My primary area of interest is “What help is the Federal Government going to give to us at the Local Level?” When I see the amount of money being spent abroad and look at our : Education, Infrastructure and Health issues I shake my head. There are many issues at the City level we need the assistance of from our State and Federal Representatives.

  • 2. Loraine Ritchey  |  July 11, 2008 at 3:18 pm

    Paula maybe we should contact the Congresswoman and suggest that “area of interest” to be added 🙂

  • 3. Paula Tobias  |  July 11, 2008 at 3:39 pm

    I just did! Thanks, I’ll let you know what happens.

  • 4. Loraine Ritchey  |  July 11, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    Just a reminder , to those who aren’t seeing their comments .. I will not approve insulting comments unless you wish to insult the person under your own name and with a checkable email adress. sorry those are the rules. on this blog you want to do that sort of thing GO ELSEWHERE where they do allow it…….. you can insult and bicker all you want BUT do it as a “real person” please as the people you are insulting and chastizing are “real people” Thanks

  • 5. dennis lamont  |  July 12, 2008 at 10:29 am

    I have requested help from both Sue Morano and Betty Sutton to help get us out of the current transit debacle. We need to get serious about providing public transportation as transportation costs become a larger part of our budgets. To cut service in the middle of rising ridership means that something is wrong with the way you do business.

    Be honest, one of the hardest things in the world is to try public transportation instead of your car … it takes a totally different method of planning your travels and it quickly reveals system shortcomings. Things that encourage ridership include; your LCT bus ticket gets you into the International Festival FREE is a start and eases pressure on downtown traffic, Special runs of the same nature to any major event in Lorain County could be tried. Transit systems across the country are going to have to deal with a larger portion of the population as transportation costs increase and we might as well start now. Another option is to join with GCRTA to form a Regional Transit Authority, and this will take some real campaigning to get Lorain County on board.
    Public transportation is the only real “right now” answer to our transportation crisis.

  • 6. thatwoman  |  July 12, 2008 at 10:33 am

    Dennis I have bee thinking about you al week as I have been booking rail across Europe and it is fascinating to find what is available …… I will be writing about it next week and when I get back after the journey is over maybe give a “review” .I agree we are sorely “behind the times” Loraine

  • 7. dennis lamont  |  July 13, 2008 at 10:36 am

    That will be great, a first hand review. From the reports I get from overseas they are also having trouble keeping up with increasing ridership on commuter systems. The part nobody talks about is what a big dent it would make in oil imports if we had a decent way to get to work without driving. Finally a proposal in the paper to drop speed limits from 75 to 65 (wow) and save 27% in fuel costs.

    Looking forward to hearing how your travels work out!

  • 8. Loraine Ritchey  |  July 13, 2008 at 11:18 am

    Well Dennis since I am using not only mass transportation such as the underground (subway) and busses and also driving as well as boats and ferries , planes and the worlds fastest train as well as regular trains in that month I should have a pretty good comparison of all modes of transporation including “shanks pony”

  • 9. Paula Tobias  |  July 14, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    Interesting article in the PD

    Region’s governments cost $3,750 per person and rising


    • Would reform really save money?
    • Court expenses rise 90 percent in one decade
    • Schools account for 40 percent of government spending
    • About the study

  • 10. Kaye Coller  |  July 14, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    Loraine, where all are you going in Engliand? Sure wish I were going with you.

  • 11. Loraine Ritchey  |  July 14, 2008 at 10:36 pm

    Hi Kaye we are going to London, Hampshire, Devon, back to London France, Germany and Scotland and possibly Ireland ( time and money permitting) I will have a little something up about it this week……..

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